fake prince

Chapter 884

Chapter 884

"Even if you are an emperor, you still have dreams. That's why Tanyan Town changed color, thinking that you can't be exempted. In fact, this is not an external force, but just your own nightmare."

"I'm not afraid of the so-called Nightmare Town." Su Ziji smiled disdainfully: "Also, if you want to go back, you must be able to go back."

Although it was only a threat from a lord in the world, Empress Sandong immediately felt a deep-seated fear. It was an instinctive warning from the gods!

And this kind of uneasiness from the bottom of my heart, when Empress Sandong reacted, it immediately became a burning anger, that she was threatened by a mortal?

This king is really bold!

Empress Sandong's beautiful face was ferocious: "Then you mere lord of the world, just wait for me!"

The next moment, the body will be blurred, which is to hide the body and leave the dream.

From her point of view, just because she said harsh words, it doesn't mean that she will deal with it immediately. The future will be long, and there will always be a way to make the life of this generation of kings worse than death when they go back!

But all of a sudden, the figure was in a trance, and he stayed in place again, and his expression changed drastically.

"You think this is just a dream? It's really ridiculous."

"This is the Dragon Palace, how can the wild god come and go at will, come to the demon, and immediately take down the wild god who trespassed in the Dragon Palace, and execute the law on the spot."

Su Ziji couldn't help crying and laughing for a mere prince in the world. This should be a typical folk thought.

This is not just a dream, and it is not exempt if you have a strong will. Su Ziji has a feeling that although he is not the master here, he is almost the same. Sure enough, with his order, the entire space has changed. Before The three "doors" for the empress to enter were closed, and now, all the "doors and windows" have been closed.

Su Ziji felt his own authority, and at the same time when the space was completely closed, the bell sounded "Dang Dang", and then footsteps came one after another, but the armored monster and the big monster came into sight.

"Kill!" There seemed to be only one big monster, and the armored monster rushed to him with an order.

"It's just a demon in a dream. If you dare to attack the gods, you're courting death!" The empress of Sandong knew that she would have to fight hard before she could get out. This person is the center and shoots outward.

Every red rope carried an ominous red and black light, and some of them didn't miss, and when they touched the monster soldiers, the ropes seemed to be alive, and they were immediately rolled up, binding the monster soldiers tightly. , then tightened violently, and with a bang, it exploded, turning into a puddle of minced meat, and then turned into smoke.

But most of the red ropes were stopped by weapons and magic tools when they were about to touch the monster soldiers or big monsters.

"It's just a monster soldier in the dream, but it's not inferior to the big monster in reality?" The more the three holes were beaten, the more frightened they became.

If the appearance of the young dragon with the aura of the Dragon King shocked Mistress Sandong for a while, then now that the monster in Dai Wang's dream actually fights like a living thing, she really has a kind of regret.

If I knew that Dai Wang was so difficult, I shouldn't have fallen into Dai Wang's dream so casually today!

But thinking about it again, if she didn't enter the dream of the king, how would she know that he is not only a prince, but also a person related to the dragon king in the monster clan?

As a god in the shrine in the capital, she had already received some information feedback from the believers when she woke up, so she naturally knew that Dazheng's attitude towards the demon clan is very different from the previous dynasty.

As the son and grandson of the prince, if there is any collusion with the Yaozu, as long as the evidence is convincing and it is exposed, it will ruin this person's future.

"Hateful, even if it's a dream talk, it can't be used as evidence, but as long as there is a result, if you push it back, you can peel off the clues."

"When the time comes, let's see how you die?"

"Ah!" Because of distraction, there was only a "poof", and the empress of Sandong screamed, and saw a sword protruding from the back, and the tip of the sword came out from the heart.

If it is a human or a real demon, this is a fatal injury.

The Three Cave Empress screamed and did not die, she jumped forward, and the sword was drawn away, bringing out a puff of red mist, and then the red rope spun, wrapped around the demon soldier behind like a poisonous snake, tightened it fiercely, and slammed , exploded, and turned into smoke again.

There are more than a dozen red ropes turning around, spinning around to protect himself, and the wound squirmed for a while, and it healed in an instant, leaving only one red thread.

She wanted to break through layers of monster soldiers and monsters, and capture the king first, but she lost the opportunity just now, and now it is impossible to get close to the king.

This is a hopeless war, no matter how many demon soldiers and monsters she kills or wounds, in the blink of an eye, the smoke from the explosion gradually condenses, turning into demon soldiers again, and throwing themselves into the besieging.

"Gods are different from people, but they are durable." Su Ziji stood outside the battlefield and watched quietly.

During such a period of time, Empress Sandong has been injured five times, once to her heart, twice to her lower abdomen, and the rest to her arms and legs.

Every time she was injured, it was a serious injury that could almost pierce or cut off her limbs, but also, after each injury, her wounds would heal, but as the number of times increased, Su Ziji found that when she was injured for the fifth time, she The speed of wound healing is obviously much slower than before.

But at this moment, there was a "boom", a loud noise that shook the sky, the monster soldiers and the big monster seemed to turn a blind eye, but Su Ziji looked at it, but saw a side hall on the edge of the Dragon Palace, surrounded by dust and rubble in the sky. Slowly fell down.

"Although it's not entirely a dream, it is indeed mostly my dream combination. The Dragon Palace is gradually collapsing." Su Ziji's calm expression disappeared, revealing his dignity.

This means that the dream is about to wake up, and it also means that the battle is too fierce, which makes the dream unable to hold on.

Empress Sandong saw the edge of the Dragon Palace collapse, she immediately showed joy, with hope in her eyes: "Great!"

As long as she perseveres, she can escape from this dream smoothly!

With the collapse of the Dragon Palace, the restriction of dreams is weakening, and the "door" and "window" are about to reopen. No, this means that the whole room is about to collapse, and you can go out without even going through the "door"!

"Pfft!" The big demon suddenly seized the opportunity, and suddenly hit the magic weapon of a month and a half, only heard a sound, half of his body was almost cut off, and he fell out in embarrassment.

In mid-air, the wound began to heal, and after feeling it for a while, Empress Sandong showed a trace of despair again.

"It's too slow. The speed of this collapse is far less than the attack I received. If I continue to fight, before the dream collapses, her injury will completely kill me!" The third empress thought anxiously, she is a god, There is no fatal wound at all, but fighting and repairing requires energy, and we can't delay any longer. We need to cut our tails to survive, even if a little news spreads.

Before she could figure out a way, the big demon suddenly turned into a colorful tiger, and it opened its mouth fiercely, making a loud noise.

A wind blade strikes with a deafening wind and lightning.

"Boom" The wind from the tiger, the cloud from the dragon, the wind blade passed by, and there was a sound of cracking silk, and the three-hole empress turned into two sections in front of her eyes, spraying out a thick blood mist.

"Ahhh—" Sandong Empress screamed, half of her body was full of hatred: "I'm just an incarnation, you wait... ah!"

There was another scream, and several weapons pierced her body from front, back, left, and right. This time, it could no longer be repaired, and her body froze for a moment. With a "boom", it exploded into fireworks, which turned into three colors.

"Wow~~" Before Su Ziji could react, the young dragon rushed over with a beam of light, opened its small mouth wide, and sucked in the exploding fireworks in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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