fake prince

Chapter 771 So far away

Chapter 771 So far away

Imperial Palace·Imperial Study Room

The eunuch stood with his hands down, and the man in the yellow robe covered his mouth with his fist and coughed a few times, then dipped in the ink again and continued to give instructions on the memorial.

Although it was daytime, the light in the hall was not good, especially the emperor's eyes were a little bit bad. A bright lamp was lit on the table, covered with a glazed lamp, illuminating a small area around him brightly.

The emperor wrote a few memorials, and his eyes were dazzled.

On a small piece of yellow brocade was placed a small mirror of the local tribute, and the emperor used it to look at the memorial, reluctantly looking at it.

"I'm getting old." No matter how disobedient I am, my body's various manifestations remind me of this all the time, making it difficult for the emperor to be in the mood at this time.

Jealousy is also hard to suppress, especially when he sees a young man in his prime, his feeling of aging makes him lose his temper even more.

"Cough cough!" After a while, the throat was itchy, and the emperor coughed heavily, covering it with a handkerchief, and when the strength passed a little, he spread it out to see that there was no shocking blood on the handkerchief.

But can this prove to be good?

The emperor's heart sank, he always felt that this situation was more serious than the occasional coughing up blood at the beginning, his fingers trembled slightly, he grabbed the white jade vial not far away, unplugged it, poured out a pill, and it didn't catch on. Water, straight up the neck to eat.

The feeling of shortness of breath was gradually relieved after taking this elixir.

The feeling of wanting to cough was also suppressed, the emperor didn't see any joy on his face, he re-corked the bottle, put it aside, and sighed in his heart.

"Small Returning Pill is still effective, and I feel a little better, but the Great Returning Pill has been unable to be refined. How long can I last with the Small Returning Pill?"

"This medicine is becoming less and less effective. At the earliest, one pill lasted for a month, but now I need to take it once every three days."

Thinking more optimistically, as long as you are not stupid, you know that one day you will not be able to maintain your body to a certain level if you take this medicine as a meal.

The emperor panicked in his heart, getting stronger every day, but he was the emperor of a country, and he couldn't express this emotion clearly, so his temper became more and more eccentric.

"Your Majesty." Just as the emperor was trying to calm down and was about to continue reading the memorial, Eunuch Zhao came in and reported, "There is a result at Liu Zhan's place."

The emperor's hands just stopped, and he looked up, the dark emotions in his eyes made Eunuch Zhao's heart tremble.

The emperor suppressed the smile on his face and looked at the faint lights: "Tell me, what is the result? Is there a problem with acting as the king?"

The meeting between Liu Zhan and Yu Qianzhi has been known to the emperor through the person who was placed beside Liu Zhan by the Imperial City Secretary.

In other words, it is too easy for the imperial court to install people.

Eunuch Zhao had done business when he was young. At that time, he investigated a minister and directly asked the old servant, who was still the adopted son of the family, but as soon as he talked about his intentions, the man immediately accepted his orders.

He Ye, everyone has wealth and life, and the imperial court still has wealth.

The people beside Liu Zhan didn't get in very early, as long as they had an appointment, they would be there.

Although the person who was placed next to Liu Zhan didn't know what the two Taoist masters said in private, but judging from the follow-up actions, Yu Qianzhi's coming to find Liu Zhan should be for the King Dai.

As soon as he probed, Liu Zhan suspected that the Dai Wang was in possession of demon luck. As soon as the news came back, it attracted the attention of the Imperial City Secretary.

"The rise of Dai Wang is very fast. Although it is all the grace given by the emperor, it is too coincidental."

Dai Wang has no roots in exile, and returned to the capital for less than two years. He has gained a lot of benefits, and finally named Dai Wang. From the perspective of conspiracy theory, it is difficult not to wonder whether Dai Wang is involved in these things. hands and feet.

Eunuch Zhao lowered his head and said: "Third Jia returned the news, saying that Liu Zhan used the technique of eight people to ask immortals, and finally confirmed that Dai Wang did not bring demon luck."

"No." The emperor repeated this sentence, heaving a sigh of relief.

Dai Wang really carries demon luck, even if it was originally picked up to deal with the two adult sons of the king, he can't continue to accommodate Dai Wang.

Once it is related to Yao Yun, some things become complicated.

Not to mention, it is said that Taizu's death was related to the luck of the demon, and the emperor's ascension to the throne was secretly to clean up the stench of the demon.

It's a matter of major politics, and no one can stand in the way.

King Qi colluded with the big monster Zhou Xuan, this incident was a thorn in the side, which made the emperor feel very uncomfortable.

Qi Wang Jieao, although the emperor has been afraid of him for a long time, it is not too painful, colluding with the monster clan, just this one, the emperor can hardly understand.

"Is there anything else?" The emperor asked slowly: "Yesterday I was crowned king, and today I opened the palace to hold a banquet. What else is there?"

Eunuch Zhao buried his head a little lower: "Back to the emperor, the Dai Wang had a conflict with the Qi Wang at the banquet because of a guest minister named Wen Xunpeng..."

Afterwards, the two confronted each other, repeating everything verbatim.

"Is it a direct conflict with a letter from the king?" The emperor was a little emotional after hearing it.

Of course, apart from emotion, he is also somewhat satisfied, which is the main purpose of his holding Dai Wang up. If Dai Wang does not confront the two kings of Qi and Shu for a long time, but only torn them apart in private, then he has to worry.

However, these are not the things he cares most about.

"With Dai Wang and my two uneasy sons entangled, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." The emperor thought silently, everyone knew each other because of Sanchong.

The so-called system, the so-called imperial court, is to make individuals as small as dust in it. Whether it is a general or a prime minister, it doesn't matter much whether it is hate, love, loyalty or treachery.

When he was young, the emperor also read a few market novels. It is really ridiculous to entrust the fate of the country to a few sages by entrusting the ancients to the previous dynasty.

But having said that, the prince is not only the successor of the country, but also the key to the country.

Is it true that the emperor is suspicious of which prince?

No, the prince himself is nothing, but he has the right to inherit, and the officials can support him, so it can temporarily neutralize the emperor's monstrous authority at critical times.

"So close to the world, five steps of blood splattered, evasion, coup, nothing better."

The emperor didn't speak, and the imperial study suddenly fell silent. After a long time, the emperor woke up from his contemplation and asked, "How about the re-collection of the medicine store?"

Eunuch Zhao immediately replied: "The progress is very fast. Both Liu Zhan and Huo Wuyong sent people to collect the medicine storehouses, and the slaves were all watched by the people of the Imperial City Division. Among them, Huo Wuyong's sect went to Jingnan Mountain to kill a wolf demon, and After killing a tiger demon in Huangsheng Mountain, the demon pills of the two demons can be used as medicine, and as long as one more demon that is more than 200 years old is killed, it can be made into a precious medicine."

"At Liu Zhan's place, more than a dozen Taoists sent by Yin Guan went to various places to collect medicine collections, and they have also collected three medicinal herbs."

After listening to Eunuch Zhao's report, the emperor was still relatively satisfied.

This speed is much faster than the first collection, presumably because of the previous experience in collecting medicine, the speed is faster.

According to this speed, it will probably take less than two months for the medicine store to be fully prepared, or the Great Return Pill may be refined this summer.

(End of this chapter)

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