fake prince

Chapter 928

Chapter 928

Su Ziji sat in the middle of the flower hall, and Ye Daoren, Cen Rubai, Jian Qu and Wen Xunpeng sat on both sides.

There were melons and fruits in front of them, but no one was paying attention to this right now. The wild Taoist told the three of them in detail what happened between himself and the lord on the boat.

"What a rampant thief, how dare you openly assassinate the king at the Beijing Literature Fair!" Jian Qu was angry.

Cen Rubai's face was not good-looking. Although this incident sounds thrilling, the lord was not injured at all, but he was afraid of the unexpected. What if the lord was injured in the previous assassination?

Not only his life, but also his family, can all be entrusted to Dai Wang.

Su Ziji looked the calmest among all the people present, glanced around, and said: "Your advice, needless to say, I understand it all."

"The most important thing now is that this matter will definitely alarm the emperor. How should we deal with it now?"

Jian Qu said: "My lord, the king of Qi should have done this. Although it seems too easy for him to get all the stolen goods, how can he know that it is not the blessing of the king, which is common in history."

"Furthermore, among all the kings, King Qi has the deepest grudge against you. He has a violent and cruel personality. He has sent assassins into the mansion before. Who else would dare to do this kind of thing except him? If you can do it once, you can do it a second time! "

Cen Rubai shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. I think the person behind the assassin is obviously not the King of Qi. Rather than saying that one of the kings wants to assassinate the Lord, it's better to say that the people behind the scenes want to provoke the Lord and King Qi." Relationship."

"Otherwise, with the strength of the King of Qi, since he wants to completely tear his face and assassinate the lord, why send only a second- and third-rate? The Qi Palace has recruited a lot of first- and second-rate masters over the years, right?"

"Not to fight alone."

As soon as these words came out, Su Ziji, who was seated in the upper seat, nodded secretly. Cen Rubai's speculation coincided with his.

Cen Rubai continued: "The news of the assassination must have already spread. The emperor will know that it is true sooner or later. Instead of waiting for the emperor to hear about it from others, it is better to write to the emperor immediately, saying that there is something strange about it."

"Mr. Cen means that there is something wrong with this matter first, that someone is stirring up the wind and rain, so that we can get out of the vortex in advance, and no matter what the final result is, the lord will not be affected?"

Wen Xunpeng said, but shook his head, "Although this idea is correct, but have you ever thought about it, if the lord really did this, the emperor might be more afraid of the lord."

The matter has only just begun, and such a keen-eyed acting king may not be what the emperor needs, let alone like.

Cen Rubai was slightly stunned, but quickly realized, and said, "Thanks to Mr. Wen's reminder, it is indeed impossible to write a letter like this!"

Su Ziji watched, took a sip of tea, and did not speak.

Wen Xunpeng and Cen Rubai smiled, and turned to Su Ziji again: "My lord, even if you know this is a provocation, you can't bring it up. If you behave too much, you will easily be tabooed by the emperor. Human nature is the best , In this way, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.”

"An ordinary person's method?"

Ordinary people were assassinated, so they were naturally furious, and urged Shuntian Mansion to solve the case, suspicious of King Qi, and even cried to the emperor.

Even if he suspected that King Qi was wrong, so what if he found out that it was provocation, the Dai Wang was really assassinated, who sent the assassin, that is something that Shuntian Mansion should find out, there is no need to take the job of the governor of Shuntian Mansion.

Su Ziji nodded: "That makes sense."

It is not in line with the emperor's intention to beat the king of Qi now. What the emperor wants is a strategic balance, and whoever takes the lead will fight.

Now that King Lu has been suppressed, and King Qi has another accident, he is the most suspicious. Even if there is no evidence to prove that he directed and acted on his own, the emperor does not need any evidence to suspect anyone.

But the emperor who wrote the letter said that things were strange, too abnormal, and seemed too scheming. Whether it was directed or acted by himself, the act of writing the letter was probably hypocritical in the eyes of the emperor and ministers.

Wen Xunpeng said that instead of writing to the emperor to point out the strangeness, it is better to just be an ordinary sufferer, but there are also differences in how to do this ordinary sufferer.

Su Ziji was thoughtful, and then asked: "What should I do if I only act like ordinary people?"

Wen Xunpeng and the three of them looked at each other, and the four of them said in unison: "Recourse normally, just hold Shuntian Mansion accountable."

Wen Xunpeng added another sentence: "The king should cry to the emperor and tell the emperor his suspicions, but there is no need to investigate deeply. This is the posture of ordinary people."

"Since that's the case, then follow this." Su Ziji was satisfied and ordered.

"Mr. Jian, you are here to draft this book. It is necessary to show my anger at being assassinated, but not to go deep into it. I just need to write the book normally."

"Yes, I understand." Jian Qu replied.

Instructing the servants to prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones, Jian Qu stood in front of the table, thought for a while, picked up a pen and began to write.

As for the thesis, Jian Qu wrote this excerpt more than enough. The original extreme was worshiped by Su Ziji, but it gradually dissipated, showing more and more literary talent.

Before the ink was dry, Su Ziji picked it up, looked it over, and nodded: "That's it, no need to change it."

This paper, Su Ziji intends to have someone send it up directly. As a prince, he is of course qualified to submit a letter to the emperor directly. It is said that he can hand this paper to the emperor in the court, but who made him be both a minister and a grandson? Going up the zhezi is tantamount to complaining to the emperor with his courtiers and grandsons.

Not only are they close, but they also don't make big troubles. They are limited to the scope of "family affairs".

After the matter was agreed upon, everyone relaxed a lot, Cen Rubai just smiled: "Shuntian Mansion is urging the case to be handled, so let me be the villain."

"Master Tan's hair is going to be a few strands of gray."

After the teasing was over, everyone left one after another, and Su Ziji didn't leave anyone behind. He just asked, "Is the shrine going well?"

"Now the procedures are all nominations from Taoist and Vatican religions, and they are reported to the cabinet for backup. All responsibilities that can be lost are lost, and everything that can be grasped is also grasped. Young Master Fang, you are very experienced in handling the facts."

Ye Daoist replied: "The newly collected classics have also been moved to Zangshu Pavilion, Your Majesty can have a look."

After finishing speaking, seeing that he had nothing to say, he withdrew and left, Su Ziji thought for a while, and called: "Xiaobai."

The sound was not loud, and after a while, a fox ran from outside as fast as a snow ball, until it came to Su Ziji, its tail softly swept Su Ziji's leg, the little fox squatted down, looked up and barked twice .

"Xiaobai, I need you to do something..." Su Ziji whispered a few words.

After listening, the little fox nodded to express his understanding, then turned around and ran out.

Seeing the white shadow that quickly disappeared from sight, Su Ziji sat down and drank half a cup of tea slowly, then put down the cup of tea, and walked towards the library with a chuckle.

"The spies in the house finally have a place to use."

After all, the landlord's family has no surplus food, so it's really not worthwhile to keep a group of food.

(End of this chapter)

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