fake prince

Chapter 876

Chapter 876

"Did the emperor doubt the acting king?" The queen recalled the emperor's expression, eyes and words, and the answer came out naturally.

A few days ago, Dai Wang received the decree and was in charge of handling the shrine. It didn't take long for the matter of Shuiyun Temple to be exposed. With the emperor's temperament, he must be suspicious.

Thinking with lowered eyes, the phoenix chariot has come back, some of the palace people held umbrellas to cover the rain, and some carefully supported the queen.

After taking a look at the big eunuch who was coming up, the little eunuch was also following behind. The little eunuch was walking steadily with a tray in his hand. There was a wine jug and wine glass on it. Needless to say, the wine jug was the poisoned wine given to Concubine Wei. up.

"Bring Concubine Wei up." The queen entered the hall and ordered directly.

"Yes!" Her female officer, although she didn't know what the queen said to the emperor in the palace, and what orders she received back, but she only had to look at the little eunuch holding a jug of wine, and the big eunuch who was covered in coldness, The people in the palace can roughly guess what this means.

The emperor wants Concubine Wei to die!

This is the first high-ranking concubine to be given death in more than ten years!

What happened to make it so serious?

Everyone's faces were pale, and the female officer silently agreed and withdrew.

Concubine Wei was sitting in a room, leaning against the wall, listening to the sound of the rain outside, just looking at her hand holding the hem of her clothes, one could tell that her heart was very disturbed.

"Why did this happen? Could it be that I did something wrong to provoke the emperor's fury?" Concubine Wei was in a confused and mad mood when she woke up, and she couldn't extricate herself.

After all, no matter who is a good concubine, she will not be at peace if a black pot suddenly falls from the sky and makes her fall from the concubine position.

This matter, no matter how you think about it, feels weird.

Especially the crimes against her, extravagant spending, having a position... How ridiculous is this crime?

She has served the emperor for more than twenty years, and she has always been cautious. Even if the concubine should have the enjoyment, she dare not enjoy it to the fullest, for fear that her son's reputation will be affected. After 20 years like this, she was charged with such a ridiculous crime.

Concubine Wei smiled bitterly. There was one thing that she didn't dare to think about until now, and that was whether she had hurt her son or her son had hurt her.

In fact, no matter who is implicated, the mother and son will hardly end well, but she only hopes that even if she is really convicted, her son will not be hit too hard.

"Mr. Qian, there is a decree here, let us go." Just as she was thinking about this, a female officer suddenly broke in with a nanny, and said coldly.

Although they were not enthusiastic about cutting off the concubine position, they still showed respect.

At this time, her face was snow-white and her expression was cold, which made Concubine Wei, who had always been lucky, turn pale immediately.

As long as she still has the possibility of recovering, it is impossible for this palace man, who has always been able to meet wind and wind, to have such an attitude towards her.

Since these people have such an attitude, it shows that she is afraid that she will not get anything today.

Concubine Wei tremblingly stood up against the wall, staggered out, and didn't ask these palace servants any more, judging by their attitudes, asking more questions would be nothing but humiliation.

"Maybe I will be thrown into the cold palace." Concubine Wei thought on the way, this result was really hard for her to accept, but she believed in her innocence, and also believed in the ability of her son King Lu, as long as she gave some time to buffer, it might not be impossible to make the emperor change his mind .

She thought, when she arrived at the main hall, she first saw the queen looking at herself with a complicated expression, and then saw the eunuch holding a wooden tray with a jug of wine and a wine glass on it, and Concubine Wei's head suddenly buzzed.

Although it has been said that no concubine has been given death in more than ten years, but she has nothing to do when she is free, listening to palace people telling stories about the previous dynasty, giving poisoned wine, etc., her ears can hear cocoons, how can she not guess this is coming from? What are you doing?

"No...it won't..." Concubine Wei stepped back step by step, shaking her head constantly.

"The emperor will not treat me like this, no!"

"Mr. Qian, the emperor ordered me to issue a decree to give you the last respect... You, prepare to go on the road. When the time comes to announce that you are sick, you will be given a posthumous title and buried as a concubine." The queen sighed. , looked at her and said.

"No, the emperor won't treat me like this, it must be you!" Concubine Wei was almost insane, when she heard the queen's voice, she looked over and said viciously, "You are the one who framed me!"

"Bold, you still dare to slander the queen at this time, and gag her!" Seeing her continue talking, for fear of offending the queen, an eunuch who came back followed him gave an order, and the little eunuch rushed to follow him.

The eunuch smiled at the queen again: "Your Majesty, you go and wait inside, this is handled by the slaves!"

The queen also felt uncomfortable, seeing several eunuchs jumping up to hold Concubine Wei, Concubine Wei was struggling desperately, her expression was crazy, she couldn't help sighing, and went inside.

The eunuch turned around, his expression became indifferent, and he sneered: "If the queen hadn't interceded, would you still have a posthumous title? It's really a retaliation!"

Saying that, he waved his hand.

Someone opened Wei Shi's mouth, and without using a cup, just took the spout of the small wine pot and poured it into it.

"no no!"

Concubine Wei didn't want to die, she didn't compromise even if she was being held down, she struggled desperately, the poisoned wine was poured down on her, she took advantage of the relaxation of others, broke free, vomited a few times, and spit out most of the poisoned wine again.

The eunuch sneered, and didn't mind: "Why bother? Drink it all honestly, the poison is severe, and you can go without the pain. Now it's like this, you have to make a lot of trouble, but you asked for it, and you are the one who feels uncomfortable Own."

Under the watchful eyes of the chief eunuch, Concubine Wei was like a headless chicken at first, bumping around, trying to rush out, after a while, her complexion changed drastically, and she rolled all over the ground clutching her stomach.

"Ah, help me, it hurts!"

"It hurts so much, mother, help me, ah—"


A louder scream made all the palace people standing not far away tremble and their faces turned pale.

The eunuch just looked at it like this, his expression didn't change for a moment.

Concubine Wei, who kept rolling and wailing, almost lost her human form, not to mention bleeding from her seven orifices, her eyes were protruding, and her hands were desperately grabbing the ground. Because of the pain, her nails collapsed, and blood was dripping everywhere. Blood from her scratches.

"My lady, empress, please, please tell me, King Lu, my son, what's wrong, what's wrong."

When the pain reached a certain level, or when the light came back, she suddenly became sober, and stopped crying on the ground, and crawled inside, shouting.

A little eunuch wanted to stop him, but the big eunuch waved his hand and stopped him.

"Hey!" Hearing the sound outside, the queen finally couldn't bear it, came out and walked in front of her.

Concubine Wei couldn't hold it anymore, her body was still wriggling, she saw the empress approaching, she averted her dizzy eyes, she couldn't speak anymore.

"King Lu is fine, he was just reduced to King Ninghe, and there is also a county king."

"It's okay..." Concubine Wei let out her last breath, her voice died away, but her body was still twitching, and after a while, Fang didn't move anymore.

The queen bent her waist and remained motionless for a long time before she stood up: "Concubine Wei died of illness, the palace and the emperor are very sad, according to the decree, the Ministry of Rites is ordered to propose a posthumous title and give a generous burial."

 I have something to do today, there is another chapter



(End of this chapter)

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