fake prince

Chapter 717 Where's the Olive

Chapter 717 Where's the Olive

The big fox was sleepy at first, but he was stunned by the sudden movement of the little fox. He was stunned for a while, and immediately came to his senses. In a blink of an eye, his four legs turned into hot wheels, and quickly followed.


They are fast, and the distance is not very far. They arrived outside the bedroom in a few breaths. The result surprised the little fox. He obviously sensed the power fluctuations as usual. Su Ziji was also sleeping, but no golden olive appeared. It's the first time!

"Chirp!" The big fox also yelled twice, meaning what happened today, why are there no golden olives?

Yes, why is it gone this time?Or does it just feel wrong?

The little fox hesitated, opened the crack of the door and rushed in, looking at Su Ziji who was "sleeping" on the bed, he was even more puzzled.

This is indeed the same as before, it looks like he is asleep. In the past at this time, when he fell asleep and had power fluctuations, many golden olives would appear in the next moment. same?

What went wrong?

Panlong Lake·Dragon Palace

Su Ziji was already in the Dragon Palace at this time, when he landed, he could see the sky.

"The sky seems to be higher."

Su Ziji took a closer look, and saw that there were gardens on all sides, and there were many bright lamps lit every few steps. The lampshades were painted with festoons, and they looked as bright as brocade stars from a distance.

"Under the seal of the Zheng Dynasty, water temples in various counties and counties were also built, and the Dragon Palace was repaired very quickly." Looking at it just now, most of the entire Dragon Palace has been restored.

"Greetings to Mr. Su." Those who came and went to and from the Shui tribe all changed their clothes. Although their wildness had not shed and their monster power was shallow, they looked full of energy. When they saw Su Ziji, they saluted one after another, and they finally looked like a Dragon Palace.

Before reaching the inner hall, a mysterious feeling made Su Ziji feel the existence of the young dragon.

Its deep and shallow breathing, as well as the occasional snoring of small animals after a deep sleep, make people smile.

"Mr. Su." A woman in official uniform quickly greeted him from inside, walked up to him, and bowed to Su Ziji, who was Belle.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Your cultivation has improved a lot." Su Ziji couldn't help but glanced at it.

Bei Nu's cultivation has indeed increased a lot compared to the last time we met. In the past, Bei Nu only sounded good in name, and she was a close friend who accompanied Xiao Ji Jun for many years, but in fact, in terms of cultivation, He couldn't bear the responsibility of such a close minister at all. The close ministers of the previous Dragon Lord were all big monsters!

Looking at it now, it probably won't be long before Bei Nu will be able to step into the ranks of great demons and truly become a close minister of Lord Ji. It is no wonder that Su Ziji is also a little surprised by such a leap.

Bei Nu was very grateful to Su Ziji, who saved Ji Jun and Dragon Palace, and smiled: "If Mr. Su didn't rescue him that day, we wouldn't be where we are today."

"Is Ji Jun okay?" Su Ziji asked.

"Ji Jun has been sleeping since that day." This was an extremely confidential matter, but Bei Nu did not hide anything from Su Ziji's questioning, so she asked Su Ziji to come in and signaled Su Ziji to go and see for herself.

In this side hall, the young dragon turned into a prototype, the body has not changed, it is coiled up and sleeping soundly, snoring and snoring is very cute, but the scales are silver and white with a cold light, and the clouds and mist are lingering around.

"She has been sleeping like this?" Su Ziji asked.

Bei Nu looked at the young dragon with a kind of tenderness in her eyes: "Don't worry, Mr. Su, it's okay. Although Ji Jun has been sleeping, the weather in the three nearby counties is good. To be more precise, they are counties with water temples and incense offerings. The weather is smooth, such precision means that it is not natural, but Ji Jun's power is growing stronger every day, and everyone will be shocked when he wakes up."

Su Ziji nodded. That's true. Just by feeling it now, you can feel the power flowing from the young dragon's body. The entire side hall is shrouded in a kind of coercion. Have had feelings.

As long as he can turn this power into his own use, the young dragon will surely have a great leap forward.

This made Su Ziji feel a little happy. After all, he has a close relationship with the young dragon. It is powerful and can only benefit him.

For example, now, in his body, the same authority is echoing.

It seems that one is divided into two, and they are inseparable from each other.

Thinking of the purpose of his visit to the Dragon Palace this time, Su Ziji didn't look any further, and went out, asking Bei Nu: "I came this time to ask for something. I don't know if there is something contaminated with the aura of a big monster in the Dragon Palace." ? It would be best if it belonged to the Golden Crow.”

"Golden Crow?" Bei Nu thought for a while, then shook her head, "No."

Su Ziji couldn't help being a little disappointed, even the Dragon Palace of Shuifu couldn't find such a thing, so it might be difficult to implement his own plan.

When she was thinking about whether to look elsewhere, Belle suddenly thought of something: "Wait!"

Su Ziji stopped and looked at her.

Bei Nu hesitated: "There seems to be something."

As he spoke, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

After a while, the figure of Bei Nu came hurriedly from a distance again, holding a box in her hand, and walked up to Su Ziji.

"The way of the Golden Crow, the Xianjun once tried it out. Unfortunately, although the Xianjun determined to create the Three Thousand Ways, he failed to develop it successfully. There is only this half-finished product left. I wonder if it can help sir?"

Su Ziji looked at a feather that was revealed inside the box after opening it, and just looked at it, and was overjoyed that this was what he was looking for.

I saw that the whole feather was golden with black spots, filled with a bright breath, which was very similar to the breath of the big monster I saw that day. Of course, it was different, but ordinary Taoists could not tell the difference.

"Enough." Instead of picking up the box, he held the feather in his hand and looked at it. Su Ziji was very satisfied with this, and suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "By the way, do you have any phantoms here for camouflage?" Magic?"

"Although there are spells, they can't be practiced overnight. Sir, I need it urgently. I have something here that has the same effect." Belle seems to have everything.

This is even better, Su Ziji immediately said: "Please lend it to me."

"Please wait a moment." Bei Nu did not leave this time, but stood with her eyes closed. Following a wave, a cherry-sized bead appeared on her white palm that was stretched upward.

"This thing is called Phantom Bead, and it is barely considered a treasure, but each Phantom Bead can only be used once, so I will teach you how to use it." He taught Su Ziji another spell.

With Su Ziji in mind, he took the bead directly, and the bead sank into his body immediately.

In an instant, Su Ziji understood what it was. It was a bead condensed by the aura of the dragon. As soon as the spell is activated, it can be transformed into exactly the same as a real person, even a Taoist can't tell the difference.

The only flaw is that after use, the beads dissipate.

This is a good thing, if it can last, maybe it can become a replacement tool for assassins.

very convenient!

"Dragon Palace really has a hundred treasures." Su Ziji sighed in his heart, and his figure gradually became transparent, but he saw Belle bowing: "Mr. Congratulations, but there are more than a hundred treasures in the Dragon Palace. If it is at its peak, it will have all kinds of treasures."

"Now there is only one out of a hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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