fake prince

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

It's better not to say this, King Ninghe just took the imperial edict, and when he heard this, his hand shook, and he almost didn't drop the imperial edict on the ground. The king will definitely honor the imperial decree."

Ma Shunde's eyes showed pity. Obviously, King Ninghe didn't understand what he meant, so he stopped talking nonsense, and looked at the people behind King Ninghe, and asked with a grinning smile, "Is everyone in your house here?"

King Ninghe turned around and looked carefully: "It's all here..."

He looked again, hesitated: "It seems that Mr. Gui is not here."

Now that he has survived the catastrophe, he doesn't want to offend others with any side effects, so the eunuch told the truth when he asked.

"Do you want me to have someone look for Mr. Gui?" King Ninghe asked again.

Ma Shunde said coldly: "There is no need to have the King of Laoning River."

Then he shouted: "The sage said that King Ninghe has done something wrong, and it is also because of the villain's slander. Except for King Ninghe and his wives and concubines, all the guards, servants, servants, servants, staff, and guests in the palace are guilty. The law cannot forgive them. All of them will be killed." , not one left!"

"Yes!" The armored soldiers who had heard the order to surround them shouted in unison, drew their swords instantly, and slashed at the surrounding servants and maids.

"Ah, my lord, help me!"

"Forgive me... ah!"

"No, save me, princess, save the slaves!"

All of a sudden, Ninghe Prince's Mansion became a hell on earth, only heard the sound of "kill", not long after Dazheng founded the country, the Imperial City Secretary or guards were all elites, with swords shining, and with a "boom", blood sprayed all over the sky gushing.

Killing slaves is like driving a flock of sheep. Wherever the stabs are cut, blood gushes out. Most of the people are crying and dying, not daring to resist at all.

Among the soldiers of the government, there were also those who were strong in character and refused to be killed. They drew their swords and fought back, but there was a continuous sound of "Puff" and the armored soldiers threw their spears. land.

Throwing a spear, the guards rushed forward, slashing several knives from all angles, the screams continued, and a mansion soldier roared, desperately parrying these knives.

Unexpectedly, three more people shouted: "Kill!"

The three knives slashed down at once, and the man screamed loudly, kneeling down involuntarily, trying to struggle with all his might to stand up, when he straightened up, he heard a group of people yelling again: "Kill!"

"Puff puff!"

The sound of long knives piercing the flesh was chilling again, and the man fell down with a muffled grunt. At this moment, the criss-crossing corpses were piled up to form a small slope, and the flowing blood pooled into a stream.

The former king of Lu, now the king of Ninghe, realized what happened in front of him, his lips trembled, and he didn't say anything. It was a fluke that he survived, and luckily his wife and children were fine, others... hey, others , he couldn't protect it either.

Unable to bear to look at it, King Ninghe could only close his eyes.

With the bloodline confusion involved, even if the bloodline is found to be fine afterwards, with the character of the father, it is impossible not to get angry.

You can't send it to someone who is sure to be your own son. These people in your own house will bear the brunt of it.

There will be such a result, and it is inseparable from the searched word, right?

Who killed him?Can imitate handwriting that even he can't distinguish?

"My lord, save me! My lord!" Just as he was trying not to look at the mansion with his eyes closed, his clothes were suddenly grabbed by someone, and the screams in his ears made King Ninghe subconsciously open his eyes.

"Zhao Zhu..."

The personal servant Zhao Zhu was stabbed twice, like a gourd of blood, he was clutching his clothes and begging, but the next moment, he was dragged away by his hair, and a five taels of silver rolled to the ground.


Not far away, a knife fell, the head rolled down, and the corpse fell to the ground. The spurted blood mixed with the red rain, which hurt King Ninghe's eyes.

Farther away, there were still people crying and screaming. The housekeepers, stewards, maids, nurses, servants, and staff and clean-up staff living in the mansion all became ghosts under the knife.

Those who were killed were forces cultivated over the years. They fell one by one, and King Ninghe's face turned pale and numb.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one standing, only wailing and screaming one after another, but as one after another made up the knife, the screams rang out for a while, and then fell silent.

The entire palace is still alive, except for King Ninghe himself, only his wives, concubines and children, the children are not very big, two or three of them are all concubines and concubines, who are tightly hugged by several older servants .

The concubine's expression was numb, and she was trembling all over when she looked closely.

King Ninghe glanced at them and wanted to ask his mother, but whether it was the blood-stained armor soldier or the indifferent eunuch, he really didn't dare to open his mouth.

He just got up, and fell down on the steps sadly.

The bone-chilling feeling spread all over his body, but now his whole body is weak, and he has no servants to support him, so how can he ask for more?

Seeing him like this, Ma Shunde didn't say anything, just looked at the scene.

Everything was going well at first, but suddenly there seemed to be commotion in the distance, Ma Shunde frowned, and looked in that direction, only to see a great chaos, the leader brandished a sword, leading several people to kill, blood gushed out, bringing The Jia soldiers couldn't resist for a while.

"Elder-in-law!" A soldier ran to report: "Someone resisted at the side door, and killed many people, rushed out!"

Ma Shunde suddenly grinned: "King Ninghe, the good thief you recruited—won't you go after him?"

Needless to say, this person should be Gui Junxi's aide who was reminded by the Secretary of the Imperial City when he came out.

Someone was ordered immediately, and a large crowd rushed over.

The Ninghe Prince's Mansion was almost "cleaned up", and Ma Shunde didn't want to look at the pile of corpses, so he was about to leave, but Ninghe King suddenly summoned courage and stopped.

"Is there something else for King Ninghe?" Ma Shunde turned around and asked.

King Ninghe asked, "Excuse me, father-in-law, what happened to my mother and concubine?"

"Why, Concubine Wei has been ill for more than ten days. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not. The imperial doctor inspected the matter several times, but she died tonight. The prince didn't take care of the illness, so the emperor was furious and dismissed the prince. Doesn't King Ninghe reflect on himself? "The eunuch said in surprise, and turned around after speaking.

When I first left the palace, the person who went to give the concubine Wei the poisoned wine went back with the queen, and King Ninghe was trapped in the mansion, even if there was a source of news, how did he find out so quickly?

But the emperor said yes, that's it. Concubine Wei must have died of a long illness rather than a "violent death".

"Mother concubine is dead..."

King Ning Hai's gaze was infatuated, he looked into the distance in a daze, muttered, and suddenly understood the matter of the imperial decree.

Concubine Wei was ill for a long time, but she didn't visit her, so the emperor ruled the world with filial piety, and was furious, so he cut his prince of Lu King into Ninghe King.

But the day before yesterday, I visited my concubine mother. The concubine mother looked very good and told me to be careful. Now that I've passed by in a blink of an eye, I still have to bear the name of being unfilial.

In this world, one who is not filial will be criticized by thousands of people, let alone a high position.

"Father, hello..." King Ninghe stood blankly for a while, and then fell on his back with a bang, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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