fake prince

Chapter 850

Chapter 850


At the gate of the inner courtyard, government soldiers guarded with swords, and the two lanterns swayed slightly in the wind, except for the silence.

An elderly woman came over at a leisurely pace from the back door, carrying a bamboo basket in her hand, partially covered by a piece of blue cloth, revealing a few tender and juicy peaches, if this basket was full of peaches, it would be unreasonable to say the least. twenty.

"Mother Jia, why haven't you rested yet?"

The soldiers at the gate knew her, she was the nanny who served in front of the princess, she was very respectable, she was a celebrity in front of the master, so she was naturally very polite to her.

Grandma Jia lifted the blue cloth with a smile, and showed the bamboo basket: "Hey, isn't it because the prince loves the princess so much that he keeps me watching, and if he sees any peaches, he will buy them back for the princess to eat?"

"I went to look for the one yesterday, but there was no one selling it. Today, by chance, a peddler came by the back door, and he just sold these peaches. I hurriedly picked twenty of the best ones, all of them were fresh and juicy. Send it to the princess! I heard from the prince, eating this is good for the child!"

Mao peaches are not something ordinary people can afford. Although they look a little weird on the outside, they are unforgettable after eating. The soldiers couldn't help but look at the basket full of Mao peaches, and felt that their mouths were already full of saliva. up.

"This is a good thing... Come on, Mammy, go in quickly." Afraid of drooling, one of them hurriedly waved her to pass.

Nanny Jia secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in quickly.

"What, what's going on? Isn't that Ms. Luo? Why is she kneeling there?" Just after entering the yard, she saw a slender girl kneeling on the ground with her back straight, motionless, and a closer look revealed that this was not Who is Luo Jiang, the female coach in the mansion?

Mother Jia's heart moved, and she asked a passing maid in a low voice, "What's wrong with Miss Luo? Why didn't anyone go to pull her up?"

"It's not a trivial matter. She is kneeling, and we dare not pull it."

The servant girl who was summoned said in a low voice: "She said she took the horse and went out without authorization. Now that she knew she was wrong, she just came here and knelt down when she returned home. This is an apology to the prince."

There were some maids and servants parked in the corridor, because they were not so busy at night, and they were all watching the fun. At this time, someone said: "Miss Luo also doesn't know the rules. No matter how she is a teacher in the mansion, she is different from us. Divide into two words."

"Yes, she is too reckless and impulsive. Could it be that she thinks that the palace is a river and lake and can tolerate wild things?"

Not everyone thought that Luo Jiang was all wrong, and some people said a few words for her: "It's no wonder she was reckless and impulsive. I heard that her mother had an emergency. This mother died, so she should go back."

This is helping to speak because of filial piety. Both the previous dynasty and this dynasty ruled the world with filial piety. It is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. It is not wrong to have both.

However, not many people agree with this idea. After all, servants, especially those in the palace, pay more attention to the word loyalty. Luo Jiang has always lived in a small courtyard with a private family, and even sent maids to serve him. If what you do does not match, it is easy to attract criticism.

Someone said: "No matter how urgent you are, don't you even have time to ask for instructions? If you want to leave the palace, you have to report to the king."

"It's true. I heard that she took the horse when she left the mansion, and let the horse leave the mansion. This is not just a crime of going out without authorization. I don't know if the king will forgive it..."

There are even people who have always been displeased with this Luo Jiang, and usually don't want to say too much, but now they curled their lips: "It's just punishment to kneel, isn't that considered forgiveness? Although Miss Luo is the instructor, she is also a member of the palace, so she should abide by the rules of the palace. , treat yourself like a master, and you also need to see if you have such a life!"

What a blessing, that is also a noble person like the princess!

After hearing this, Grandma Jia gloated a little, and said, "It's really good for people to talk about it, hey, Miss Luo is too careless!"

A passing steward heard the servants and women muttering here, frowned, and interjected: "The rules of the palace are the most strict, whether it is the Qi Palace, the Shu Palace, or even the Lu Palace, if you do something wrong, you will be punished." It's not uncommon to be killed, last month some servants of King Lu's Mansion were dragged out by the back door and thrown into a mass grave, they were all people who did not follow the rules and did something wrong."

"Although the king didn't meet Miss Luo, he just made him kneel, which is already very lenient, but..."

As he spoke, he glanced around at the gossipers again, and said in a stern tone, "Your majesty is magnanimous, but it doesn't mean you can gossip so lazily! Even though it is night, there is still a lot of work to be done. A bunch of you are gathered here, isn't it? Do you still want to kneel down with her?"

As soon as these words came out, the people present immediately dispersed.

Nanny Jia is a person with ghosts in her heart. She smiled, walked along the corridor and turned over the rockery pond. Seeing no one around, she touched her chest.

Inside the clothes, there is a silverware the size of a thumb. This is the magic weapon she was ordered to bring to the princess. Someone asked her to bring this thing close to the princess three meters away.

"If found out..." Thinking of what the manager said just now, Nanny Jia was a little uneasy and hesitated for a while.

Although she is not too young, she has not lived enough. She got money and land, and she will have a better life in the future. She was discovered by the people in the house...

"No, as the man said, this silverware is inconspicuous, and there is no need to stab the princess, as long as it is close to three meters, it may be activated."

"Outsiders will only think that the concubine suddenly became pregnant. As long as I am careful, no one will know that I did it."

"After all, there are many reasons why noble people have fetal gas, such as diet problems, weather problems, mood problems, and even housing problems. The first thing to check should be diet. At most, the people in the kitchen are unlucky. I can't rely on it."

"Furthermore, the prince and concubine are young, so this magic weapon has some influence on the offspring, so it's nothing..." Although Jia Momo didn't know who was behind it, she could still estimate some shadows, and at this moment she encouraged herself Angry, she still made up her mind, lowered her head and fiddled with the fresh and tender peaches in the basket, and continued walking along the corridor.

"Grandma Jia is here?" The maid who picked up the curtain at the door was dressed in tender pink and looked very fresh. Seeing her, she immediately called out with a smile.

His eyes fell on the basket he was carrying, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Mao Tao?"

"Exactly, just now someone was selling peaches at the back door, so I bought a basket of them. These are good peaches, and some times they are very fresh and delicious. Put them in my room. After you leave your errand, go I keep it in my room, I keep it for you little girls!" Nanny Jia also said with a smile.

The maid immediately pursed her lips and smiled: "Then thank you first."

"Is the princess sleeping peacefully?" Jia Momo asked now.

"I haven't slept yet, you can go in directly." The maid was not at all wary, in terms of closeness and status, Nanny Jia was much better than her.

Seeing that everything was normal, Grandma Jia took a deep breath, then opened the bead curtain by herself, went in, and said, "Princess, look at what this servant has brought for you!"

This is a very elegantly furnished small hall, with expensive organdy gauze on the windows. When you look into the hall, you can see not only the princess sitting in the hall, but also the acting king, talking with Mr. Lu, and even the steward Jiang Yijiang. , all waiting on the sidelines.

(End of this chapter)

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