fake prince

Chapter 940

Chapter 940

When Ge Sheng entered, he saw two koans placed in the middle of the hall, and a young man was behind the middle of one. Even if the positions were different, his eyes lit up when he saw it.

I saw that Su Ziji was not wearing a crown suit, but was wearing a golden crown and a moon-white gauze shirt with large sleeves.

Ge Sheng couldn't help thinking at the first sight: "I heard that Dai Wang is very handsome, and I saw him today, as expected."

At this time, the yamen servant stopped with the black and red water and fire sticks, dragged out a long cry of "mighty", and some soldiers stood with their knives hanging. The atmosphere in the lobby immediately became tense and chilling. Only then did Ge Sheng wake up. Kneeling on behalf of the king, he got up and bowed again: "Student Zhili Juren Ge Sheng, I pay homage to the king and Master Tan."

Although he said to greet Tan Ping, Ge Sheng only saw Tan Ping sitting on the rattan chair behind the gongan at this time, but the position was slightly to the side, indicating that the main hall was acting as the king.

There are also civil servants who have to take notes and have side cases, and others are standing. A short middle-aged man is sitting here with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. When he looks at Ge Sheng, this little official with a short beard A look of helplessness flashed across his face, and he picked up the pen he had just put down with his moving hand, as if continuing to take notes.

"Come on, please, don't be too polite, I have something to ask!" Su Ziji, who was sitting at the top seat, seemed a little tired. Ge Sheng, where are you from?"

"As far as the king is concerned, the student is from Zhili and lives in Weijia Town, Bali, on the outskirts of Beijing." Ge Sheng replied unhurriedly. This identity has been in business for several years, and he is not afraid of people's investigation at all.

"You have been in Weijia Town since you were a child?" Su Ziji asked again.

"Dai Wang, although the student's ancestors lived in Weijia Town, but he lived with his father in Sha'an County, Weishan County when he was young. He was selected as a Tongsheng scholar in Weishan County, and he didn't return to Weijia Town until six years ago. Not long after, he was lucky enough to win the Juren." Ge Sheng bowed again. answer.

"When did you board the ship that day, and what did you see?"

"Students were invited to participate in the meeting by Juren Bo Ningyun. They waited for the boat in the afternoon, but drank with some friends in the compartment. They saw nothing. Later, they heard rumors that something happened on the boat. They knew nothing about it."

Then Dai Wang asked a few more questions. If he didn’t come to participate in the literary meeting, he was invited. What did he do at the literary meeting, and who is behind the scenes? Such questions are like children’s playing tricks.

Liu Wenli, who was in charge of recording, was meticulous in his hands, recording these inquiries and answers in fly characters, but the helplessness on his face never faded.

Such a question, what can be asked, and what does it have to do with the assassination case?

Even Ge Sheng, who was wary at the beginning, couldn't help being a little puzzled at the moment. He answered and thought to himself: "Although Dai Wang is not from a criminal background, do you think that people who know the inside story will tell the truth just based on this question? Out? How is it possible?"

What is this?Don't pay attention to interrogation skills, and don't care about the results?

Or is it that Dai Wang is actually different from the understanding just now, but because he is the grandson of the emperor by blood, he can become Dai Wang instead of having real talents and learning?

Because of the hostile relationship, Ge Sheng has always been hostile to the princes and grandsons of the Zheng Dynasty, but he did not despise him. He is facing a great enemy, but now he has a kind of disdain for the people in front of him.

"It's really gold and jade outside, and it's a waste of my care."

After answering a few questions from Dai Wang, Su Ziji waved him out, this disdain turned into contempt.

Sure enough, it's just an embroidered pillow, a useless straw bag!

Ge Sheng, who was secretly contemptuous, was still full of humility, turned around respectfully and withdrew, but he didn't see the thoughtful look on Dai Wang's face when he watched him go out.

"No matter how cunning you are, you will still be uprooted by me."

"Cao Yiyan, from Yingguo?"

"The scholar who was placed in the suburbs of Beijing six years ago is now a Juren. How many such people are still lurking in the dark?"

"It seems that Ying Guo has a lot of power in the capital."

"And Gui Junxi, the mere mastermind of the former king of Lu, actually caused such great harm?"

Hundreds of people questioned just now, although only a dozen people knew some inside information, but it was enough for Su Ziji to piece together a general truth.

Maybe it's because the level difference is too big, and information can often be brought out when interrogating. Putting it all together, Su Ziji has been able to vaguely grasp the outline of a big conspiracy.

It has something to do with Cao Yiyan's plans and Yingguo's ambitions, so it's really troublesome.

"The strange thing is, I only feel that Cao Yiyan is a superior, but I don't feel the specific job."

"However, we can also know that this person has a lot of authority, and he must be a big shot in the country."

"The surname is Cao, is it a remnant of the previous dynasty?" Su Ziji was thoughtful, talking about his physical blood, it seems that he is also the clan of the previous dynasty, but he just changed his surname to avoid disaster.

At this time, there was no longer any need to stay for interrogation. Su Ziji hurriedly finished questioning the next few people. Su Ziji stood up and gave a slight salute to Tan Ping: "Lord Tan, thank you for your hard work. Xiao Wang's questioning, It's all done."

"Dai Wang, are you going back?" Tan Ping hurriedly got up and asked cautiously, also very strange in his heart. This question is very out of order, what is Dai Wang's intention?

However, Tan Ping did not have the same contempt as Ge Sheng did. The more he knew Dai Wang, the more he felt unfathomable.

Su Ziji glanced at it with a half-smile, pretending that he didn't know that this person and the yamen servants outside were slandering him, so he nodded slightly: "Well, I'm going back now."

Then Tan Ping couldn't hide his emotion and sent him out.

When he walked out of the gate of Shuntian Mansion Yamen, there was already a person waiting in front of the bullock cart outside.

"Your Majesty." Huidao stepped forward to welcome him into the car.

"What can a real person gain?" After getting in the car, Su Ziji sat down on the seat, rubbed his eyebrows, and asked with a reserved smile.

Hui Dao restrained his smile, and bowed his face: "My lord, the poor Taoists have spied and found out that there are indeed many ghosts and gods in Huaiqiao Fang. There are almost seventeen families, and there is no shortage of one family. It is certain that Huaiqiao Fang has sinister intentions."

"It's just a one-off solution, but it's not easy."

Seeing that Dai Wang's expression remained unchanged, he secretly praised him as worthy of Dai Wang, and continued: "Although it is not easy, it can be done. Pindao has visited Master Xuancheng and Zen Master Jianxin, and they have agreed to help."

The real person Xuancheng is Liu Zhan, who was given a two-character title some time ago.And Zen master Jianxin is Bianxuan, who is already the host of Qingyuan Temple.

These two aspects represent the Daoist Vatican sects, which also have considerable influence in the capital.

Although Su Ziji could also ask the two teachers to come out to help, but it would be better if Huidao could persuade the two parties to agree.

Su Ziji was very satisfied with Huidao's efficiency, and smiled: "The real person really worked hard. I'm not very proficient in these ghosts and gods, so I have to rely on the real person..."

"Tongshan temple is originally the orthodox sect of Taoism. Originally, the Taoist fields and titles were removed. According to Gu, it should also be restored."

Seeing Huidao listening respectfully, the bullock cart had already seen the parapet of Daiwang's mansion. At this time of autumn, the whole courtyard was thick and dyed, and the hedges along the road were mottled and withered, so Su Ziji had to stop talking, suddenly In the meantime, a faint cry of a baby came from nowhere, making Su Ziji's body stiff subconsciously.

"Wow!" This baby cry was not real, but it pierced Su Ziji's temple like a sharp thorn, making his head buzz.

Not only did Su Ziji's face change, but Hui Dao's also changed.

"What's going on? Could it be that the aura of no regrets leaked?"

The stinging pain was only for a moment, Su Ziji reacted quickly, realized that a clever idea in the mansion was gone in a flash, his face changed drastically, and his whole body was instantly covered with a terrifying aura, even Hui Dao who was sitting opposite was shocked. This was a shock.

This is life and death, involuntary murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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