fake prince

Chapter 784

Chapter 784


Habayashi Guard is a personal soldier, actually stationed in the city, watching carefully, he saw soldiers standing upright at the camp, not looking sideways, but there were not many soldiers at the gate, and the crowd poured in and lined up.

Wei Hai had no choice but to stand in line by himself, feeling a little impatient.

"Have you heard? The capital is not very peaceful recently, and strange things always happen, which makes people a little uneasy." When he got close to the crowd, he heard a middle-aged man talking in a low voice, his expression seemed to be full of fear, There is another kind of excitement.

I heard others ask: "Oh? What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"It's a ghost car bird!" The middle-aged man pretended to be mysterious and hoarse. It is said that deliberately scaring people in broad daylight would not have much effect, but once you bring something like a "ghost car bird", it can immediately turn the horror over. doubled.

"I heard that there are ghost car birds staying at the observatory in the capital, whining day and night, it is really an ominous omen!"

"Yes, yes!" Several people nodded one after another.

In this world, the ghost car bird is a legendary bird tainted with evil spirits. It has colorful feathers, comes and goes quickly, and moves mysteriously. Every time it appears, it seems to bring disasters, so there will be ghost car birds. Folklore of catastrophe.

The sound of the ghost car bird is not pleasant, which is probably one of the reasons why the ghost car bird has a bad reputation in the past and the present.

Thinking of the frightening cry of the legendary ghost car bird, especially the most terrifying when it screams, everyone who heard this could not help but shiver.

"That's true, it's really scary!" Someone shook his arms and said cautiously: "No, but maybe this is a coincidence?"

"And the government said that the ghost car bird is in trouble, it's just attached, it's no different from other birds."

The middle-aged man sneered: "Do you also believe what the government says?"

"Besides, one is a coincidence, how many? Don't say anything else, let's just say that today, even though it's May, there is still Bailu frost lingering... Tell me, is this strange?"

The middle-aged man didn't continue to say the following words, and the faces of those who listened turned pale.

In the last years of the previous dynasty, there was an incident where the white dew would not leave in May.

"In April of the fifth year of Yuanyan, Guisi, the white dew hangs like a hanging tree, and the sun never disperses..."

Not long after that, swords and soldiers were everywhere, and troubled times suddenly broke out.

At present, although it has not reached the level of "the white dew is like hanging down on the tree", but in May, the white dew is still lingering, which is really scary.

Combined with the rumor of the ghost car bird crying at the observatory in the capital, it really makes people shiver in this warm day.

Wei Hai was courageous, but he didn't believe it. He listened with gusto and moved closer to listen.

"Yeah, I only encountered one, and it can still be called a coincidence, but two of them happened, it's really evil and unlucky, and I don't know if there will be another disaster."

"In the past two years, there have been locust plagues, floods, or droughts. The days are really not peaceful. Fortunately, we are in the capital, so we don't have to worry all day long. My distant relatives live five hundred miles away from the capital. Last year, they even dried up the wells for drinking water, not to mention washing and bathing, drinking water is difficult! Without water, naturally they can’t grow crops. No, I only received the cousin who came to me two months ago. Brother, I gave him two bags of food to take back... Hey, what a pity!"

"No, I heard that there was a flood in some places, and even the houses were washed away..."

"It's not that there is no good omen, there is also a strange thing, it is said that there was a guest from the Zhu family in the suburbs, and a pair of carps jumped out of the well, and they were made into fish sticks. It is very rare."

"Hmph, regardless of good or bad omens, as long as it is strange, it means that righteousness is not prosperous."

Similar discussions are not limited to one or two people, but many people are talking about it. Although Wei Hai who came to Habayashiwei listened with gusto, he didn't take it seriously, twitching the corners of his mouth, showing disdain.

"It's all nonsense. I still think that the last time I passed by at night, I was rumored to be a night wandering god by someone who happened to be respectful. What a bunch of fools!"

However, thinking this way in his heart, he didn't intend to argue with these people, and said to the ecstatic young man listening: "Lu Wu, let's go and sign up!"

The young man was ranked fifth in his family. Because he was born in a poor family, he never had a name when he was young. Did not change the name.

Lu Wu still believed it a little bit, but also felt that some of the comments were exaggerated, so he nodded: "You're right, it's time to sign up early, it's up to us."

Wei Hai and other talents approached, and there were guards at the door, so they heard the yelling: "Entry to watch the game, three papers per person!"

In front of it was an uncovered box, in which a lot of copper coins had been lost.

"I still need money to watch the game." Wei Hai was dissatisfied, so he took out six copper coins and threw them over, and took Lu Wu inside.

Once inside, there is a large school field, which can accommodate 5000 people for training. It is now May, but it has been very cold in recent days, but there are several arenas.

There was no one in the arena at this time, but there were stalls everywhere around, most of which were for fortune-telling, selling soup, cakes and snacks, and there were also some sheds with servants guarding them, so you could tell at a glance that they were the places of noble people.

Looking into the distance, he saw that there seemed to be more people surrounded not far away. Wei Hai took a look and said, "That seems to be the registration office. There are already many people surrounded. Let's go!"

Shouting "Excuse me, Excuse me", I squeezed through the crowd and finally arrived at the registration place.

There are two tables lined up, and there are two people sitting behind each long table. One person will take a pen and record the news, and the other person will distribute things.

The people in front of Wei Hai took their tickets and left one after another, and finally it was Wei Hai's turn.

"Sir, I'm here to sign up for the competition." Wei Hai puffed up his chest and said.

Behind the front table in this row, a gentleman looked up and asked, "Are you literate?"

Wei Hai replied: "Know some characters."

People like him with a little bit of reputation in the world probably know some characters, at least they won't have any difficulty traveling to and from various places. If they really don't know the characters, they don't even know the way guides, sometimes it's very troublesome.

Mr. Oh said: "Since you are literate, you can read it yourself. I don't need to read it to you."

As he spoke, he took a piece of paper with writing on it and handed it to him.

Wei Hai hurriedly took it, and Lu Wu did the same, and also took one, because the two knew each other, and he and Wei Hai got together to read the contents of the paper.

"Brother Wei, this is a martial arts certificate!" Lu Wu said without any surprise after seeing the above content clearly.

"However, even if it is life or death, one must not intentionally kill. In this case, it is reasonable to bear the responsibility for accidental injuries at the same time."

This is already considered a relatively benevolent martial arts competition. Perhaps it is because it is held in the capital, and the prince chooses the coach, so we should be cautious about the impact.

Competitions held in places far away from the capital are often life-or-death competitions, and no one will care about the intentional killing. If you go on stage, you will die in vain. From this point of view, this competition is not very dangerous.

Originally, they wanted to participate, but after seeing this martial arts certificate, both of them were even more excited.

Wei Hai noticed the bottom one: "Everything else is normal, but this one is a bit strange."

The last clause of the clause was written in black and white that the martial arts contest was to recruit someone from the Daiwang Palace to be a coach, so by signing the martial arts certificate, it was tantamount to agreeing to teach the Daiwang what he had learned all his life.

(End of this chapter)

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