fake prince

Chapter 730 21 Sword Skills

Chapter 730 21 Sword Skills

Disciples are all servants, and this is the true rule of passing on art.

Especially the government, how much and what they can learn are all based on their level and authority.

Moreover, Lingxi didn't come, so what if he has martial arts, can he resist the government's hunting?

In the final analysis, Luo Jiang is nothing that even Fang Zhen takes seriously, but for a rising power like Su Ziji, a talented swordsman like Luo Jiang is still somewhat lacking.

Su Ziji was thoughtful, looking at Luo Jiang dancing in the field, he thought of something.

When Luo Jiang entered the mansion, her identity was actually kept a secret. Normally, the Duke Dai's mansion could not find out her details at all, but it couldn't hold up half a piece of red sandalwood.

After collecting six times, there will naturally be relevant information revealed. With these, Luo Jiang's life experience will no longer be concealed, and it is not difficult for wild people to be ordered to investigate.

After all, her identity is a secret, but people live in reality, maybe her home is a few hundred meters away.

"The wild Taoist reported that Luo Jiang was taught by his master since he was a child, and he joined the Imperial City Division according to the order of his master, and worked his life for the Imperial City Division."

I thought that the girl would be an orphan, but found out that Luo Jiang still has a mother.

"It's not surprising. Mother and daughter depend on each other for life. Luo Jiang is more obedient when his mother is under the control of the Imperial City Secretary."

No matter whether you trust or not, it is routine for the Imperial City Secretary to control family members, without exception.

Only by grasping the gate of life, will you not be afraid to work hard for the Imperial City Secretary, and reduce the variables as much as possible.

"Luo Jiang follows his mother's surname, this Luo Yiyu actually lives in Gao Ning Fang, the straight-line distance from our residence is actually only about 700 meters away."

"The Imperial City Secretary can take advantage of this to control Luo Jiang, why can't I?"

At this moment, a bang was heard in the distance, and the sound suddenly made everyone present, including the musicians, pause for a moment.

When the musician was busy playing again, there was a second sound, followed by continuous explosions.

Su Ziji glanced over and saw Fang Zhen's expression changed slightly.

"My lord!" A armored soldier hurried in, followed by the steward of Dai Guogong's mansion. As soon as the armored soldier came in, he glanced at Fang Zhen, walked quickly a few steps and knelt down in front of Fang Zhen: "The bandit is desperately trying to escape..."

Fang Zhen stood up before he finished speaking.

Remembering that Su Ziji was on the side, he forced a smile again: "Duke Dai, I'm really sorry, I have thieves to deal with here, so let's go first."

"Young Lord, you're going." Su Ziji said after taking a few steps away, cupping his hands.

Watching Fang Zhen go out, and looking at the maid who continued to play because she didn't call to stop, she directly called to stop: "Get back!"

"Miss Luo." Seeing the maids salute and leave, Su Ziji called Luo Jiang, and whispered: "I want you to do something."

"Please tell me." Luo Jiang came to Duke Dai's mansion for a long time, but when he looked at Duke Dai who was so close at hand, he was almost shaken, and hurriedly said with restraint.

Su Ziji said: "Young Master just mentioned that there are thieves in the capital. For safety reasons, Madam can't go out, but it must be boring in the house. You can arrange another dance to relieve Madam's boredom."

This order made Luo Jiang silent for a moment, and replied: "Yes."

"By the way, you did a good job arranging this dance, so you should be rewarded." As she said that, she dropped a piece of silver to Luo Jiang. Two, thank you very much.

Su Ziji nodded and was about to leave. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and said casually: "Although your sword dance is beautiful, but in terms of skills, it is still a bit weak. I happen to have a sword manual here, which can be given to you." you."

As he said that, he casually took out a thin booklet from his sleeve, that is, a booklet with more than ten pages, and handed it over.

"You practice first, and you can have a few more tricks in the dance when you go back."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Jiang's face flushed red.

This is angry!

Because she didn't want to offend the Duke of Dai, she was willing to act as a dancer. This does not mean that she is a real dancer. Most of her colleagues have official positions. Because she is a woman and young, she is now white. But that doesn't mean she really underestimated herself.

Dai Guogong's repeated contempt brought her close to the brink of explosion.

"Damn, you look down on me like this?"

But Su Ziji had already handed over the pamphlet, and he thought he would not accept it, thinking it was an insult to himself, but Luo Jiang honestly took it into his hand.

When he took it, he flipped a page casually, Luo Jiang was startled, and his eyes straightened.

This, where is the sword dance in this booklet, it is clearly...

"Miss Luo, I'm looking forward to your sword dance." At this moment, Luo Jiang heard Dai Guogong say again, he nodded and left directly.

Luo Jiang kept looking away, and then she squeezed the booklet in her hand, raised her hand to stroke her hair, straightened her dress, and walked towards her yard together.

Moving to Yijing, bamboo and wood reflect the hair, Luo Jiang's double bun, each with a strand hanging down on the left and right, the maid steals her eyes from time to time, quietly imitating her walking posture.

"Miss Luo walks beautifully..."

Luo Jiang's movements are light when he steps, and his heels will slightly press down when he lifts the steps. He walks very gracefully, and if there is a floor, he will not make a sound, and if there is water, he will not splash. The maid secretly envied her.

"This seems to be taught by the mother in the palace, but I didn't learn it."

When Dai Guogong's mansion was first built, there were many old people from the Prince's mansion, but the boys and girls were all born humble, and their manners were vulgar.

So I invited the mothers in the palace to teach, but this is not something that can be learned in a short time.

"As expected of Miss Luo who enjoys the treatment of a guest."

Luo Jiang also found out that the maid was watching him secretly, and he was startled. In a century-old family, there are rules and etiquette in the clothing, food, housing, and travel. He should have been arranged to serve the sword in the outer palace, so he learned these rules and let her know.

"I have to be more careful." Luo Jiang returned to her courtyard, saw that there was no one around, so she flipped through the pages of the booklet in her hand, and after reading it, she found that her hands were trembling a little.

"It's such a good thing?" Luo Jiang stared blankly at the reopened booklet, looking ordinary, but it was actually a set of swordsmanship.

A total of 21 moves, in terms of splendor, better than his own Luoshui sword.

Such a good thing, doesn't Dai Guogong know the value?Just give it to her as a sword dance technique?

No, it's impossible, Dai Guogong is knowledgeable and talented, how could he not even recognize such a good thing?

Luo Jiang bit her cherry lips lightly, and the light of the candle that had just been lit instantly filled her eyes. She subconsciously raised her hand to cover it, and a bright light flashed in her heart.

No, it's not so much that Dai Guogong doesn't know the value, or it's just because...

"For me, the secret books that I can't crave, but for Dai Guogong, they are nothing more than ordinary pastime."

"This is the power of officials."

Undoubtedly, the hierarchical system of the government, for the lower ranks, the resources that have to be exchanged for their lives are readily available for the upper ranks, and this sword book is a clear proof.

After reading this, Luo Jiang's eyes darkened, and his mood was complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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