fake prince

Chapter 732 It escaped

Chapter 732 It escaped

"So that's how it is." Fang Zhen understands a little bit, why is the big demon still alive?

That's right, if ten thousand crossbows are fired at once, no matter how strong they are, they will die.

But when he died, the clues were cut off.

Is there really any way for the big monster to easily enter the capital? After this one dies, the second and third ones will come in the future... Even with this hunt, the big monster who comes next time will probably be lurking, making it even more difficult to find up.

Don't look at everything is under control now, this is a clue to find the siege, if you don't find out, what is the big monster really going to do, who can defend against it?

This is also the reason why although Fang Zhen disdains Luo Jiang, in fact the imperial court both woos and suppresses the warriors.

People's Wrath, blood splattered five steps, is really the most important thing!

After thinking about this, Fang Zhen no longer rejected him, but stood beside Eunuch Zhao, looking at the figures in the encirclement.

The Jia soldiers are now adopting the tactics of "siege and kill layer by layer", constantly consuming the power of the big monster, even if the monster can release the monster fire, but when the manpower is exhausted, the monster power will naturally be the same.

The tactics of the sea of ​​people, if it loses its strength after a lifetime, it can be captured at that time.

As for the number of casualties, hum, it is an honor for the inferiors to sacrifice themselves!

"Eunuch, what if this monster breaks through..." Seeing the figures inside keep fighting, and they haven't stopped until now, and the trapped circle has dimmed, Fang Zhenxin tightened his eyes and looked at Eunuch Zhao.

Eunuch Zhao immediately looked at a Taoist, and the Taoist immediately said: "The poor Taoist has distributed the talisman to the soldiers."

This is to prevent breakout, carrying talisman paper can play a certain defensive role.

Fang Zhen also looked at the Taoist, but he always felt uneasy.

Eunuch Zhao seemed to notice it, and comforted him: "Young Lord, don't worry, with these preparations, this monster will be captured."

"Yes, Ben Hou also just thinks..."

As soon as the words fell, seeing that the man was only a few hundred meters away from the city wall but still unable to break through, he suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar.

Although this sound was not very sharp, it was very penetrating.

This time, not only Fang Zhen, but even Eunuch Zhao and the Taoist changed their expressions.

"No, it has changed!" Sensing the demonic power of this sound, the Taoist screamed.

Although it has been running away, it is obvious that this time is different from before.

But even if someone reminded them, everyone was on guard against this big monster breaking out with a special method. No one expected that there would be a team suddenly rushing out of a quiet house.

There were not many people in this team, only about a hundred people, all of them were dressed in armor, full of evil spirits, and pairs of bright red eyes flashed faintly in the middle of the night.

Fang Zhen was shocked all over, and a chill came out in his heart: "How is it possible, how is it possible, there are hundreds of soldiers in the capital rebelling?"

Over the years, the emperor has strengthened his control, and there should have been no hidden dangers in the army.

The idea has not yet landed, only one voice: "Kill!"

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, with a flash of cold light, he rushed into the ranks of the armored soldiers of the imperial city. In an instant, more than a dozen armored soldiers fell to the surroundings splashed with blood!

I saw that these people were full of fierceness and fearless. The armored soldiers of the Imperial City Division were considered elite, but they retreated repeatedly, broke through the front line in an instant, and went to meet the big monster!

"These people's ways are mighty and domineering, unstoppable, they can be called elite soldiers, not the ways of the rivers and lakes, but the battle formations of the army."

I thought they were in the army, but Fang Zhen squinted his eyes and found that these people were very strange. You must know that the army in the capital has its own flag and brand, and everyone who is familiar with it can recognize it-not so much that it is the army in the capital. , Whose private soldier is this!

There are people in the capital raising private soldiers and colluding with the big monster?Which royal or public house is it?

"No, it's a half-demon." The Taoist said coldly: "I thought this monster would have some way to break through, but I didn't expect to use only a half-demon to break through?"

"Don't worry, this half-demon, I can't escape!"

Eunuch Zhao's expression was even more gloomy: "Unexpectedly, there is a monster soldier lurking in the capital. If the big monster catches alive, they will kill without mercy!"

Since you dare to come out at this time, you must have the consciousness to die as cannon fodder!

As for the clues, with so many people, the traces of life cannot be cleared.

After finishing speaking, Eunuch Zhao turned to the first general: "You command."

Originally, the victory was within his grasp, and Eunuch Zhao could also command, but now he needs professionals.

"Yes, the last general obeys." The general respectfully accepted the order, stood up and changed into a different person. Following the order, heavy armor soldiers surrounded him again, and immediately a team of crossbows stepped forward.

"Get ready, let go!"

A cry pierced through the silence, only the whistling sound was heard, followed by continuous sharp whistling, the dense rain of arrows covered it, splashing blood, and Fang Zhen's ears were filled with muffled noises.

Fang Zhen watched, and saw the half-demon rushing in immediately fell down again and again, blood spattered, and screamed continuously. Although they were wearing armor, they fell like a rain of crossbows and arrows. In just one wave, more than a hundred of them killed more than a dozen people in an instant. .

"play again"

"three shots"

With a sound of "buzz", two orders, and two waves of crossbow arrows fired, the group of half-monsters who came out in such a mighty manner had already fallen by more than half.

This will be battle-tested, and it is ordered: "The left team moves forward!"

One after another, the orders were delivered quickly, showing extremely high military literacy. Even if they passed by continuously, a group of armored soldiers formed a formation in an instant.

After the arrangement was completed, a school lieutenant led the charge, charging like a stream of iron, just filling the gap, and attacking back and forth.

"Proficient in the art of war." Seeing one order after another, the armored soldiers and crossbows cooperate, the army is just right, just like the iron flow, attacking from multiple sides, in just a moment, the half-demon who is not afraid of death is either tied into a hedgehog or cut down, almost If the wave goes down, there will be no more people to live.

"Hmph, the number of half-demons and monsters is small, so what if you learn the art of war of our human race?" For a moment, Fang Zhen suddenly felt that the imperial court and Taoist sects were tirelessly strangling the monster race, and it was indeed a precautionary measure.

Number is everything, when the number of a race drops sharply, no matter how wise and powerful they are, it will not help.

"It seems that I should support the Daoist sect more in the future."

I just thought about it, but when the last half-demon fell down, without waiting for the next attack, the formation that had been completely dimmed suddenly lit up again.

"What's going on?" Eunuch Zhao looked over.

"No, this is not my formation, this is a demon formation!" The Taoist looked at the circle that suddenly lit up, and shouted in horror: "Quick, stop it quickly, this is a sacrifice."

But it was too late, when he cried out, blood flowed into the big monster in the middle, the big monster screamed, and the human form immediately turned into a golden crow.

"Also inform the imperial city to protect the emperor." Eunuch Zhao's first thought was this, but before he could finish his words, he saw the Golden Crow turn around and flee, with a flick of its wings, it flew out of the city.

it escaped!

(End of this chapter)

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