fake prince

Chapter 728 1 Slap

Chapter 728 A Slap

On the streets that have been under martial law, there is nothing but the sound of the armored soldiers.

There was also no sound coming from the bullock cart, and it was extremely quiet.

"My lord, what should I do?" The armor soldier who shouted took two steps back, and asked in a low voice to the middle-aged Baihu who stood in front of the line and looked at him coldly.

"Kill!" Bai Hu ordered with a cold wave of his hand.

The armored soldiers surrounding the bullock cart were well-trained, and the four of them couldn't help but stab into the bullock cart from different angles with a flash of a knife.

The swords of the armored soldiers are all slightly narrower, but long and sharp. Four knives penetrate at the same time. If someone is inside, there is no way to dodge, and there is no doubt that they will die.

But after pulling it out suddenly, the blades of the four knives did not see blood.

Baihu's expression changed immediately: "No one? Pull the car curtain!"

Immediately, some armored soldiers stepped forward and pulled open the hanging curtain of the car. It was really empty inside, not to mention a "person" hiding, not even a shadow.

The "people" inside actually ran away? !

When did you escape?Although I took a shortcut, someone continued to stare at him, without any gap.

They didn't know that what they were arresting was a big monster, Baihu and the armored soldiers who came over all looked puzzled, because this matter was so weird that it really didn't make sense.

"Tell me! Did you stop the car on the way?" Bai Hu walked up to the shivering coachman collapsed on the ground, and asked coldly.

The coachman's teeth were chattering, and under the murderous intent of hundreds of households, he managed to speak clearly: "Yes... yes... no, no, no stop, no hear him, get off the car!"

It would be a fool not to know that he was involved in a terrible incident at this time.

Although, in this situation, even if Mr. Zhou was caught in the car, he could not escape the fate of being interrogated, but now that he ran away, his fate would be even worse. The driver is really terrified now.

When Baihu heard such an answer, he immediately rolled his eyes and said coldly: "It seems that you are not going to tell the truth?"

The shop assistant who was following the ox cart came over at this time and said: "My lord, he is not lying. The younger one has been following this ox cart. It is true that he never stopped on the way, and no one got out of the cart."

"That's weird, can people fly out of thin air?" Baihu sneered.

"Humans can't, but aren't they human?" At this moment, a voice came in, speaking from a Taoist priest.

"Daoist Qing Ling."

Baihu recognized this person, and cooperated with Qingling to travel around the capital before, and also knew that although he was not from the Yin Guan sect, he was from the same sect as the Taoist Huo Wuyong in the palace. The door only sent this one, because of Huo's useless face, Baihu treated this unknown Taoist with courtesy.

The Taoist nodded casually, walked to the bullock cart, and suddenly leaned over, sniffing like a dog.

The scene was quite funny, but none of the people present laughed.

The weird scene just now had already given them a vague guess, after all, the existence of monsters has never been hidden from the government.

And Taoist's "effort" was not in vain. After a while, something in his hand suddenly lit up.

The Taoist stared at this object, turned to Baihu and Jiabing and said, "Follow me, he won't be able to escape very far!"

Qingyuan Temple

The mountain gate, which had been closed for several days in a row, was quiet and peaceful. Bian Xuan was sitting in his room, looking at the green in front of the window in a silent trance.

The half-open window was slightly shaken by the breeze, and his heart was actually not peaceful.

"Could it be that something is going to happen?" This faint uneasiness and heart palpitations made Bianxuan stand up a little bit uncontrollably.

"Forget it, let's burn some incense for Mr. Lin." Sighing softly, there seemed to be a voice telling him that if he didn't do this now, it might be difficult for him to do anything for his old friend for a long time.

Thinking of this, Bianxuan took a small box of incense from the shelf, went to the Little Spirit Pagoda, and arrived slowly, lit a stick of incense and inserted it, before he had time to pray silently, he heard a "boom", and the door suddenly opened. After being blasted away, armored soldiers poured in like a tide, and the first hundred households yelled: "Search, and don't let go of any clues!"

Bianxuan recognized that the official uniform worn by Baihu belonged to the Imperial City Secretary, and he felt nervous, and walked over with a gentle smile, clasped his hands together and said, "My lord, I don't know what's going on..."

As soon as he asked, there was a "slap", the slap on the face so hard that Bianxuan was beaten into a daze.

Being a well-known person in the capital, although not a privileged class, but the people who come and go with them are all good. Thousands of households in the Imperial City Division are polite when they see it, and a hundred households are actually slapped with a raised hand?

When Baihu came calling, Bianxuan could dodge it completely, and it was even easier to fight back with his martial arts, but limited by his status, even if he saw the slap clearly in advance, he could only take it hard. Never resist.

Once you resist, the nature changes immediately.

The originally handsome face quickly turned red and swollen, which shows how much effort Baihu put in.

"You don't know what you have committed? Ha! You colluded with the big monster, what should you do? You don't know?" Baihu sneered.

"Young monk really doesn't know." Bianxuan didn't get angry, and looked at Baihu calmly.

Wearing the skin of a hundred households, it is true that it is not possible to fight face to face, but not to mention Fanmen, even Bianxuan himself has enough strength to kill these hundred households.

Pick a mistake, who can't pick it?

It's just that the words just fell, and not far away, there was a bang, and the flames burst into flames.

I saw a wave of monster energy rushing up, even mortals could see clearly with naked eyes, the black energy filled the air, it was really scary.

Seeing this scene, Bianxuan could no longer say what he wanted to defend, and his face immediately turned pale.

"The monster is indeed hiding in Qingyuan Temple!" Seeing this, the hundred households immediately ordered: "Take down this thief monk Bianxuan!"

Since the big demon is really in Qingyuan Temple, the monks here count as one, and basically they can't escape.

It's fine to be involved in other things, being involved in rebellion and such collusion with big monsters, it is almost impossible to survive.

Baihu of the Imperial City Department only felt relieved, without the slightest scruples, and at the same time wondered, Qingyuan Temple knew how big a crime it was to collude with a big monster to enter the capital, so how could it be so bold?

Although Bianxuan didn't know what the hundred households were thinking, he could guess, and with a wry smile, he was tied up in silence without any resistance.

The place where the flames rose was the Jushi Garden. When the armored soldiers came to search the Bianxuan courtyard, a group of people arrived, and as a result, a big bird rose into the sky from the fire.

"Fire the arrows!" Someone ordered.

The armored soldiers drew their bows and released their arrows, but at this moment, before the arrows hit the target, the fire seemed to have eyes, and quickly expanded to the surrounding area.

"Retreat! Retreat!" Shouting loudly, a big fire ruthlessly devoured the armored soldiers in front. The armored soldiers screamed, the fire seemed to penetrate directly into the flesh, and when the fire slowed down, more than [-] soldiers were seen The corpses were scattered all over the place, the outside was still intact, but the inside was burnt, completely incapable of life.

"A touch of this fire is death!"

The armored soldiers who escaped by chance were in a state of distress. Some watched their well-connected colleagues die in the fire in an instant, gnashing their teeth with hatred, and some were frightened by the power, and their faces turned pale.

"This is the capital city! It can't escape very far, the more it resists, the more it will be backlashed!" Bai Hu knew that the capital was deterring and suppressing the big monster, and shouted.

Some people even said: "It has killed so many of our brothers, we must not let it escape! A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, kill it, and promotion and fortune are at hand!"

The two yelled one after the other, which raised the somewhat low morale again. They only heard the clang of the armor, and the armor chased after them.

(End of this chapter)

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