fake prince

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Luo Jiang's face was pale, and her hair almost floated into the study, and she knelt down silently when she entered, as if her mother's death made her lose her interest in life all of a sudden.

"Luo Jiang, are you guilty?" Su Ziji stood in front of her and asked coldly, but he sighed inwardly.

Luo Jiang stared straight at the ground in front of him and Dai Wang's boots, and replied, "I'm guilty."

This answer is very neat.

Although he knew that Luo Jiang had a deep affection for his mother, Su Ziji was a little surprised to this extent.

It has to be said that even Su Ziji would have some sympathy for dutiful sons and dutiful daughters, and Luo Jiang didn't intend to kill her at all, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a big circle to subdue her.

With a deep sigh in his heart, Su Ziji said, "Follow me."

With that said, he walked out from Luo Jiang's side.

Luo Jiang was startled, although she didn't know where Dai Wang was going to take her, but she was not afraid, she got up and followed, Dai Wang walked in front, turned along the corridor, crossed a rockery pond, passed through a cave, and stopped suddenly pace.

When Luo Jiang saw it, he became more and more puzzled. In front of him was a small remote courtyard. The Daiwang Mansion was very large. Even if the newly recruited guards were counted, there were less than a hundred people, and the Wangfu could accommodate hundreds of people. It is vacant, and here is no exception. It is very quiet, and it is even darker at night.

There wasn't even a servant nearby, only the wild Taoist followed, and the footsteps of the three were very obvious. Why did the king bring her here?

However, Luo Jiang couldn't summon up the energy to ask now, he was too lazy to guess, he just gave up after thinking about it, and planned to listen to Dai Wang's next order.

At this moment, there was the sound of the door opening and closing in the front yard, Luo Jiang wondered in a daze, could someone live inside?Or did a servant enter the courtyard?

Because of the courtyard wall, as long as it is not brightly lit, it is impossible to see what is going on inside from the outside.

Luo Jiang followed along the corridor to the entrance of the Moon Cave, and saw clothes poles drying in the yard, and heard intermittent conversations and coughs inside, so he knew that there were indeed people living there.

Just as Luo Jiang was thinking, he suddenly heard a woman's voice, as if talking to someone in a low voice.

She suddenly raised her eyes and looked in that direction, this voice, this voice!

The familiar voice made her even think that she was in a dream at this time, or that she was crazy, so she had a hearing problem?

Why did she hear... this voice?

"Wait first..." Su Ziji had been watching Luo Jiang's reaction, and when he saw Luo Jiang raised his head, he wanted to rush in, so he said, "Be safe and don't be impatient."

Luo Jiang was startled, and it took him a while to wake up, he stopped rushing in, but his body was trembling slightly.

Su Ziji smiled silently, and continued to listen to the conversation inside, because now he was a little closer, the voice inside could be faintly heard.

I heard the woman say: "Doctor, is my body really fine? I just need to take the medicine on time and I'll get better?"

One of the voices is a man, but the age of the voice should be quite old. He is old-fashioned and full of anger at the same time. He replied cheerfully: "You, take care of yourself. Your body is fine. The only thing is that you smashed a tile. , there is a scar on the forehead, but it is not a problem, even the scar will disappear after a while."

"The other thing is that your body is weak. This is a long-term chronic disease. You just need to cook the medicine according to the old man's prescription. When your body recovers, you may not be able to live a hundred years in the future!"

The woman was obviously relieved, and she also smiled: "Hey, I don't dare to think about living a hundred years old. I just hope that I can live a few more years, so I can see my daughter-in-law more often..."


Familiar voice, familiar title, no need to guess who the woman inside is.

It's mother Luo Yiyu... Mother is still alive?

They were still talking inside, listening and listening, Luo Jiang had already burst into tears, and when she wiped away her tears, she hesitated, not daring to go any further, not daring to push the door.

Su Ziji asked: "What? I don't want to go in now, is it because of close relatives?"

Just now she was blocked from entering immediately, but now she was signaled to enter, but she refused.

Tired of close relatives?This kind of feeling does exist, Luo Jiang knows that the person inside may be her mother, but she is also afraid that this is just a dream.

But Dai Wang said so, no matter how scared he was, he had to go in. The most important thing was that since his mother Luo Yiyu was here, Dai Wang must know everything about him.

Originally this was a heart attack, Luo Jiang let out a heavy breath, suddenly knelt down on both knees, and said softly: "My lord is so kind and virtuous, I dare not hide it, I was born in Moon Shadow Gate."

"Moon Shadow Gate?" Su Ziji was thoughtful, the shadow of the moon was interesting.

"Moon Shadow Gate is really a place to train dark guards. Although I was an orphan and was picked up by my master to teach martial arts, but I later found out that my father was actually a dark guard. He just died in an operation."

"For the sake of my mother, I entered the secret guard at the age of 13." Luo Jiang said here, suddenly covering his eyes with his hands, letting tears flow from his fingers, trembling: "There were 19 of my partners back then, only The three are alive, and what is even more frightening is that if they fail to pass, not only themselves, but also their family members will disappear.”

"For the sake of my mother, I had to do a lot of things. This time, I was ordered by the Secretary of the Imperial City to monitor the king."

"My crime is unforgivable, and I still ask the king to deal with it, only to resettle my mother."

"You..." Su Ziji listened to her crying, played with the bamboo fan in his hand, pondered for a long time, his face softened, and said: "So it's like this, the palace doesn't use swordsmen, let alone assassins."

Seeing her trembling, she continued, "But this dynasty governs the world with filial piety. You are doing it for your mother. This is filial piety. Just because of this, there is something to be forgiven."

"But you have to be punished if you have committed a crime. The palace was first built, and the concubine has a body. You will protect her personally and treat her with the courtesy of managing affairs. There must be no mistakes. It is considered a crime, how about it?"

"My concubine, thank the king." Luo Jiang felt relieved, Xie En stood up, and was about to go in, when suddenly he heard Dai Wang ask: "You had 19 partners in total, only three were alive, one of them, is it Bo Yan? "

Luo Jiang's whole body was shocked, he lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

Only then did she truly feel the power of Tian's close proximity, and she couldn't help feeling flustered, but after she answered, she calmed down a little, and said: "It's just that Bo Yan's mother died of illness, he didn't worry about it, and he went out before finishing his studies. "

"Yueyingmen attacked and killed several times, but they were all killed. Since they haven't been formally naturalized as Imperial City Secretary, in order not to be scolded, they simply concealed this matter and let him hang out in the rivers and lakes."

"I don't know what's going on in the house."

Su Ziji nodded. At present, this answer has satisfied him. Heart-to-heart communication is a process. He smiled: "I don't have anything to say, you go in!"

As she said that, she stood outside, and in a blink of an eye, she heard a sudden cry from inside, followed by "Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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