fake prince

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Beaulieu Lake

Panlong Lake is connected to many waterways, and merchant ships are constantly flowing.

Not only that, but the beautiful scenery has become a tourist attraction. There are many painted boats. It is said that there are hundreds of them in the whole lake. Here, the money is exhausted, and the tenderness is lingering. At this time, it is night, and it is the time of drunkenness, dreams and death.


There was a loud noise that made the ship tremble slightly, and someone yelled: "What a dark cloud, the rain is coming, the rain is coming, come to the shore!"


A person was disturbed, so he got up suddenly, raised the curtain and stood on the side of the boat to watch. Under the moonlight, the clouds were as thick as ink, and there was faint thunder, and within a few minutes, the raindrops were swept away by crackling.

"The wind and rain are not good, come to the shore quickly."

The wind blew the surface of the lake tumbling, and the few boats that could be seen in the eyes had to rush to the shore, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, for fear of being overturned.

"Isn't the wind too strong? It was sunny just now, and suddenly there was a thunderstorm. Something is going to happen. Could it be that there are monsters? It looks weird! Hiss! Look at that day, it was dark..." Not far away, there was A young man, who looks like a scholar, feels unhappy and speaks indiscriminately.

It's rare for someone to invite Zui Sheng Meng Shi to be disturbed once.

Before Juren reprimanded him, some companions frowned: "Shut up, it's about the Dragon Lord's cave, don't talk nonsense, how much wine have you drunk?"

Only then did the scolded scholar remember that, yes, not long ago, the imperial court had just resumed the sacrifice of the Dragon Lord in Panlong Lake Water Mansion, and recognized the existence of the Dragon Lord. For one thing, this Panlong Lake is indeed not a place that can be evaluated at will.

But this thought of things added new worries to the bystanders.

If it wasn't for some monsters making waves, does that mean that the thunderstorm is related to Dragon Lord?

Thinking about it, it's still scary!

"It's a small nonsense, don't blame the Dragon Lord, don't blame the Dragon Lord!" Xiucai has nothing to say about strange powers and chaotic gods. Besides, strange powers and chaotic gods are adulterous priests. Confucianism has always supported the righteous priests. Bye bye, chanting.

"Okay, don't say a few words, the wind and rain are getting stronger, and you don't have to worry about catching cold on the deck. Wouldn't it be bad if you get a cold? Come in, change into dry clothes, and drink a bowl of ginger soup!"

At this moment, someone poked his head out of the cabin and greeted him to come in.

The three people on the deck turned around and walked in. Juren lowered his head and got in, but Xiucai who was walking behind suddenly stopped and looked towards the shore that was getting closer and closer.

Out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a group of people speeding towards the shore, and he was stunned for a moment, thinking: "Why are there a group of people running to the lake with umbrellas at this time? Could it be pedestrians trapped on the road?"

When I looked carefully, I found that it was a group of people, and there were clearly several foxes walking behind!

"Ah! Look, over there..." But with a shout, those people and the fox disappeared out of thin air. The scholar who spoke opened his mouth, his face turned pale all of a sudden, he didn't dare to look any more, and hurried into the cabin.

"Be careful, don't let people see our whereabouts." Hu Sanyi reluctantly withdrew the spell, and told the two little foxes who were walking at the end.

Except for the scattered foxes, this group of more than a dozen foxes is the only remaining group of the whole clan. They are running around in a hurry, and they have to prevent other monsters from noticing. They are very tired, and just now a little fox accidentally vented , almost exposing them.

The little foxes that had changed back to their original form chirped twice to express their understanding.

The remaining foxes with slightly stronger magic power also had a tired look on their faces. After seeing it, Aunt Hu felt more and more uncomfortable, so she could only endure it and looked up at the sky above Panlong Lake.


A thunderbolt fell again while she was watching, and her heart skipped a beat, not to mention the fox behind her. Those with low cultivation levels were all trembling, and those with high cultivation levels barely managed to hold on.


Looking at the situation, Hu Sanyi felt that she could not resist the might of the sky and could only submit to it. It would be a lie to say that she was not afraid.

But she also felt a trace of aura seeping out from the lake and permeating the air. Even standing by the lake, she could gradually feel that the growth of aura was accelerating.

"The recovery of spiritual energy before was related to Dragon Palace, and this time the accelerated growth of spiritual energy seems to be related to Dragon Palace. Is Dragon Palace really going to revive?"

The beautiful woman pondered, and felt that this speculation was closer to the truth.

At this time, the heavy rain was pouring down, and the rising waves were heard from afar, making the embankment tremble. In the rain, I could see the painted boats approaching the shore, forming a ball to shelter from the wind and rain, and there was no one around. Sanyi Hu felt a little relieved, and turned to talk to the foxes.

"We Qingqiu, in this catastrophe, there will be no one out of ten!"

"Except for the clansmen scattered all over the place, we are the biggest main branch."

"But our Qingqiu has a great reputation, and no monster clan dared to invade it, but now, many monster clans who heard the news are ready to move - for the sake of our clan's treasure."

"We have brought some, but with our little people, we can't keep it. We have to find a backer."

"Qingqiu was originally a minister of the Dragon Palace. Seeing that the revival of the Dragon Palace is coming soon, I hope that the entire Qingqiu fox clan will join the Dragon Palace. What do you think?" Sanyi Hu asked the foxes.

In this discussion, there are only a dozen or so foxes left among the participants, but even if there are only a dozen or so foxes, they still have different opinions on whether to take refuge in Dragon Palace.

"I think we should take refuge in Dragon Palace. Our Qingqiu Fox Clan is the Dragon Lord's servants, so we should have taken refuge long ago." This is agreement.

"I'm young and my cultivation level is low. I'll listen to everyone's advice on this matter." This is Hu Shijiu, an idiot.

"This should be a major decision for the patriarch. The patriarch is not here. Is it inappropriate for our entire clan to join the Dragon Palace?" This was an objection.

The foxes who objected were not dissatisfied with Dragon Palace, but felt that they should not be allowed to decide such an important matter like these foxes.

But there are priorities, and Sanyi Hu is the oldest among the surviving Qingqiu foxes. After listening to the opinions of all the foxes, she said directly: "Now that we are living and dying, although we have obtained the letter, Xiyan will succeed the patriarch." , but she is not here now, so let me decide!"

Saying that, Hu Sanyi took out a palm-sized jade tablet, prayed to the jade tablet, and muttered words.

As she prayed, for a moment, the originally rough lake surface suddenly cracked a gap in front of them, and the darkness penetrated straight to the bottom of the lake, but it was obviously not a real lake.

"Let's go!" Seeing the effect, Hu Sanyi drank it immediately, knowing that the time was short.

All the fox tribes instantly became prototypes, rushing in one by one, and Sanyi Hu, who was holding the jade tablet, was the last one to rush in. After she entered, the crack disappeared immediately.


Not long after they disappeared, a black shadow came rushing in the rain and fog. It looked like a person, but if you got closer, you could see that it was scales, not human, and the animal pupils alone made people look Chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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