fake prince

Chapter 796 Don't be hasty and endure

Chapter 796 Don't be hasty and endure

"The way of sincerity can be known in advance."

As soon as he walked out of the inner courtyard, Su Ziji's smile stopped, and he was more gloomy and just meditating. The wild Taoist followed, and he didn't dare to speak for a while.

Before Su Ziji passed out, he had a lucid dream.

In the dream, I don’t regret being pregnant. He is the new acting king and has a warning. He has always protected his wife very well. In the first prophecy dream, the assassination did not appear, and the days in the first prophecy dream have passed , The self in the dream was secretly relieved.

Although he is still careful not to let Buhui go out alone, and has to be protected by others in everything, but he is no longer worried like before, and everything is like a soldier.

Then, I dreamed that Mrs. Huaifenghou, that is, the mother of Fang Xiaohou, sent a post to invite Ye Buhui to a garden party. The place was in a private garden in the capital, and the scenery was very beautiful.

At that time, Ye Buhui was already three months pregnant, Su Ziji saw that she was bored staying at home, Fang Zhen was also a friend, and he took care of her, so he agreed to let her go out for fun.

As a result, a major event happened during this outing. Ye Buhui, who obviously did not leave the capital, followed several servant girls and guards, and was even more heavily guarded by the Marquis of Huaifeng Mansion, so he mysteriously disappeared.

Live without people, dead without corpses.

In the dream, when Su Ziji heard the news, he was furious and investigated immediately, but only a few spies in the mansion were caught, and nothing else could be investigated.

Su Ziji was even more startled by the fact that nothing could be investigated.

With this shock, Su Ziji woke up from the nightmare.

After waking up, Su Ziji had been thinking about this question all the time, because of the existence of the first prophetic dream, Su Ziji did not dare to neglect the second dream, and always felt that it was another warning.

"I can't find anything, but it already explains the problem." Su Ziji saw that the palace guard with a saber passed by and saluted. He nodded his head and answered the salute, staring at a new leaf of a tree, and did not speak for a while.

Su Ziji didn't speak, and wild Taoists naturally didn't dare to speak. After a long time, Su Ziji sighed: "I'm shocked and chilled!"

Why did Su Ziji feel frightened?

Let alone reality, even in a dream, he had already guessed Ye Buhui's whereabouts.

He was already the king of Dai in the dream, and he was not the first to predict the Duke of Dai in the dream. Although his foundation in the capital is not as good as that of King Qi, he still has the power to compete. With such a self, he only caught a few spies in the mansion. , and even these spies don’t know anything. How many people have such a strong ending, how many people are there in the capital?

Not to mention, Mrs. Huaifenghou posted an invitation, and if something happened, she was naturally responsible. A prince's wrath, let alone her, even Huaifenghou and Fang Zhen, could hardly bear it.

And Fang Zhen has known him for a long time, who can make him silent, and who can actually betray him?

Only the one in the imperial city!

"Or is it for the medicine introduction of the Great Redemption Pill?"

The last time I learned about the Great Returning Pill, although the prescription is only four flavors, but I know the efficacy of Qiqiao Linglongxin - this is the main medicine.

The so-called seven-orifice exquisite heart is a person who has entered the Tao, the spirit orifices are wide open, the center of the operation of the spiritual machine, and it is only valid for one year.

Ye Buhui is a newcomer to Taoism, and the time has not yet passed, if the news leaks, it is indeed very possible.

The emperor can even kill the eldest son who has the title of prince, and he simply cut the grass and roots, and wiped out the prince's entire family. If he urgently needs a big redemption to attract life, and knows that there is a suitable candidate in the capital, how could he not be moved?

"Don't say no regrets is just a granddaughter-in-law in name, that is, a granddaughter. She will not be lenient when she strikes for her own survival."

Su Ziji was not surprised that the emperor would act so ruthlessly. He was a little surprised that he hid the matter of not regretting entering the Tao so tightly that even Ye Buhui's maids and servants didn't notice anything. It's not just a piece of metal, there's always an informer, right?

Who leaked the news?

And who saw through the path of no regrets?

Now, Buhui almost doesn't leave the gate without leaving the second door. Even if the female relatives come to visit, they don't have this vision. Who suddenly guessed that Buhui entered the Tao?

Or is it that the root cause of not regretting suffering is still in oneself?

Su Ziji walked and thought, his expression gloomy.

The wild Taoist followed from a distance, his eyelids twitched.

This look, it seems that something big has happened!

In his impression, his lord seldom showed such gloomyness. Many things were difficult for others, but in the hands of the lord, almost all of them were solved casually, and his methods were smooth and smooth, which made people feel admirable.

But showing such an expression must be a big problem.

Ye Taoist asked cautiously, "My lord, what's bothering you?"

At this time, Su Ziji lowered his eyes and thought about the countermeasures, and felt that the fact was difficult to understand. When he was asked this question, his mind was confused, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"The ancients said that it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go. Do you want to kill all the people in the mansion who eat inside and outside?"

Just about to give orders to Ye Daoist, let him carry out secretly, but Ye Daoist has done a lot of dirty work, let alone killing a few servants, even if he kills hundreds or even thousands, there will be no resistance, he is the right person to execute .

But at the end of the sentence, Su Ziji took a look at the gray and gloomy sky, but held back.

"Don't rush and be patient."

"I'm tired of reading these words, and they are often used by villains. In fact, they really have insights."

"In emotions, people will feel that their ideas and orders are very reasonable, but after a period of time, they will find that they are too extreme. Unfortunately, they often cannot regret it."

"The meaning of this is that don't make decisions in your emotions."

"The people employed in the mansion, some of them are placed by the Imperial City Secretary or Beppu. This is very normal. I also have the intention of using these people to paralyze the enemy."

"Now these people may not be spies. Besides, even if they are, now I am furious and want to kill them all. Not only will this deployment be in vain, but it may not be useful--who can stand the interview with the Imperial City Secretary?"

"Kill it, and there will be another in a few days, it won't help."

Su Ziji walked around a small pavilion, and his steps became a little heavy.

Under the rule of the imperial power, unless he is an absolutely loyal soldier, if he is questioned by the Imperial City Secretary, he is afraid that no one will be able to support him.

Who is not afraid of death, who has no family?

However, he already knew who had betrayed him, so if he didn't move now, he would have an advantage.

Really get rid of them early, is nothing more than to startle the snake, the Imperial City Secretary will give up?It will be a matter of time before others are betrayed by the Imperial City Secretary.

As long as Ye Buhui can't be found to expose the root cause, the next time something happens, it will happen very soon.

It's not okay to be beaten passively to the emperor, maybe I have to speed up my actions.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji ordered: "Mr. Lu, find some trustworthy people, preferably not from the mansion, and let me monitor a few people."

"Grandma Jia from the inner courtyard, Lin Kang and Zhuo Shang from the Fuwei, Jiang Yi and Hou Cai from the steward, all these people's every move must be watched closely. Don't relax, and don't be noticed by them."

After finishing speaking, he pondered for a while, and said: "Also, send someone to monitor Qi Wangfu, if there is any movement, report it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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