fake prince

Chapter 926 King Qi Assassin

Chapter 926 King Qi Assassin

The wild Taoist frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "Although people from the King of Qi were mixed in at the literary meeting, the person who assassinated you may not be the one sent by the King of Qi."

As he spoke, he glanced at Su Ziji, and Su Ziji said "oh", indicating to continue.

"First of all, there is no need for King Qi to do this now. Although King Qi has a violent temper, he is not a fool. Assassinating the prince in public breaks the rules and angers the emperor. It will only let others reap the benefits. King Qi has no any good."

"Even if he retreats [-] steps and is suspected of assassination, this assassin is too bad."

"Assassin's martial arts, in the Jianghu, are probably between the first and second rate. They are considered masters, but when it comes to assassinating the lord, they are too shabby."

"The majestic Prince Qi's mansion is just this little stuff? I can't even believe it."

"I feel that this matter is strange, or the people behind the scenes are trying to provoke the relationship between you and King Qi."

Having said that, Ye Taoist smiled wryly.

"Even so, I'm afraid we and King Qi will suffer a lot."

Su Ziji stood up, facing the porthole, the outside light was very dark, only the lanterns on the pier illuminated, in a trance, there seemed to be a ghost, and he couldn't help frowning.

Even if everyone knows that the relationship between Dai Wang and Qi Wang has long been at odds, and the court has torn their faces, but there is still a big difference between Wendou and Wudou. There is a world of difference.

The former is nothing more than the normal state of fighting for the heir apparent. It has been the case in all dynasties. Even if one loses, it may not necessarily lead to death.

The latter really tore through all the fig leafs, and even cut off the final retreat, either you die or I live.

When it's really critical, it's okay to do this, if you can win, you are a hero!

But where is the time now?

Although the emperor is a little sick, but he has great power in his hands, and he has never been left behind. Before that, King Lu was named a prince for a few years. No matter how low-key he was, he was a well-connected prince. Wasn't it just abolished by the emperor with a single word?

So what if he is still the king of the county?Rejected by the emperor, demoted from prince to county king, beheaded and killed all the servants of the mansion, locked in the mansion and not allowed to go out, this is not much different from a waste person.

Su Ziji also thought like a savage Taoist. From the beginning to the end, this matter did not seem to be written by King Qi.

What's even worse is that this is a conspiracy.

After nodding, Su Ziji looked melancholy and said, "I feel the same way, this is the fuse, and the conflict between me and the King of Qi was torn apart. Could it be the King of Shu's instigation?"

Even if they were tit-for-tat before, as long as the fight didn't get to the point of life and death, there was still room for relaxation, at least in the eyes of the world, blood-related uncles and nephews would break bones and connect tendons!

Now that there is an assassination, as long as it spreads, everyone will feel that he and King Qi are life and death enemies.

At this point, even if the king of Qi is fighting with himself to the death, he must trust each other. This is like driving a duck to the shelf. Whether the duck is willing or not is no longer important.

Is the person who provoked him and King Qi the King of Shu?

Just as Su Ziji was thinking, his feet swayed, and then he stabilized. The wild Taoist kept estimating the time, and immediately said: "My lord, the boat should be docked."

Sure enough, a moment later, an official trotted up from downstairs and knelt down in front of Su Ziji: "Chen Tanping has seen the prince!"

"Master Tan, please come up." Su Ziji said lightly.

Only then did Tan Ping get up and said to Su Ziji, "It's the incompetence of the minister that made the lord so frightened. I wonder if the lord will be injured?"

Although he already knew that Dai Wang was unscathed, he still had to ask.

Originally, Tanping was also an important minister, so there was no need to do this, but now something happened, so he had to plead guilty like this. This is the division between monarch and minister.

Su Ziji waved his hand: "Thanks to the quick response of the guards around me, this king was never injured."

Seeing that the Dai Wang's attitude was still kind, Tan Ping finally lost half of his heart, but when he thought that two princes were involved in this matter, he felt a pain in his head again.

My head hurts, but I still have to do what needs to be done. After Tan Ping asked for peace, he respectfully said, "This place is no longer safe. The lord is a man of gold. If you can't sit still, please move."

Please go to the first floor, take a look at the two people who were arrested, Tan Ping said coldly: "Bring them all back to Shuntian Mansion!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stopped by a voice.

"Hold on."

The person who said this was none other than Dai Wang.

Tan Ping looked over in surprise, and saw Dai Wang walking towards him. His posture did not look like he had just experienced an assassination, but there was indeed no smile on his face. Although he looked good and had a good temperament, when he was not smiling, he would The appearance is even more heart-shattering than when the kings are angry.

Tan Ping's words were blocked in his throat immediately, and he could only watch Dai Wang walk to his side and look towards the restrained two people.

"I want to ask these two people some questions, so please ask Mr. Tan for a while." Dai Wang paused heavily on the word "ask for advice", seeing that no one objected, especially the parties involved, he went to the prison In front of the servants of Prince Qi's Mansion who lived there.

This servant of Prince Qi's mansion has been annoyed ever since he was caught.

This night, he made many mistakes. Not only did he not think to leave quickly when he found the trace of the assassin, but he was knocked off the token when he went out one step too late.

Now that "human internal organs are all there", even if he committed suicide immediately, he would only be accused of committing suicide in fear of crime. Not only would he not be able to solve the trouble for the master, but it would also cause even greater trouble.

So now even if he was worried, he did not dare to seek death. Now when he saw Dai Wang walking in front of him, he held his breath even more.

He heard the emperor's grandson in front of him say: "The person who assassinated the king, but you brought it?"

"Of course not!" The servant of Prince Qi's Mansion quickly denied it, and he still had a bit of face.

"Then did you participate in the assassination?"

"No, the villain swears, this matter really has nothing to do with the villain!"

Fearing that Dai Wang would not believe him, he also explained: "I don't know this assassin at all, and it was really me. How could I stay on the boat with the token and wait to be arrested? Isn't this extremely stupid?"


Su Ziji lowered his eyes and saw half of the red sandalwood tin.

"You have obtained the intelligence taught by Wei Fang, do you want to learn it?"


"Espionage Level 3, 588/3000"

Jumping three levels in a row is not because this person is very powerful, but because he combined the knowledge that Su Ziji originally knew. Of course, that knowledge is all speculation.

"This person is actually an important backbone of Prince Qi's Mansion." Su Ziji frowned, and asked a few more words, only to hear Wei Fang yelling: "The villain just loves literature, so there is nothing wrong with coming to watch the ceremony."

He insisted.

Tan Ping couldn't help but nodded secretly, this man had a bit of brains, and he insisted on it before he got down the steps. In a blink of an eye, he saw Su Ziji smiling slightly, and couldn't help but shudder.

The last time the servants of King Lu's mansion sued the Lord, and the Dai Wang was also present, although no one could find out any design, but this was too coincidental, politics often does not need evidence, and suspicions arose.

Now that he looks like this again, is there something big going on?

Just thinking about it, Su Ziji had already turned his face away. This person has gained espionage experience, but it doesn't mean much to his current status, but because of this, he knows what this person is thinking.

When a person is asked a question, they may tell lies, but most of them will think about the truth in their hearts. This is the instinct of most people. Through experience, they can carry some sporadic thinking. For this alone, Su Ziji He knew that this assassination was indeed not about King Qi's business.

Su Ziji looked at the assassin.

"The people in Prince Qi's Mansion say they don't know you, but do you know him?"

(End of this chapter)

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