fake prince

Chapter 852

Chapter 852

"The servant girl is really wronged!"

Seeing that King Dai looked at him expressionlessly, without saying a word, Nanny Jia hurriedly asked for help and looked at Princess Dai.

Ye Buhui looked left and right, hesitating a bit, it is said that Grandma Jia's husband's family is considered to be the prince's old family, and Grandma Jia has been with her for a long time, she is considered an old man in the palace, she should believe her.

But people are far and near, compared to Grandma Jia, of course Ye Buhui believed in her husband more.

She looked at Su Ziji, and seeing her husband's indifferent expression, she roughly knew it, and asked with a frown: "Is the silver house that was mentioned in the investigation just now true?"

"Princess, you believe me, I don't! I don't have this slave, I was wronged, this slave is loyal to you, how could I accept these bribes against my master, you should understand that this slave is loyal!" Nanny Jia hurriedly said.

The phrase "betray the lord", but Bo Yan caught the conversation, and immediately smiled grinningly: "Accept these bribes against the lord? Mother Jia, I only said that I found out that there was suddenly more money and fertile land under your name, but I didn't say anything." You betrayed the Lord."

This is not self-inflicted.

Grandma Jia choked: "I, I'm just afraid that the prince and concubine will misunderstand..."

"I don't want the prince and concubine to misunderstand, so let's make it clear now."

Bo Yan stared at her, seeing her flustered and incoherent, but he didn't feel sympathetic. If he wanted to gain the trust of the king, he had to handle this errand well without any mistakes. Mama turned the case in the face of the current king and concubine, and her face was also dull.

Now pressing on step by step: "You said you didn't betray the master, then tell me, your Jia's family couldn't even eat, and you yourself only make a living by washing clothes. You have only been in the mansion for a year. Where did you get 1000 taels of silver and a dollar?" A hundred acres of fertile land?"

"Could it be that the prince and princess rewarded you?"

"I..." Nanny Jia was stuck, unable to speak for a while, her face was pale, and she managed to say: "A relative sent me off!"

"This is one hundred mu of fertile land for 1000 taels of silver."

"The juetian of Uncle Anxiang's family is only 27 hectares and 94 mu. Whose relatives are so good, give you 10 hectares of good land? What is your name? Where do you live? When will you be given away? Why will you be given away? Mother Jia, in In front of the prince, you have to speak clearly!" Bo Yan sneered.

Nanny Jia couldn't tell, this was because she betrayed the concubine to get benefits, but she never expected that she was so well hidden that Bo Yan found out!

This person is too hateful, why do you have to make trouble with her?

Knowing that she might be finished today, she looked at Bo Yan with resentment in her eyes.

Bo Yan has seen similar gazes many times over the years, so he doesn't care at all.

Seeing that Nanny Jia was speechless, he cupped his hands at Dai Wang: "My lord, the facts are already obvious. This Nanny Jia betrayed the Lord and decided to do something harmful to the palace, so she got the money and the land."

As for who to contact, and who to get benefits from, Bo Yan found out a little bit, and then stopped, presumably some dignitary in the capital bought off Nanny Jia.

With the promotion speed of Dai Wang in the past two years, I am afraid that he will be a thorn in the eyes of all the kings, and any one of them may attack Dai Wang's mansion and bribe one or two people.

"Good, good, good!"

Standing on behalf of the king, when he heard this, a sneer appeared on his face, and he looked at Nanny Jia even more murderously: "The princess treats you well, but you really betrayed the master? Come, take it down!"

"Yes!" Two government soldiers came in from outside, regardless of men and women, regardless of whether Jia Nanny was the favorite of the princess or not, they directly held down Jia Nanny, not only held down, but also searched.

"My lord, we found 300 taels of silver and this unknown silverware." After searching, a mansion soldier placed the things on a plate, held it up above his head, and showed it to Su Ziji.

Ye Taoist came over at this moment, picked up the bank note and glanced at it first, this is Hongsheng's largest one hundred taels bank note, Hongsheng Bank is one of the six major banks in the capital, the bank notes issued by Hongsheng Bank are hard-credit and fully accepted , couldn't help laughing: "It's so bold to shoot!"

Putting down the banknotes and picking up the silverware, Ben casually changed color just by looking at it: "This is... Chongxuwen!"


Su Ziji was unfamiliar with this name, and asked, "What's the use of this?"

He saw that the savages were afraid of the patterns on the thumb-sized silverware, not the silverware itself.

The savage man's eyes showed a cold light, he bowed, and said in a gloomy voice: "My lord, this imaginary pattern looks like a pattern, engraved on a silverware, and soaked for seven to seven days with the painstaking efforts of a mother and child born on a cloudy day and a cloudy day. , supplemented with several materials, and refined, a magic weapon can be made."

"The magic weapon refined according to this method is called Chongxu. This weapon has no other great uses, but it is not good for pregnant women and can hurt babies."

As soon as these words fell, Su Ziji was furious.

This anger, even if it is three-point drama, seven-point is true. Su Ziji, who had known that Jia Nanny had done such a betrayal, had already been angry once, heard the wild Taoist's explanation and still killed him. Suddenly!

"Bad for pregnant mother and child? Very good!"

Su Ziji looked down at Nanny Jia who was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't even pull him up, and sneered: "Just 1000 taels of silver and a hundred acres of land can make you do such a heartless thing... Pull it down! "

"My lord, spare me!" Nanny Jia trembled with fright, and there was even a smell of urine in the air, which made people want to vomit.

Su Ziji sneered: "This king has always been magnanimous to his servants, I don't want to be bitten by a poisonous snake today, Jiang Yi!"

"The little guy is here!"

Jiang Yi's face turned pale when he saw all this. Although this matter had nothing to do with him directly, let alone other things, it was only the palace that was in charge, and the nuns in the mansion did such bold things. Seriously speaking, he This person in charge is also guilty of negligence!

This is different from the Imperial City Division. To put it bluntly, the Imperial City Division is following the holy will and is only inspecting, rather than harming the acting king, and will not allow anyone to harm the grandson of the dragon.

Hearing Dai Wang's roar, Jiang Yi had been silent like a cicada, but when he heard it now, he hurriedly stood up and responded.

Just listen to Dai Wang's instructions: "Let this matter be examined by you and Zhou Guanshi. Who exactly bought her, how to contact the outside, and whether there are any betrayers in the mansion, you have to find out!"

"Also, for doing such a thing, the Jia family and her mother's family will have to strictly scrutinize to see who is behind it?"

Jiang Yi also knew that the matter was serious, and it was a matter of great importance to the heirs of the royal family, so he immediately responded: "Please rest assured, the villain will definitely investigate this matter clearly!"

"Okay, you step back first, and investigate immediately! If you can't find out the matter, you don't have to see me again!" Su Ziji said to Jiang Yi coldly.

Jiang Yi broke out in a cold sweat, hurriedly said goodbye, and just left the door, he heard Jia Momo wake up and shouted desperately: "Princess, help, I'm confused, I'm not human, please forgive me..."

He called again: "Manager Jiang, my family and your colleagues."

Jiang Yi sighed: "If I had known today, why did I implicate my family back then? Someone came here to drag this lowly servant girl down and interrogate her again and again."

Seemingly seeing despair, she suddenly hissed: "I colluded with outsiders, and you won't be much better. I saw you secretly meeting people from outside the palace..."

Having said this, his mouth was blocked, and Jiang Yi could only hear him sipping: "When death is imminent, how dare you carelessly bite?"

(End of this chapter)

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