fake prince

787 Octopus

787 Octopus

"Gongchentang, Xiaotianshuipu, Wuyibao, Qinglian Pavilion..." As he spoke, the man mentioned the names of the seven families. Difficult to maneuver.

"If you talk about Dai Wang's Mansion, the Saiyin of seven families has been drawn. Mr. Lu will not interfere, but only supervise. You can rest assured about this, and you don't have to worry about fairness."

"Each match consists of five rings with 20 players. It is divided into two rounds. Half of the players are eliminated in the first round, and half are eliminated in the second round. The winner continues, and the loser resigns until there are five players."

"Before the game, you can place a bet. Buying a small bet costs ten coins, buying a single bet costs a hundred coins, and buying a big bet costs one tael. The bet is on the list of five players."

"If there is one person on the list, half will be paid back; if there are two people, the money will be returned; if there are three people, double the amount will be paid; if there will be four people, double the amount will be paid; if all five people will be selected, three times the amount will be paid back."

"As for one miss, it should be regarded as supporting the game."

"If you place a bet, select the list. For each bet you buy, we will issue you a wooden card with the number of matches and the list of bets on it. If you win the bet, you can use the wooden card in your hand to claim the money after the bet is over."

"It saves a lot of trouble."

Fang Zhen is not short of money, but it is very interesting to participate in this kind of thing. He glanced at the servant: "You can place a few bets for me, which side to choose, and you will decide for yourself later."

"Yes, my lord." The servant answered.

In addition to the person who stood in front of Fang Zhen and recorded the cards, the number of spectators in the shed gradually increased, and there were a few men like this who shuttled through the crowd, explaining the betting to people, so that it was convenient for both sides to place bets after the competition .

Those who are rich and powerful, one person is going to buy a few taels of silver, and let the servants hold the wooden sign at that time, and ordinary people can pay ten yuan to join in the fun. If they happen to win the bet, not only the money from the ticket When I came back, I even made money for eating and drinking inside today.

However, the treatment is different from these people in the shed. If ordinary people want to place bets, they need to go to the betting place to buy them.

"Clang clang!" At this moment, a gong suddenly sounded, clear and deafening, and it spread far away at once, and the extremely penetrating sound instantly overwhelmed the voices in the square.

Fang Zhen also sat up straight suddenly, and looked outside.

I saw Habayashi guards coming from all directions, surrounding the five arenas, and even Habayashi guards protected a separate viewing platform from the wind and rain, which was the place for the king to watch.

"My lord, the small ones have been clearly distinguished. The competition is divided into two areas. The first area is for the selection of Habayashi Wei's internal personnel, and the second area is for the outside, which is the three arenas we are watching now. What is the specific situation of the contestants? Let Ding Da Ding Er watch."

Just now, when the servant came back after leaving for a while, he not only brought back a plate of dim sum, but also paired it with fresh peaches. Fang Zhen looked at the things on the long table in front of him, took a sip from the tea bowl, and the seat was full. In the shed, basically everyone enjoys this kind of enjoyment. Some drink tea, some taste peaches, and some smoke waterpipes, covered in smoke.

Tea is provided to these VIPs for free at the venue, but the food is not delivered uniformly because everyone has different tastes. You can ask the servants to buy what you want. Anyway, there are many snack stalls, and Beijing snacks are basically available here.

"I've never seen such a match before." Fang Zhen sighed again.

It's not the first time for a competition in the arena in the capital, but when was it like this time, a venue was specially circled, and tickets, bets, and refreshments were all in one?

Presumably after today, many people will suddenly be opened a door, knowing that this matter can actually make a fortune.

As the sound of gongs continued, the scene fell silent. More than 20 quacks had registered and drew lots at the lottery. [-] of them got the lottery. go up.

In one of the arenas that Fang Zhen was paying attention to, a contestant didn't go up directly, but tapped his toes, made a few vertical leaps, and landed on the high platform smoothly. The audience applauded.

Seeing this, a contestant couldn't walk halfway and jumped up, stepping up calmly, but in terms of momentum, he lost a bit.

"In Xiaqin Sanshan, my kung fu is Qin's thunderbolt palm. Don't look at Qin, who is strong and has some experience in light kung fu. I would like to teach you with this, no matter what!" Not far away, there was a stand separated by a bead curtain to salute, and said.

Jumping onto the ring, the man with a blue silk cloth around his waist saw that he had finished speaking, and then he cupped his hands and saluted around, and then he also saluted to the stand where the King Dai was, saying: "Xia Zheng Huai is good at kung fu. I would like to teach the three methods of Zheng's sword and Zheng's boxing and kicking. In today's martial arts competition, Zheng wants to show his strengths, but he does not want to kill him, so he is willing to use boxing and kicking to make friends!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd below immediately applauded, and some people were impatient and planned to place bets.

At this time, another servant in gray clothes entered the shed, walked up to Fang Zhen, saw that Fang Zhen was looking at the ring in the middle, and said in a low voice, "My lord, I have already found out that Qin Sanshan was originally a bodyguard in the Shengwei Bodyguard Bureau." , because I like to drink, but I miss a job once, so I lost my job, got involved in a few small gangs, and thought the gangs were low, thinking of going to Beijing to find an errand, just in time for this martial arts competition, so I came to sign up."

"There are not many suspicious things about this person, but Zheng Huai is a famous person in the Jianghu. He is really good at swordsmanship and boxing kung fu, but he is also good at lightness kung fu. It was rumored that there was a good place to go before, which seems to be related to the palace, but which palace is the specific one?" But I didn’t inquire about it, I think it should have happened before, somehow, he came again this time.”

Fang Zhen listened, thoughtful.

He knew Zheng Huai. Before he was injured, he was also in charge of monitoring the Prince Qi's mansion. He had heard the name Zheng Huai before, because he was an underappreciated quack, so forget it. He didn't expect this person He actually came to participate in the martial arts competition to recruit the head of the Daiwangfu.

"The King of Qi also wants to send people to Dai Wang's Mansion?" Fang Zhen knew that it was impossible for Zheng Huai to lose his job in Qi Wang's Mansion and go to Dai Wang's mansion. There is no such a coincidence.

After sweeping his eyes, he saw another familiar person, pointed at him and asked, "What about this one?"

"Wei Hai, although he is not directly from the palace, but according to information, he was originally a subordinate of Mr. Lin Guo. Later, Mr. Lin Guo collapsed and seemed to be recruited by Tongxiangtang. Behind Tongxiangtang... seems to be King Lu." The gray-clothed servant said.

Fang Zhen nodded, not doubting the information. Although the man in gray clothes was a subordinate in name, he was actually a member of the Imperial City Division.

"It's really a mess, it's very complicated, acting on behalf of the king, and really didn't consider recruiting outsiders, which would lead to such a problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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