fake prince

Chapter 743

Chapter 743

Su Ziji nodded casually and walked past him.

Seeing Bi Xin standing not far away with a smile on his face, talking to Su Ziji in a low voice, Xu Wei stood there and slowly clenched his fists, but felt timid.

When Dai Wang directly descended to Habayashi Wei, he was only the Duke of the state. There were many princes and earls in Beijing, which is not unusual. "The king of Qi didn't pay attention to the Duke of the day.

Because Xu Wei didn't think that Dai Guogong had a chance to reach the top. Dai Guogong was among the people, and his relationship with the emperor was equal to that of a stranger. It was nothing more than blood relationship.

And although the crown prince died before he left, the cause of his death was deeply related to the emperor, so there were no grudges and scruples?

Even if the Duke of Dai now visits the emperor twice a month to get in touch with him, the time is still short.

It took several years for the canonization of the three kings of Qi, Shu and Lu to slowly climb up. Even if Dai Guogong wanted to cultivate feelings, how long has it passed?

Hey!As a result, he was hit hard in the face!

When he thought that he had to kneel down and bow down to this man, Xu Wei felt depressed, and he also had an inexplicable jealousy. He used to be proud of his background, but now that he thinks about it, what status can be more valuable? Royal children?

"No, it's not when I'm depressed, it's the emperor's grandson, so what if I become the acting king? Unless I can really ascend to that position, no matter which prince takes the position in the future, the prince's son will not end well. But I, if I can If you win the meritorious service of being a dragon in this fight for succession, you will always have a chance to trample the king under your feet!"

Behind the crowd, Luo Jiang, who knelt down and kowtowed to the newly appointed acting king, slowly got up and followed the men in the crowd, not understanding how such a thing happened.

"Duke Dai has become Dai Wang. Could it be that the Emperor is satisfied with him? Then why did you send me here? Or is it because the Emperor is satisfied with Dai Wang that he sent me here?"

As soon as this idea came out, I couldn't press it anymore.

Yu Mansion

Yu Qianzhi, who had just left the alchemy room, felt that it was getting dusk, but he saw that the sky was not yet dark, and the mansion had already lit lanterns, and the wind and rain were faintly blowing, like a picture scroll.

"It's time for the imperial examination again. The spring scenery is picturesque, and you may write poems." Yu Qianzhi was about to take a hot shower and change his clothes when the servant trotted in.

"Duke Dai made him king? When did it happen?" Before he had time to change his robe, he heard the report from the servant, and his face changed upon hearing it.

He only stayed in Dan's room for half a day, and he missed such important news?

Yu Qianzhi immediately changed his face, staring at the courtyard with gloomy eyes, the poetic feeling just now was gone, and he was silent for a long time before waking up.

"Back then, Ji Zizong came here with a letter. Not only did I not help him, but I also gave him a blow. Now that he has been crowned king, it's nothing if he remembers this. If you investigate me..."

Yu Qianzhi shuddered at the thought of what would happen to him if this acting king really had a chance to ascend to the Great Treasure.

At that point, let alone the sect, no one can save him.

Thinking of this, Yu Qianzhi moved his body, and directly ordered to the servant: "You go to Lu Wangfu now, and send a message to Gui Junxi for me, just say, on the willow shoots on the moon, people make appointments with Huang Yedi. Remember, don't Your identity was discovered."

The young man didn't understand what this sentence meant, but seeing that his master was cautious, he immediately left in response.

Before walking out of the yard, he was stopped again: "Wait a minute!"

The boy turned his head, and saw his master frowned slightly, looking at the courtyard deeply, and said after a long time: "Forget it, there is no need to go."


"Go and do your work, forget about it!" Waving his hand, Yu Qianzhi chased them away, and when the servant retreated, he let out a soft breath, a little scared.

"It's not appropriate to panic about this matter. If you move at this time, it will be easy to cause accidents."

Even though he was thinking this way, the uneasiness in his heart made him restless in the mansion. After wandering back and forth for a while, Yu Qianzhi greeted again: "Prepare the car, I want to go out!"

The ox cart was ready, Yu Qianzhi said "Go to Jingping Temple" and stopped talking.

The slightly swaying bullock cart made Yu Qianzhi, who has always been known for his peaceful mind and health preservation, can't help showing a look of anxiety.

It is not a trivial matter for Dai Guogong to be named Dai Wang, and it is even enough to affect the layout of himself and behind him for many years. After 20 years of hard work, he is afraid that it will be in vain. Yu Qianzhi really can't accept it.

At this juncture, it is obviously not possible to meet his own people, but it is obviously not feasible to sit and watch Dai Wang climb higher and higher. Yu Qianzhi thought of one person, Liu Zhan.

"Liu Zhan is a real person of the Yin Guan Sect, with a strong personality. Together with the sect, he has never died with the monster clan, and has more interests involved. With the attitude of the Yin Guan Sect, if he is convinced that Dai Wang will use the luck of the demon to climb up So soon, Liu Zhan will join hands with me."

Jingping Temple is an inconspicuous one among the many Taoist temples in central Beijing. When Yu Qianzhi arrived, Liu Zhan was in the temple directing the Taoists here to do things.

"Yu Qianzhi?"

Thinking that he came to the door in person, or that he had clues to hunt down the big monster, Liu Zhan gave a few words to the Taoist boy in front of him, and strode out to meet him at the door.

As soon as the two met, Liu Zhan was a little surprised by Yu Qianzhi's face: "Reverend Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Liu Zhan looked good, Yu Qianzhi asked instead of answering, "Is Master Liu busy?"

There is nothing that cannot be said, Liu Zhan replied directly: "Recently, the emperor has increased his support for the Taoist temples of the Yin Guan faction, and appointed me to send three people as herb collectors to go out of Beijing to collect herbs, and the counties and counties along the way will cooperate."

Many of the so-called medicines are the organs of the demon. Of course, this "collection" is not easy, and the time is tight, so this time I will give a lot of power.

"Not only that, the big demon is watching the tiger outside the capital, and in order to protect the capital, he also gave the Taoist temple new powers."

Speaking of this, Liu Zhan looked at Yu Qianzhi: "This kind of grace should not only be aimed at the Yin Guan faction, but you should also have it there?"

Yu Qianzhi sighed: "Although this is the case, the situation is not optimistic. The Duke of Dai was named the King of Dai today, do you know the news?"

I thought Liu Zhan didn't know, but he didn't expect his reaction to be flat: "I've heard about it."

Yu Qianzhi said: "Don't you think that the situation in the capital has changed too fast recently? Especially after many things have happened, it is the Dai Wang who will benefit in the end?"

Liu Zhan's expression didn't change a bit, and he still didn't care much: "Dai Wang is promoted quickly, but in the past, there are always people whose destiny belongs to, so it's not worth making a fuss about."

"You and I both know that these things are out of the king's control."

"Indeed, the Dai Wang has no control over these matters, but do you think that the Dai Wang received these benefits only because of the fate?"

Yu Qianzhi sneered sullenly: "Did you know that there are two foxes that have become spirits in Dai Wang's mansion? In my opinion, it may not be due to destiny, but maybe it is due to the evil luck that Dai Wang's promotion is so strange." Ji!"

(End of this chapter)

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