fake prince

Chapter 715 Information of Brahma Sect

Chapter 715 Information of Brahma Sect

Just passing by the bullock cart, King Lu sat with his eyes closed and rested his mind. Suddenly, when the bullock cart stopped, his body couldn't help but lean over. If it were another prince, he would be furious immediately. He is calm and has a good temper. , asked: "But it's here?"

The coachman said, "My lord, I haven't reached the gate yet."

"What's the matter, Zhang Bing, come and talk back." Opening the curtain of the car, King Lu called a guard.

The guard approached the window of the car and said to King Lu: "Your Majesty, someone just came out of Luo Mansion and left in an ox cart. Looking at the sign of the ox cart, it seems that it is the car of Duke Dai. It almost collided with us."

Dai Guogong?

King Lu was speechless after hearing this, with a complex expression on his face, he waved his hand dejectedly: "Forget it, turn around and go back."

Prince? Zhang Bing looked puzzled: "Didn't you want to see Luo Pei's family?" "

"It's too late." King Lu took a deep breath and said, "Go back."

With that said, he lowered the curtain.

Although the guards and the coachman couldn't understand why King Lu changed his mind, he had already arrived at the gate of Luo Mansion, and he would see the people of Luo Mansion in a while, so he turned back suddenly, what does it mean?

But the master said so, so he could only obey.

When the bullock cart turned around, King Lu stared out the window in a daze, frowning: "My nephew, is he lucky, or is he too sensitive?"

The "lucky" Su Ziji, who was so lamented by King Lu, was having a small meeting in the Duke's mansion.

When Jian Qu came back in an ox cart, he knew that the lord was in the study, so he went straight to the study. There were government soldiers patrolling the door, and when they saw him, they did not stop him.

"My lord, may I come in?" Jian Qu walked to the door of the study and asked.

Not only the voice of the lord, but also the voice of colleagues, heard the inquiry, and a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Jian Qu pushed open the door and went in, only to find that the lord Su Ziji was resting on his head with one hand, frowning and looking at the information on the desk.

Cen Rubai was acting as a "commentator", explaining the information. The wild Taoist was not here. Jian Qu bowed to Su Ziji and sat down. After listening to a few ears, he understood what was going on. This was Cen Rubai talking about investigating the capital. Brahman's information.

This kind of thing is usually taken care of by wild Taoists, or it is a little different to investigate the Brahma Sect. Cen Rubai used to work under Lin Yuqing's sect, and Lin Yuqing had contacts with the monks of Qingyuan Temple back then. This matter was handed over to Cen Rubo. It's easier.

When I came in, I heard Cen Rubai say: "...there is not much information. Qingyuan Temple has not opened the gate recently, and does not accept pilgrims. Mostly reduce communication, from this point of view, abnormality is a demon, or Qingyuan Temple is low-key and dormant, which also indicates that something will happen."

"I feel that we need to think about the matter of Qingyuan Temple in the long term. After a little longer, we will definitely find clues..."

Su Ziji nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you to continue investigating the Brahma Sect."

As he spoke, he glanced at Jian Qu.

Jian Qu hurriedly told about his trip to Luo's Mansion just now, and also mentioned that he saw the bullock cart of Lu Wang's Mansion when he went out.

"King Lu..." Su Ziji listened and just nodded, "I see."

Even if Jian Qu mentioned that Luo Pei's wife, Mo Shi, asked the eldest son to join Dai Guogong's mansion, Su Ziji couldn't raise his eyelids to show surprise, but he was a little absent-minded.

"My lord, what's the matter? Do you think there is nothing to be happy about this matter, or do you already know that it will end like this, so you are not surprised?" Jian Qu was a little surprised and thought to himself.

In a blink of an eye, Su Ziji talked about the matter of Habayashi Guard: "Most of the thousands of households in Habayashi Guard are still unwilling to be honest and obedient, and they keep making small moves in secret. All you have to do is to stare and see them Who do you contact, if they have done something, get hold of it, and report it to me quickly, as for those neutrals who have not taken refuge in others, you can search for their preferences and weaknesses..."

"Yes! I will definitely work hard to handle this matter well!" The two responded almost at the same time, boosting their spirits. From their point of view, this is the most important thing.

"Go and do things seriously, the future of the Duke of Dai depends on you."

Su Ziji looked serious, and he called out the names of a few people, all of whom were the ones who paid close attention to after he took office. These people were the ones who should be watched, so that they could be taken down or "taken down".

After receiving the task, the two went out excitedly.

Su Ziji sat with his chin resting, recalling what Cen Rubai reported, he smiled.

"The whole government mobilized, carefully investigated, and recruited hundreds of households one by one. They looked like they were working hard to win Habayashi Wei. No matter who stared at them, they would not be able to see any flaws."

Of course there are no loopholes, because Cen Rubai and Jian Qu, even Ye Buhui and the queen, are doing their best.

"No one would have guessed that my focus is not here, or even that I deliberately formed the situation."

"It's still the same thing, if I am straightforward and quick to control the Habayashi Guard, I am afraid that both the emperor and the kings will bayonet me, instead of the current situation, there is still room for it."

"The mighty power belongs to me. When Lingxi strikes, I must take the lead."

"I asked Cen Rubai and Lu Fengyun to divide into two groups, one for clear investigation and one for secret investigation. The clear investigation is just for outsiders to see, and Lu Fengyun's secret investigation is what I really want. If the so-called Layman Zhou is really mine Enemy, this person... No, I will decide the fate of this monster!"

"It's just that I don't know much about how powerful Qingyuan Temple is. I hope Lu Fengyun can give me an explanation when he comes back."

Su Ziji stared out the window, took a deep breath, spread out a piece of rice paper, waited for a while to calm down, poured some water on the inkstone, and slowly ground it with the ink ingot.

The ink is getting thicker and the spirit is full. Pick up the soft brush to lick the ink, pick up the brush and draw, and the painting is completed in an instant.

This picture looks like a landscape, but when a monk looks at it, he is afraid that everyone with a little cultivation will feel differently when he sees it.

Liu Zhan is here, seeing this picture with his own eyes, I am afraid that he will be even more surprised, because this picture is faintly similar to the real picture of the mind of the disciples of the Yin Guan sect, but they are different in detail.

After staring at it for a while, a cluster of flames appeared, burning the picture, watching it turn into ashes, Su Ziji opened the window, and let the fresh air sweep away the smoke in the house.

"It's still missing a little bit." Su Ziji thought to himself before sitting down again, when a familiar sound of footsteps came.

"My lord?" someone asked softly at the door.

Hearing the voice of a wild Taoist, Su Ziji said calmly: "Mr. Lu, please come in."

"My lord, I have found some of the things you asked me to investigate." Ye Daoist came in, saw that there was no one else in the study, he took out a roll of paper from his sleeve and handed it out: "This is the situation of Fanmen in the capital."

"How much do you know about Brahma Sect?" Su Ziji only opened it for a look, then put it aside and looked at the wild Taoist.

On the face of Ye Daoist, who had been nourished for the past two years and became younger, there was a trace of contemplation: "The Brahma Gate was introduced during the Great Wei Dynasty, but it cannot be expanded..."

He shook his head again, denying his words.

"No, it doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be expanded. The reason is still mysterious, and the method of debate is also proficient. It can convince many common people and scholars, but the higher the level, the fewer believers."

(End of this chapter)

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