fake prince

Chapter 757 Why

Chapter 757 Why

At this time, someone with sharp eyes suddenly saw that under the light of the lantern, the face of Master Xie was changing rapidly, and wondered: "Monastery, why have you changed?!"

Others also found that the viewer had become younger and younger, and everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Could it be that he has become a fairy?"

Under the lantern, I can see that Xie Zhenren is getting younger and younger, returning from middle-aged appearance to more than [-] years old. Because there is still a big difference between middle-aged people and young people, you can see the difference when you look closely, and this change also makes Everyone was surprised and delighted.

But there were also people who were clever, and with a sudden heartbreak, they took a step back quietly.

Seeing Master Xie got up from the futon, walked down slowly, and replied: "Becoming a fairy? I am indeed coming soon."

These words were full of emotions, he glanced at the people in front of him, and said slowly: "It's just that I still lack something."

"You are all orphans, raised by me, would you like to get me what I lack?"

Those who stood at the front had the most trust in Master Xie, and immediately said, "I will wait!"

"Guanzhu, what do you need, please tell me, I am willing to fetch it for you!"

"I am willing to take it for the Lord, even if I die!"

"That's good, you don't need to die, just die once." Daoist Xie nodded, and suddenly drew his sword, stabbing the person in front.

"Pfft..." The sharp long sword pierced through his body in an instant. The man was completely unprepared. He lowered his head and looked at it. He didn't know what happened, but when he pulled out the sword, he lost his strength and fell down.


This sudden change stunned everyone. They never expected that the always kind Immortal Guanzhu, who rescued and raised him when he was in danger, would suddenly kill him!

"Killer, run!"

But they were not dull, except for Xiao Can, almost everyone immediately thought of a possibility: Could it be that the priest adopted these orphans for a purpose?For this day?

Looking at the young face of the temple master again, it is no longer surprise, but fear!

Apart from becoming an immortal, there is no other way for cultivators to become young. Could it be that they have entered the way of magic?

And they are destined to be captive victims?

Panicked, more than a dozen people shouted and ran away in all directions, and two more bloody ones, advancing instead of retreating, were about to hit the real person.

"If you don't starve An'an, you'll act like a praying mantis!" Xie Zhenren still had no expression on his face, and with a wave of his sword, a dazzling cold light burst out: "Why bother, this will only increase your pain before death."

"Go to you..." A young man roared, but before he could continue his curse, the sword light flashed, the fountain of blood sprayed, and a head flew out.

"Run away, no..."

"Monastery Lord, I am Xiaobai, you said I am the most obedient..."

There are screams and begging for mercy, but every time the cold light flashes, it will splash blood everywhere. Due to the sharpness of the sword, the clang and clang of cutting into the bone cannot even be heard. In less than a minute, the accumulated water was full of extremely thick blood.

"Run away, run away."

A few were still running away desperately, but Xiao Can didn't escape. Instead, he stared blankly at the temple master walking towards him, raised his face, and asked, "Monastery master, why?"

Then there was a cold and pain in the chest, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of the throat.

But he was still staring at the temple master, there was no pain on his face, only a bit sad and puzzled, and he couldn't figure out why things suddenly became like this.

As soon as the sword was drawn, Xiao Can's eyes opened wide, blood spurted out like a fountain, and fell to the ground.


Daoist Xie was in a bit of a mixed mood, looking at the Taoist boy who was dying, he closed his eyes twice before he closed his eyes.

For the obedient Daoist Xiao Can, Master Xie is still a little soft-hearted, but he is much more lenient with others.

His speed was extremely fast, even though the fleeing people were fleeing in different directions, Master Xie chased them one by one without any effort.

Three teenagers fled in the same direction. While running, they couldn't help but look back. They were relieved when they found no one was chasing them. The teenager who ran in the front screamed and fell to the ground.

The remaining two people looked in horror, and saw Daoist Xie with a sword in front of him, walking towards them step by step.

Blood dripped from the sword held by the real person, his young and handsome face was expressionless, and he looked over coldly, making the two teenagers feel cold all over.

"Fight him!"

One of the teenagers let out a roar, quickly pinched a formula, pushed forward, and immediately smoke appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, another person also gritted his teeth, took the bamboo flute from his waist, and played it across his lips.

This is not arty, this is the attack spell this person has learned, using the bamboo flute as a weapon to kill people with music!

"Hehe, have you forgotten that I taught you all these things?"

Surrounded by smoke, listening to the music with murderous intent, the figure not far away laughed lightly, and spoke with contempt.

What Master Xie said was not a lie, because the smoke suddenly dissipated when the sound fell, and the young man with the sword came step by step.

The two teenagers were sweating on their foreheads, and kept walking backwards. When the distance between the three of them shortened to an unbearable level, the two teenagers turned around and ran away!

"Ah!" With a flash of sword light, he slashed at the shoulder, and immediately cut into it by a foot.

Viscera and blood gushed out everywhere, the boy closest to him was frightened crazy at this moment, shouting ahhhh, he couldn't stop backing away, his feet slipped from the blood on the ground, and he fell down on his seat On the ground, he also used both hands and feet, constantly retreating backwards.

"My Lord, spare my life! My Lord, spare my life...ah!"

"Why bother?" Master Xie said softly as he looked at another boy who had been hacked to death by him.

The tone is pitiful, but anyone who listens to it will probably feel the bone-chilling cold.

But his figure did not stay here, like a gust of wind, he disappeared in an instant, and soon there was another scream in the distance.

In less than half a stick of incense, there were more than ten corpses lying in disorder in the Taoist temple. The strange thing is that the blood under the bloody corpses automatically gathered into patterns, which made it even more terrifying to watch.

Outside the small courtyard, Hongdao came in with a sword in hand. He didn't dare to look at the corpse, but he didn't look sideways. He came directly to Master Xie and knelt down: "Master, the two who escaped earlier have been killed by me!"

"It must be Li Xin and Yan Xiao. They are too old to be disciplined, but I see that they are really talented, so I took them in."

"As expected of Huigen, I activated it temporarily. I didn't even know it would be at this time, but I still felt that it was wrong and escaped early."

Zhenren Xie couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and there was a bit of pity in his tone.

"But it is precisely because of this that the ceremony can be launched after killing you."

To start this ceremony, what is needed is first-class sacrifices. This Taoist temple is actually a large formation, and these people who died in the Taoist temple are the nourishment for starting the ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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