fake prince

Chapter 930

Chapter 930

"This note is actually a note for monks and Taoists?"

"That's right, during this period of time, Dai Wang has dealt with sixteen shrines one after another, all of whom are monks from Qingyuan Temple and the Yin Guan Sect. They have helped. It is normal for Dai Wang to ask for credit for them, but it is straightforward Bai, obviously recruiting the second faction for his own use, isn't Dai Wang afraid of causing His Majesty's displeasure?"

Thinking this way, Ma Shunde packed up the booklet and opened the second copy without any traces visible.

The content on this brochure was much more "thrilling", and it was exactly as Ma Shunde expected, it was about the assassination.

Ma Shunde carefully read the scriptures related to the assassination of the king, word by word, and then carefully smoothed out the traces of what he had read, and pondered.

The two young eunuchs who followed didn't look at each other, they all bowed and waited for Ma Shunde's order.

Ma Shunde pondered for a moment, then unfolded the second booklet, read it carefully, and then put the booklet away and took it in his hand.

The little eunuch cut off the book to flatter him, observed his expression, and probed: "Elder-in-law, but there is something wrong with the book? Shouldn't it... hold it for a few days first?"

Ma Shunde suddenly woke up from his meditation and said, "No need."

I thought to myself: "What an idiot."

"Imperial court papers have procedures and dates. There are more rules about when to hand them in and when to read them."

"When I wait for the eunuch, even if I want to deduct it, I will press it under the booklet. If the emperor is tired, he may not read it and delay it for a few days."

"Besides, foreign generals and ministers' discounts can be deducted for a few days, but Daiwang is someone His Majesty ordered to pay close attention to. How can they be deducted?"

"This guy dares to make a claim and directly deduct it. He is really a short-lived ghost. Not only is he unlucky, but he may also implicate others."

"It's better to find a chance and kill him with a stick."

Ma Shunde thought so, another eunuch came over, this time he was an acquaintance, and handed over a stack of cabinet papers, several feet high.

Ma Shunde glanced at it, put the two copies handed by the king into it, put it in the third copy, and then exhaled: "Go in, the emperor may have woken up."

During the reform of the Great Wei Dynasty, the cabinet dealt with political affairs and brought them together in the imperial study. They did not need to go to the court every day, usually once every ten days, and officials of the fourth rank and above played their affairs face to face.

But the emperor got used to hearing things when he woke up, and his diligence was nothing to say.

Ma Shunde entered the inner hall cautiously by himself, and found that there was movement on the dragon couch, he gestured silently to ask the maids and eunuchs to prepare, and trotted over by himself, helping the emperor to get up.

The old emperor looked tired and got up. Ma Shunde took the towel from the hand of the court lady with his own hands, and gently waited for the old emperor to wash his face and rinse his mouth. After waking up, he asked lightly, "Do you have any new brochures?"

This question was asked very casually, Ma Shunde trembled in his heart, and hurriedly said: "If you go back to the emperor, the cabinet has already handed over the papers, and there are six more papers to hand over."

These six papers were handed in over the cabinet, Ma Shunde bent down and lowered his head, and handed the papers up.

"Hmm!" The old emperor didn't seem to be surprised, flipped through it casually, and saw the Daiwang Zhezi placed in the third place, and directly took out these two copies for a closer look, Ma Shunde was stunned.

"Sure enough, the emperor knew what happened last night. If he didn't hand it over in a daze, he would be murdered immediately."

There was some cold sweat on the vest. Ma Shunde carefully observed the emperor's expression, and found that the emperor's expression changed. When he guessed which copy the emperor was looking at, he saw the emperor picked another booklet to read.

Ma Shunde knew it in his heart, the copy that the emperor read just now must be the copy that was assassinated on behalf of the king, because the copy that the emperor is holding now is the copy that was handed over by the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

There are some differences between the papers handed by the clan and officials and ministers, others may not be able to see it, but a great eunuch like Ma Shunde can tell it at a glance.

The emperor held two documents in his hand and compared them. After a moment of silence, he looked at another document from Dai Wang. After a long time, he said with a gloomy face, "Do you know what this document says?"

As he spoke, he raised the booklet on behalf of the king in his hand.

Ma Shunde just glanced at it, then hurriedly lowered his head, and said: "Your servant is someone the emperor has used for a long time, knowing the rules, how dare you break the book without permission?"

"However, the covers of these two brochures are both famous and taboo, so they must be on behalf of the king."

"Yeah, Dai Wang has something to do, and Dai Wang was assassinated in broad daylight. The strangest thing is that Qi Wang's men were there on the spot, within a few feet of each other, and even dropped the token of Qi Wang's mansion. What do you say?" , is this an anecdote?"

The emperor said coldly, and with a wave of his hand, he threw all three copies, including the Shuntian Mansion copy, in front of Ma Shunde.

This is what it means to let Ma Shunde take a look.

"..." Ma Shunde didn't know what the emperor meant, but the emperor asked him to look at it, so he could only look at it. He bent down and picked it up, as if it was the first time he saw it, and looked at it carefully.

"Speaking on behalf of the king, there is no leakage, I can't find any flaws."

"I don't know which staff member wrote it on behalf of the king, or the king himself? The king was the number one scholar, but it is not impossible."

Looking at Daiwang's excerpts again, Ma Shunde still feels emotionally, this excerpt looks ordinary, but in fact the person who wrote the excerpts is a master!

Zhezi told what happened at that time, of course, the lines were filled with the astonishment and grievance of being assassinated, and he cried out, asking the emperor to make the decision.

In contrast, Shuntian Mansion Zhezi, although he also said this, was more cautious and objective, only describing, without emotional bias, and without any conclusions.

This is also normal. It involves the assassination of the prince. When such a thing happens, does it not indicate that a big storm is coming?Not to mention that King Qi's people were arrested at the scene, and King Qi had a grudge with King Dai before that. Now that this incident has happened, the governor of Shuntian Mansion may have a splitting headache.

The strangest and most impeccable thing is that the Dai Wang's son was naturally full of resentment, and asked the emperor to investigate strictly, but although he suspected King Qi, he even suspected that it was the evil party's counterattack, and did not kill King Qi.

Ma Shunde regretted, thinking: "If the king of Qi killed the king of Qi, our family can still say that the king of Dai has other intentions and take the opportunity to attack the king of Qi."

"If Dai Wang doesn't mention Qi Wang at all, it seems magnanimous, but in fact he has the danger of mountains and rivers in his heart, and even violated the emperor's taboo."

"Just now, I can't catch anything."

Ma Shunde knew that the emperor was wise, and it was impossible for the emperor not to think of anything he could think of, so he said cautiously: "Your majesty, there is an assassin in the capital who blatantly assassinated the prince. There is nothing more frenzied than this. The power of the imperial court..."

This was a cliché, but the emperor reacted after hearing it.

"You're right, let's investigate thoroughly." The emperor said lightly, his eyes flashed, and he asked suddenly: "Dai Wang, how many shrines and temples have been destroyed?"

(End of this chapter)

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