fake prince

Chapter 724 Phantom Orb

Chapter 724 Phantom Orb

Daikoku Mansion

Under the moonlight, it looks deep. In the former Wei Dynasty, it was adjusted by Fengshui masters. The clear water formed a pool, the rockery was stacked with peaks, and the air flow flowed, forming a pattern that was beneficial to the body and mind.

When Luo Jiang moved into the Duke's Mansion, she originally thought that the rules would be strict, but after a period of time, she gradually adapted to the new environment due to bumps in life. Except for occasionally reminding her to pay attention to etiquette, everything else has the greatest degree of freedom.

Luo Jiang was used to wandering around the various courtyards at night, so he was indirectly familiar with the Duke of Dai's mansion. After half a month, everyone got used to her way of digesting food and turned a blind eye to it.

It was the same this time, Luo Jiang came from several courtyards in front and just walked to the gate of the inner courtyard.

She has been in the mansion for a while, and although she is not considered an old man in the Duke's mansion, she has been given some work, and she is beautiful and pleasant, and her relationship with the soldiers of the mansion is not bad.

Seeing two government soldiers patrolling the door, they walked over and asked a few questions in a low voice. Since they didn't ask about the Duke, the government soldiers answered casually.

While speaking, Luo Jiang glanced across the inner courtyard, saw that there was no one else in the courtyard except the two guards, and many rooms were also dark, so he knew it.

Turning around and going back, the young mansion soldier looked at him, and patted the middle-aged mansion soldier: "Xiao Luzi, what are you looking at? He was introduced by the Hou Mansion, and the Duke of the State gave the guest Qing a gift. This is beyond your imagination. Yes, I want a daughter-in-law, the daughter of Lao De's family, I think she looks good."

The government soldiers are all old people, and some of them are in their [-]s and [-]s and bring their children back to their old jobs. The Duke may have two teams of government soldiers ([-]), but now there is only a little less than one team.

Luo Jiang could hear them talking, frowned slightly, but remained calm, walked around to the side wall of the inner courtyard, jumped up with one hand, supported it with one hand, and flew over the wall lightly.

"Is there light in the study? Is Dai Guogong still asleep?" Luo Jiang thought so, and quickly landed outside the study, lightly opened the window paper, looked in through the small hole, and saw the candle lit up In the study room where he was writing, Dai Guogong was sitting at the table wearing a robe, not knowing what he was writing.

After waiting for a while, he found that he had put down the pen, picked up the spread paper and looked at it, Luo Jiang could clearly see it outside, it was a painting.

"Still drawing at such a late hour? No wonder Dai Guogong's painting skills have improved so fast." Finding that everything was as usual, Luo Jiang retreated silently.

Not long after she left, Su Ziji was dressed in black and landed in a small courtyard a hundred meters away.

It was still dark, and the moonlight was gone at this time, and it was gloomy. He quietly climbed down from the mouth of the well, followed the rope and quickly entered the well, jumped into the secret passage, and pressed the mechanism to seal the entrance of the secret passage here, Su Zi Jishun returned by the same route, but it was only a hundred meters long, but it was a bit difficult to walk.

Not to mention dizziness, the fishy sweetness surging from his chest made Su Ziji feel even more depressed.


After going out in a secret way, he went back to the room from the remote courtyard, changed back into his own clothes, and "destroyed the corpse and wiped out the traces" of his black clothes, and sat on a chair. Su Ziji finally couldn't help it, and spit blood on the handkerchief.

Looking down at the bright red color on the handkerchief, Su Ziji's eyes darkened.

Thinking back to the thunder ball that was activated by Huo Wuyong just now, a sense of absurdity suddenly arises in my heart: "How is it possible? In reality, there is already such a thing as a magic weapon?"

Royal Palace

In the main hall, people in yellow robes walked slowly with their hands behind their backs. This was the gesture that the emperor occasionally had when he was thinking about something.

Eunuch Zhao also followed in small steps, waiting for the master's order or inquiry at any time.

"Hush!" Seeing a eunuch of the Imperial City Department come in, Eunuch Zhao, who caught a glimpse of the emperor frowning in thought, hurriedly raised his fingers, making a "silence" gesture, and walked out quickly.

"What's the matter?" he asked in a low voice.

"Duke." The eunuch hurriedly bowed his waist, saluted, and replied cautiously: "It's the news from Xinpingguan."

Princess Xinping, the emperor who was once the most favored, but now fell out of favor.

However, although the emperor "distributed" this daughter to Xinpingguan outside the city, he obviously still had it in mind and asked someone to send a message every ten days.

No, it's time to deliver the news again.

"Leave the documents to our family, you go down first." Eunuch Zhao thought of the emperor's moodiness recently, so he asked the eunuch to hand over the things to him.

The eunuch immediately handed over a document carefully, Eunuch Zhao took it, unfolded it first, and went back to the hall after knowing what he knew.

"Where did the news come from again?" As soon as he came back, he found that the emperor had sat on the chair and was staring at him.

Eunuch Zhao hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, it was Princess Xinping who sent the news."

"Oh?" During this period of time, the emperor was not very satisfied with his sons and grandsons, and he was also vigilant in his heart. When he heard the news of his daughter suddenly, he was rarely interested: "Send it up."

"Yes!" Eunuch Zhao, who had read the content in advance, knew that the emperor would be in a good mood after reading it, so he handed it over and stood aside with his head bowed.

"Xinping has improved this time." Sure enough, the emperor felt relieved after reading the news about Xinping.

This daughter has been very well-behaved recently, and rarely sees foreigners, and even if she does, she is a female guest.

Looking at the document, Xinping still recited a volume of Daoist scriptures every day, not simply pretending to show to outsiders, but really doing it seriously, which made the emperor very satisfied.

But apart from being gratified, I was also a little distressed.

"This girl, although she was a bit arrogant in the past, but as an emperor's daughter, she is the daughter of the most noble family in the world. Why should she wrong herself like this? Even if she is arrogant, she should."

"Although the royal princess is more calm now, it's not good to really let her suffer there alone."

The emperor thought so, so he asked: "You said, did Xinping suffer a lot when he stayed alone in the Taoist temple?"

After hearing what the emperor meant, Eunuch Zhao couldn't help slandering in his heart: "What kind of hardship is this? Xinpingguan, but our family has personally supervised the construction, and the construction is no worse than the Princess Mansion, and all the supplies in it are compared Apart from not being able to meet outsiders casually, the Princess Mansion is located in a remote place, so enjoyment is not bad at all."

But this is not easy to say to an old father who suddenly feels sorry for his daughter. Eunuch Zhao said very wittily: "It's a bit poor. Your Majesty, would you like to reward the princess with something?"

"You have a good suggestion." The emperor immediately said: "Then give her some Zixi tea?"

Zixi tea, the first in all dynasties, is called Immortal Tea, and the amount of tribute to the palace is only five catties every year. The emperor keeps some for himself, sends some to the empress, and the rest is given to several important officials and one or two concubines. A little reward. In previous years, some would be given to Xinping, his favorite daughter. When the emperor mentioned rewards, the emperor thought of it.

Eunuch Zhao muttered a little bit, Zi Ximing was rewarded just last time, did the emperor forget?

Realizing that the emperor's memory seemed to be better than the past, Eunuch Zhao felt a little sad, and could only remind him cautiously: "Your Majesty, last time you were rewarded with Zixi Tea..."

That's right, last time I rewarded Xinping with some Zixi tea.

The emperor let out a oh, and then said: "Then you give me a second thought, what good things are there, I have never rewarded her, I still have to find some good things for her, ordinary things, this girl will not like it."

(End of this chapter)

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