fake prince

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

Royal Palace

It was late at night, and the emperor had just finished approving the memorial, and suddenly became interested, and planned to call a low-ranking concubine to serve in the palace.

Only then did the eunuch bring over the concubine's badge, and before he could choose someone, he saw Eunuch Zhao running in hastily from the outside, his face was still covered with a layer of sweat, greasy under the candlelight.

When the emperor saw it, he became a little impatient.

"Retire first!" Waved the eunuch who was holding the sign to retreat. The emperor looked down on him and looked directly at Eunuch Zhao who knelt down to salute him.

"You are so eager to see me, what's the matter?"

"Although it's hot in June, you shouldn't sweat so much, right?"

Could it be that this old thing has been in front of him for a long time, and he has forgotten his sense of propriety, even this bit of etiquette?

After thinking about the above, the emperor overturned his guess in his heart, thinking to himself: "No! Since this old man came to see me in a hurry, there must be something big!"

Eunuch Zhao, who was kneeling in front of him, buried his head very low, but didn't speak immediately.

This is not the case!

Eunuch Zhao is an old slave next to him, if it's a trivial matter, he wouldn't run to him without saying a word!

"Why, what happened again?" The emperor was alerted, and said lightly.

"Slaves dare not speak." Eunuch Zhao said with his head down.

"You old slave, I pardon you for your innocence!" The emperor frowned.

"I still dare not speak." Eunuch Zhao held up a confession statement with his head down.

Seeing that it was all like this, and the old slave was still so scared, the emperor was startled, knowing that something big had happened, he grabbed the confession that was held up high, and looked at it.

Eunuch Zhao secretly raised his eyes, and found that the emperor was frowning at the confession and sneered: "Dai Wang is a bit lucky! Shuiyun Temple has become a den of prostitution? Heh! The reason for cleaning up the shrine will come to you automatically. Already!"

Eunuch Zhao couldn't answer these words, and the emperor didn't need him to answer the words. Knowing that the following content was the most terrifying, Eunuch Zhao hurriedly lowered his gaze again, knelt in front of the emperor, and dared not move.

The emperor continued to watch, and at the beginning he was still in the mood to think, the good fortune of this generation of kings, could it be that it is really God's favor?

But seeing that the female family members of Queen Lu's house are also related to Shuiyun Temple, their face is not so good.

No matter how you say it, King Lu is also his own son, but it’s not like Dai Wang, who has been kept outside. It’s been two years since he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, and he still has the hatred of killing his father. grandson.

But King Lu is his own son, the son who has been raised by him for more than [-] years. No matter how ruthless the emperor is, as long as he does not violate the bottom line and does not make him really murderous, he can still have a little bit of father-son affection.

Because of this, the son has green on his head, and the father naturally feels uncomfortable.

Ugly, is this the reason why the old slave dared not speak?

No, it's not!

The emperor knew that eunuch Zhao was not such a cowardly person, so he continued to look down, and saw the section "Wei Concubine" below, his face, which had been depressed because of the family affairs of King Lu, changed instantly.

It's like knocking over the palette at once, the complexion is really wonderful!

The eyes that were squinting at the confession form shrank sharply, and the hand holding the paper trembled slightly.

Eunuch Zhao shivered, he didn't dare to look up, but he was already trembling.

Wei Shizu of the former dynasty was called the emperor of the ages, which can be regarded as magnanimous. When the prime minister went to the court once, he still said that his whole body would tremble when the emperor was slightly angry.

The wrath of the emperor, even an old man like Eunuch Zhao who serves the emperor is still afraid.

In other words, it is precisely because he understands how much power the Son of Heaven holds that he will be more in awe.

"Bastard!" There was a brief silence, and the hall was suddenly yelled, and the ignited anger rushed straight to the emperor's forehead, causing the emperor's forehead to twitch.

He stretched out his hand to tear up the confession, and shouted, "Bastards, they are all a bunch of bastards!"

Eunuch Zhao was in a hurry, he knelt and climbed a few steps, and hurriedly advised: "The emperor calm down! Please take care of the dragon body!"

The imperial physician has hinted that the emperor's health is already very bad now, and he depends on the elixir to hang on. He must not be angry, every time he is angry, it will be a major loss.

The emperor also knew this, but still roared: "I also want to take care of the dragon body, but every piece is piercing my heart, how can I take care of it?"

As he said that, the emperor suddenly thought of the prophecy about the death of three generations. Before that, he always thought, could it be that Taizu borrowed the luck of the demon to make the demons stir up trouble in this dynasty?

So he took the position and tried his best to suppress the demon luck, but King Qi colluded with the demon clan, thinking he didn't know.

He also suspected that Taizu passed away early, and the generals and princes were not dead yet, so there was a possibility of overthrow. Therefore, after ascending to power, he emphasized literature and suppressed martial arts, and gradually reduced the power of warriors, which has basically been completed until now.

When the acting king came back, he thought again, could it be that this matter should be related to the succession?

The king Dai showed his honesty and obedience, and he was able to do things well. Although the two kings of Qi and Shu had their own temperaments, they were not considered incompetent.

Later, when something happened in the capital, the emperor felt that it might be related to the apparition of the shrine?After all, a hole in the ground and a boulder falling from the sky are not trivial matters.

If it weren't for the apparition of the shrine, the people in the capital would associate the falling rock with the cave, and let the Imperial City Secretary guide the public opinion, the vision of that day, I'm afraid I would have to punish myself!

"Concubine Wei went to Shuiyun Temple to offer incense several times, and after that there was King Lu!"

But now, the emperor looked at this and suddenly had a chilling thought.

King Shu and King Qi let him down, and Dai Wang didn't even think about it. Recently, he has been introspecting himself, and he has some thoughts to investigate King Lu, but if King Lu is not his own son and passes the throne to him, wouldn't the country fall to outsiders?

Isn't this just in line with the prophecy that the three generations of the Ji family will perish?

Thinking of this, a rush of urgency rushed into his heart, the emperor's heartbeat accelerated, he was gasping for breath, he almost couldn't breathe, he staggered, and almost passed out.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Eunuch Zhao had observed it a long time ago, and at this time he was so shocked that he "huh" helped him up. He had gained experience, so he quickly took out a small medicine bottle, which was tea to feed Xiao Huan Dan.

Xiao Huan Dan was still effective, after a while, the emperor's expression gradually softened, but Eunuch Zhao was not happy, and he was worried that the effect of this Xiao Huan Dan was getting shorter and shorter.

The emperor opened his eyes, glanced around, sighed deeply, and said, "I am old... I am old..."

After talking for a long time, he didn't speak, just looked at the imperial study room, seemed to be in deep thought, after an unknown period of time, his expression calmed down, and suddenly, his voice was small but clear: "Go and deliver the decree, cut off the imperial concubine's position, cut off the imperial concubine's position, To go to the title of king of Lu, they are all confined in the mansion."

"Ah?" Eunuch Zhao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. This morning, the emperor also praised King Lu as "clearly organized and lived up to my expectations". In less than four hours, he suddenly cut the noble and imprisoned him. He hardly dared to served.

When the emperor saw the eunuch in front of him, he didn't dare to obey the edict, and waved his hand: "I'm not confused yet, I don't want to deal with this trivial matter that can't be determined like this."

"But I am old, and there are many hidden dangers that must be removed in advance."

"I am convinced of King Lu, but only by cutting off his title can he test his bloodline, otherwise there will be confusion... If he is found innocent, I will restore his king's title. You go and carry it out, pass on the word of mouth first, The official decree will come to me later to get it."

"Yes." Eunuch Zhao felt at ease, and after seeing that the emperor had nothing else to say, he immediately withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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