fake prince

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

"Really?" Su Ziji sneered.

And as Su Ziji revealed his body, the two foxes who were wrapped in the mist just now also appeared.

Zhou Xuan was slightly surprised by their obedience to Su Ziji.

After all, Qingqiu foxes are not ordinary foxes. They are arrogant. Most of the time, they would rather die than live. They are nobles in the monster clan. When the monster clan was prosperous, they were ministers who worked with the previous generation of Dragon King. At that time, Lord Qingqiu was not only a minister of the Dragon Lord, but was also enshrined by the Wei court. It can be said that the Qingqiu fox is basically different from the ordinary wild fox.

Duke Dai is really amazing to be able to subdue the two foxes in Qingqiu!

"This son's fate will benefit me greatly."

Not knowing that the person in front of him has been crowned king, Zhou Xuan looked at the person in front of him, and suddenly, he had a trace of regret out of thin air. If he had known that this person could practice the law, he might as well have fought hard in the city. In this situation of being attacked from both sides, he was approached by it.

"Hey, why do I think so?"

Dai Guogong's ability to strike first shows that he knew himself earlier, even if he entered the city and attacked him, it would not make much difference. Why did he suddenly have such thoughts?

Zhou Xuan's heart trembled, this situation is wrong.

Su Ziji didn't know its mood, so he walked forward slowly, and now he was standing not far from Zhou Xuan, and said lightly: "Even if it's a squirrel, it's you, a praying mantis, who first wanted to harm me, and then Yes, I have received the will today, and I am acting as the king."

This was a fraud. After all, Su Ziji had no evidence all along. Zhou Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged across from him, thought that the people in front of him already knew everything, so he couldn't help laughing.

On behalf of the king?

No wonder, no wonder seeing it today is several times better than a few days ago!

It turns out that you were sealed. Unlike a few days ago, the king's spirit lingered, and even I was frightened. It turned out that I was sealed as a king. "

"Originally, I was still hesitant to choose. Now that you are here, I have no choice. If I kill you and annex your king's life, I can become the demon king!"

"If the world fights for the dragon, you will die if you don't."

"The way of the demon king is the same."

"God's will told you to come, isn't that what it is?"

If Zhou Xuan has realized the will of heaven, he is injured now and needs to be nourished. Although it is not a coincidence that the acting king came, but after thinking about it, it is actually just in time!

If you can swallow the king's life and become the demon king immediately, then these injuries will be healed in an instant, and those annoying pursuers have nothing to be afraid of. Destroy a group, demon king, what else is there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuan jumped straight away, changing from sitting cross-legged to standing, with a fighting spirit rising from his body.

Su Ziji rolled his eyes and didn't fight immediately, but said very seriously: "You are the demon king, since you and I are both kings, how can you fight like ordinary people with disheveled hair and temples?"

"Even if you want to fight, you should have the dignity of a king."

Saying that, he bowed to Zhou Xuan in place: "Please enlighten me, please!"

Zhou Xuan gasped in his heart, and his originally violent expression gradually calmed down.

Lord Long opened the way for three thousand years. In order to avoid the catastrophe of the monsters, no matter what kind of monsters, they must learn the way of humanity.

Although Zhou Xuan is a great demon at the quasi-demon king level, he is also more and more humane. He tends to be human rather than ordinary monsters. Zhou Xuan looked at the Dazheng Daiwang who bowed to him, and felt that this person Although he is his own enemy, he knows the rules quite well.

Yes, this person is now the acting king. Although he is not the demon king himself, but he is only half a step away from the demon king, he is naturally considered a king.

If it is the same as ordinary monsters, it is really embarrassing to beat them without any etiquette!

"Dai Wang has an ancient style, great kindness." Thinking of this, Zhou Xuan nodded: "You are right, I agree, and please give me advice from Dai Wang."

Learned the appearance of the opposite side, and bowed.

One person and one monster salute each other, the atmosphere is solemn, and there is a gesture of saluting in the spring and autumn.

As Zhou Xuan responded and returned the salute, Su Ziji lowered his eyes, and half a piece of red sandalwood tin appeared.

"Zhou Xuan wants to teach you [Golden Crow Shining the Sun], do you accept it?"


Su Ziji replied, and with the answer, time seemed to freeze in an instant, and dozens of translucent crows appeared, which were no different from ordinary crows at the beginning, and then became more and more strange.

Not only that, but there are also various killing techniques, or wings, or claws, or methods.

A life-and-death fight was about to take place, Zhou Xuan had no reservations about the killing intent brewing at this time, and he used his unique moves to fully display what he had learned.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +3000, Level 8 (5575/8000)"

"[Zi Qi Donglai] +10000, level 13 (25/13000)"

"[Beautiful Dragon Mind Method] +17000, level 17 (16999/17000)"

14999→17000 only cost 2000, and there are still 15000 experience points, but he was stuck on the checkpoint and could not be promoted. Su Ziji suddenly realized.

"Zhou Xuan's method of [Golden Crow Shining the Sun] to become a demon king is truly extraordinary, even level 17 of [Boiled Dragon Heart Method] can benefit a lot."

"There may be subtleties that even Lord Long has not deduced."

"The comprehension is disappearing every second now, if Zhou Xuan can be killed quickly, most of it can be kept."

"By then, the 18th level will be more than half."

"Kill!" After the etiquette, the two shouted, rushed to each other, and started to kill.

Long before Su Ziji saluted, the two foxes received the cue and hid in a corner. Looking at this scene, the little fox chirped a few words to the big fox, meaning: "I always have a feeling, this big one The demon was fooled."

In the sky, standing on the giant eagle and looking down at Zhou Yao, watching this scene, a mysterious voice also sounded in his mind, saying almost the same content as the two foxes.

"I always feel that this big monster has been fooled."

Although it was impossible to see what Dai Wang could deceive Zhou Xuan, this feeling was very obvious.

The figures cross and separate.

"Puff..." The sound of cutting the flesh was soul-stirring, followed by a scream, Zhou Xuan came flying, and then fell backwards, with red oozing from his chest and abdomen.

"No, it's impossible!"

"How do you know my tricks?"

"Is there a traitor?"

Zhou Xuan's attack was already very fierce, but Dai Wang seemed to have fully understood his own attack, and killed him as soon as he met him, causing himself to be severely hit by the sword.

The familiar numbness of the wound made it know that there was mana here, and it was a very familiar mana.

"It's the Taoism passed down by the Yin Guan Sect. Damn it, I fell for it."

"Just now I killed hundreds of people in a row, but it was just slander, but this sword wounded me seriously."

When the girl was staring at her, with a bang, Zhou Xuan hurriedly backed away. When he retreated to Zhang Xu, he had turned into a golden crow and floated in the air.

The giant eagle had to be pulled higher so as not to be affected by the Golden Crow.

"Die!" The Golden Crow screamed in the air, and a fiery ball of light emerged from its claws, and it hit the people on the ground hard. No matter the king's etiquette, equal duels, all die.

Blow up this dog-human!

(End of this chapter)

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