fake prince

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

"Mr. Gui, your complexion is not good. Is there something wrong?" King Lu saw Gui Junxi's expression at a glance, and couldn't help being surprised.

Gui Junxi forced a smile, and before he could reply, he saw Steward Zhang rushing in, turned over and fell to his knees: "My lord, it's not good!"

"Zhou Liang disappeared suddenly, and everyone couldn't find him. They thought he was out of the mansion for something. Just now, the officials of Shuntian Mansion secretly sent news."

"I said this guy didn't know what happened to his nerves, and he went to sue the officials at night, and he wanted to sue Shuiyun Temple for hiding evil!"

"What?" King Lu was furious, and immediately stood up: "It turned out to be Zhou Liang?"

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Back to the lord, it's him, Zhou Liang rang the drum of Shuntian Mansion Yamen, reported on Shuiyun Temple, and framed the king that you want to kill him." Steward Zhang kowtowed heavily immediately and said.

"Nonsense! When did this king say he wanted to kill him?"

The first time he was touched by someone, was by his own servants. King Lu couldn't help it no matter how well-mannered he was, he was so angry that smoke rose from his seven orifices, and roared: "However, now this king really wants to kill. Come on, hurry up!" He caught him back and interrogated him, what kind of wine did this guy drink to be so mad?"

"Pass my post and catch this guy back!"

"No, my lord, the officials said that at that time in the Shuntian Mansion, the Prime Minister Zhao Xu and Master Cui Zhaoquan, the University Scholar and Secretary of the Ministry of War, were there, and more importantly, the Southwest Governor Luo Pei and the Dai Wang were there."

"What, this guy is showing me the shame of the king in front of the king?" King Lu trembled when he heard this, kicked the table over, looked left and right, pulled out the sword hanging on the wall, and held it in his hand: " Come, follow me to kill this slave who betrayed the master."

Gui Junxi hurriedly stopped King Lu who was about to rush out: "My lord, calm down first!"

"Sir, Zhou Liang dares to falsely accuse the king, how can the king not be angry!" Lu Wang said angrily, could he be the blue hat king in the future?

Gui Junxi hurriedly said: "Because it is the steward of the mansion who is going to sue the officials, my lord, you can't mess up your position, otherwise, you may be afraid of tricks!"

King Lu slowly suppressed his anger, and asked: "In my opinion, what should I do now? Just let this guy ruin my reputation like this?"

"My lord, you should know how the Governor of Shuntian Mansion is. He will definitely not be enmity with you. The most urgent thing now is to ask clearly about the trial process..."

If the governor of Shuntian government wants to suppress this kind of matter, there may be no way, and other ministers will not offend the king of Lu, only the king on behalf of him can worry about it.

King Lu felt that this was the reason, so he kicked Steward Zhang: "You don't want to investigate!"


In Shuntian Mansion, King Lu also spent a lot of money to install manpower in it. This time the news can be sent back so quickly, thanks to this initiative.

King Lu is now hoping that the governor of Shuntian Prefecture can control the situation within a certain range, and don't spread it to the ears of his father.

Shuntian government office

The governor of Shuntian Prefecture's complexion was ashen at this time, with a layer of cold sweat floating on his forehead, but he had to work hard to maintain his official authority, listening to the people kneeling below who kept talking.

"Except for a few selected attendants, Concubine Wei has offered incense many times?"

His throat was dry, but under the observation of Shoufu and Dai Wang, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture had no choice but to ask this question.

After learning that everyone from the concubine to the selection of attendants in Lu Wangfu had been to Shuiyun Temple, he knew that things might not go well today.

And when he heard that Zhou Liang confessed that Concubine Wei in the palace had also gone to Shuiyun Temple to offer incense many times in order to get rid of the crime, he was so shocked that he sat stiffly, almost out of his wits.

As Zhou Liang said, this matter is really the number one scandal in the world!

In fact, not only the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture knew the horror of this matter, but other officials also knew it well.

Even Cui Zhaoquan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was sweating on his forehead, and regretted that he invited everyone to come and listen together. Why are you talking so much?

He accidentally heard such secrets in the palace!

It is related to the innocence of the concubine and the authenticity of the royal blood. It is conceivable that this matter will definitely become a fuse, and the thunder brought by the apparition of the shrine will explode!

And it is unknown whether those people who have been involved inadvertently at this time can escape unscathed!

The venue was very quiet, and the chief assistant, Zhao Xu, took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and secretly winked, but it was late at night, and the candles were already weak, so Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion really couldn't tell.

At this moment, Zhou Liang knelt on the ground and shouted in a hoarse voice: "My lord, it's absolutely true! Before the villain escaped, the lord was interrogating this matter in the mansion, and even killed the maidservant!"


This confession was even more frightening and full of imagination. The clerk who made the transcript was sweaty, wiped his forehead, and continued to write.

Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion stared at this prisoner, if not for the presence of Dai Wang and Chief Assistant, and his special status, he would have ordered him to be executed in court immediately.

There may be a small punishment, but it will not be a disaster, but at this moment, he had to slap the gavel again.

"Bold! Tang Xia Zhou Liang, do you know that falsely accusing the lord and the prince is a capital offense?!"

In any case, it could be death anyway. If I admit the false accusation at this time, I am afraid that the death will be even worse. I can't even die happily, but I gritted my teeth and resisted it, maybe I can still live!

Up to now, Zhou Liang has made up his mind, kowtowed heavily, and said: "The villain knows, and you can find out this matter as soon as you investigate it. How dare the villain lie? If there is something wrong, please cut off the villain's head!"

These words are full of confidence, and when people listen to them, they know that they must be absolutely sure.

It seems that this person did not make a false accusation, but told the truth.

After hearing this, Luo Pei looked at Dai Wang again.

Actually speaking, because he was transferred to the southwest and took charge of the shrine on behalf of the king, his heart was somewhat wavering, not for himself, but for his wife and children who stayed in the capital. !

"Sure enough, I was right to insist on taking refuge in Dai Wang. Once the matter of Concubine Wei is involved, King Lu may be doomed."

At the same time, someone had the same idea.

This person is the Chief Assistant, looking left and right, everyone saw pale faces, especially the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture who was almost paralyzed on his seat, and the Dai Wang expressionless.

Shoufu thought to himself: "Is there really a destiny?"

The Governor of Shuntian Mansion can't handle this matter, and it's not easy to handle it. Seeing that Tan Ping couldn't see the look in his eyes because of the night, and was flustered, he couldn't think of it for a while, so he weighed it in his heart. If he made a scandal, it would be tantamount to creating a problem for the emperor. , I have swept away the dignity of the royal family, so it is really inappropriate to ask further questions.

After thinking about it, seeing that no one else spoke, the chief assistant got up: "This matter is not suitable for scrutiny, it is better to report it to the emperor."

As soon as Tan Ping said this, he suddenly came to his senses, and felt palpitations again, what happened to him, why was he so obsessed, and continued to ask, when it came to Concubine Wei, he should retreat.

At this time, I couldn't help but say: "Come here, take this lowly slave down and put him in a prison, and don't allow anyone to visit him."

"My lord, my lord, what I said is true..." Immediately, a yamen servant dragged him down, and Zhou Liang suddenly felt ominous, shouting desperately, the long voice went far away, and became weaker and weaker.

 I recommend two new books, one is "Extraordinary Creed", which is not badly written, it is the way of Taoism to manifest the sage, and the conflict between China and the West, and the other is "Rebirth of Dongying to prove the real king", which is to prove the real king in Japan, and is currently a yin and yang Teacher, a relatively easy way, you can eat


(End of this chapter)

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