fake prince

Chapter 819

Chapter 819

"It's a pity, a pity."

Su Ziji really felt that it was a pity. In fact, the way of governing at level 15 is already like that of a great master. Reserved.

But the death of the crown prince was obviously a thorn in the emperor's heart just now, and he still couldn't break through the ceiling.

"There's only the next step—what if An Shi doesn't come out?"

Contrary to what everyone thinks, after Wang Mang, there are Xie An and Wang Anshi, who are also in the same line, but they know that forming a party will arouse the emperor's anger, so they upgraded.

"A group of gentlemen and not a party."

Although Wang Anshi did not form a party, his name was widely spread in the government and the public. Everyone in the world believed that Wang Anshi was the real prime minister.

For the time being, I will be "a group of gentlemen and not the party", uniting the ruling and opposition parties in the world.

Originally, it would take more than ten years, 20 years of care, but they are ordinary people, normal people, they have cheats, and there are 20 levels of Confucianism. Enlightenment.

"If my premonition is right, I can obtain this strange technique, which is the result of my completion of the Three Dao Zang, and the next level is also the last state of Wen Xin Diao Long."

"This last state will definitely make me like a dragon with water and a tiger with wings."

"It's just that this must be the Great Perfection of the [Beautiful Dragon Mind Method]. Where can I get this seed of humanity to help me break through?"

It can be said that Su Ziji's strategy almost reached the level of god and spirit in an instant, but is this enough?

Su Ziji lowered his eyelashes and sighed long.

The cabinet discussions came to the point when the emperor arrived.

Su Ziji listened quietly, and then he heard Zhou Yongfu, the servant of the Ministry of War, stand up: "Your Majesty, according to my opinion, the shrines should be strictly guarded. There are many shrines. There are 67 shrines in the capital alone. How much! There are so many shrines, it really makes me feel worried!"

"Don't talk about other places, let's just talk about the capital city. There are many people who believe in the shrine. In the past, that's all. Because there is no apparition, they just worship, but now there is a apparition."

"There are miracles in one or two shrines, or they can be controlled. So many shrines reveal miracles, let alone the gods themselves. Just living people, there must be people who take advantage of the miracles to collect money. This can amass money, and it can also cause chaos. , must be killed as an example, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

After Zhou Yongfu finished speaking, the meaning was very clear.

Now we only gather crowds to make money, but with this beginning, we can no longer control it. Who knows if we will gather crowds to rebel?

This is the capital city, and there are 67 shrines showing spirits. Once the number of believers grows rapidly, no one can guess what will happen in the future.

Not to mention, outside the capital, in Zhili and other provinces, who knows how many shrines have manifested spirits?At that time, will it bloom everywhere, and come together from the inside to the outside?

However, the shrine was originally set up by sages to teach in the way of the gods. It can be said that it has been rooted for thousands of years. If you want to control and rectify, the resistance must be huge.

The emperor's face was slightly calm, he just nodded and asked: "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I feel that the gods should be rectified." Xie Zhi stood up and said: "Some obscene shrines that are not in accordance with the etiquette should be eliminated."

that is it?

The emperor looked at Xie Zhi, and knew that the old fox might not want to say more, and the first assistant and the second assistant, on this matter, the emperor didn't want to ask their opinions in public right away. He didn't say a word, but looked contemplative, and then set his eyes on the kings.

The two kings of Qi and Shu lowered their eyes slightly, while King Lu raised his eyes to look at the emperor, but the emperor ignored him and set his eyes on Dai Wang.

Looking at Dai Wang, the emperor asked: "Dai Wang, what do you think about this matter?"

Su Ziji got up and said: "Your Majesty, Sun Chen feels that what the two lords said earlier is reasonable. The matter of the shrine is related to the hearts of the people in the world. It cannot be done across the board. It will definitely cause big trouble."

"So we can go step by step, first separate the official temple and the obscene temple, and knock down those blood-eating gods who confuse people's hearts. Not only can we clean up the source, but we can also establish rules."

The level of what he said was so high that all the ministers saw it.

"Oh? Do you think so?" The emperor couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, he just nodded his head: "Then let you handle this matter, how about it?"

As soon as these words fell on his ears, Luo Pei was startled, his heart was tumbling, and he thought to himself: "What does your majesty think about the king? This not only offends people, but also offends the gods. Anyone who manifests spirits, if the king decides to become evil Shrine, how can you let it go?"

"Furthermore, the believers will become more pious in the shrine where the spirit manifests. If there are more pious believers, what kind of power will it have? Doesn't the emperor not know?"

"Not to mention, the capital has just encountered a catastrophe, and it is really related to these gods. Then these gods must have divine power, and it is not impossible to interfere in the world. If they hold grudges, wouldn't they kill the king?"

Just as he was worried, he saw Dai Wang standing up, saluting solemnly, and replied: "The emperor has orders, and Sun Chen naturally wants to share his worries. It's just that there are so many shrines and there are many believers. If you are not careful, you may be afraid It will cause chaos, Sun Chen came to Beijing not long ago, no one is available, I am really worried that it will be messed up."

As soon as these words came out, all the officials knew that Dai Wang was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and they couldn't help sighing secretly: "Among all the kings, those who don't want to be Dai Wang are the ones with the strongest character, and only those who take responsibility."

They looked at the emperor together at the moment, and the emperor was also startled, staring at Su Ziji for a long time, seeing that Su Ziji was talented, he was still a little childish, but his expression was not cramped or flustered, very clean and neat.

Immediately, he was in a complicated mood, fell silent for a while, and said slowly: "You have no rights and no one, I can give you everything, not only your original Habayashi Guard, but I also give you imperial decree, king's order card, and emperor's sword."

After hearing this, Su Ziji's heart sank. He didn't know how difficult this matter was. What he said was also a temptation, but the emperor agreed.

He sighed in his heart, but he didn't say a word on his expression, and immediately fell to his knees: "Since this is the case, Sun Chen is willing to share the worries of the emperor and the court!"

"Since we have to deal with the shrines, Taoism and Buddha are the most important. Sun Chen remembers the emperor's permission to deploy manpower, such as the original Bianxuan of Qingyuan Temple. Sun Chen also wants Xu Zhi to take the blame and make meritorious service.

When the emperor saw that the acting king Lisuo agreed, he also smiled.

"I'm very pleased that you can think so. These are trivial matters, and I allow you to do things cheaply."

It seems that Dai Wang was misunderstood before. Although Dai Wang does seem to have ambitions, he is still different from the two kings of Qi and Shu. At least he is obedient.

Even though he knew that what he asked him to do offended people and God, he was still willing to do it.

This knowledge of current affairs, this obedience, is what the emperor needs most now.

"As for the future..." The emperor couldn't help but feel sad.

The two kings of Qi and Shu looked at each other, and they both saw schadenfreude in their eyes, but King Lu looked at the emperor, and then at the retreating king Dai, his heart sank, and he always felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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