fake prince

Chapter 956

Chapter 956

The notebook that Ma Shunde was reading was presented by the King of Shu, and before that, there was another notebook presented by the King of Qi.

In the notebooks he has read today, there are not many bad things that make people feel unhappy, but the content of these notebooks...

"So, King Qi and King Shu both want to share my worries?" the emperor asked with the corners of his mouth twitching.

After hearing this, Ma Shunde bowed and said: "Yes, according to the scriptures, the two princes should both want to be filial to the emperor."

As he spoke, he secretly looked at the emperor's expression, and after just one glance, his heart changed, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

But the emperor looked cold, and he could understand it.

A few days ago, there were many ministers who praised the acting king for his ability to handle missions, saying that he was not afraid of hardships and dangers. In the past, there would always be a few copies of the impeachment of several princes, and the one who was impeached the most was the acting king. But these days, unexpectedly There is only one letter impeaching the acting king, saying that he is suspected of being greedy for things that have not been copied. At this time, the king of Qi and the king of Shu are still competing for errands, which is even more conspicuous...

However, although the emperor looked gloomy, he did not speak. Ma Shunde held his breath, even breathing as lightly as possible, for fear of angering the emperor at this time, naturally he did not dare to guess too much, and his whole body was tense.

The next moment, the emperor got up from the dragon chair and sneered: "It's ridiculous, acting diligently on behalf of the king, they planted some trees, and they want to pick peaches-these evil beasts have no ability to do things, so let's fight for credit!" There are a lot of fancy intestines!"

As he spoke, he saw someone coming in a hurry from a distance, and he prostrated himself on the ground, calling His Majesty.

"What's the matter?" the emperor stopped talking, looked down at the eunuch, and asked indifferently.

"Your Majesty, Huo Wuyong asks to see you."

Huo useless?The emperor frowned suddenly, and then unfolded: "Let him in."

The eunuch backed away hurriedly and trotted out.

After a while, a tall and straight figure walked in from the outside, but looking at his face, it was very ordinary, and there was a kind of coldness that strangers should not enter.

Even when meeting the emperor in person, he still has such a dead face, just bowing down and saluting.

"You are begging to see me at this time, but something is wrong?"

The emperor also understood Huo Wuyong's temperament, and knew that this person would not come to see him without incident, and that this person was the key figure in his wish for longevity, and he relied on this person for alchemy, so even if the emperor was in a rage, I will also take time to meet Huo Wuyong.

Huo Wuyong opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he glanced at Ma Shunde who was standing beside him, then closed his mouth again, took out a note from his sleeve, and stood up to present it to the emperor.

Ma Shunde, as the eunuch next to the emperor, naturally would not allow Huo Wuyong to hand the note directly to the emperor, so he hurried up to take the note, but it was empty.

"Your Majesty!" Huo Wuyong raised his voice slightly and shouted.

What does it mean?
Ma Shunde has been in the palace for decades, and he can be a great eunuch. In terms of talent, he must have some talents, but what he is best at is this little trick of trying to figure out people's hearts. Huo Wuyong immediately made Ma Shunde Shunde understood what this person meant.

Did he feel that he was untrustworthy, so he dared to trip him up in front of the emperor?
Thinking of this, Ma Shunde was furious, and turned to look at the emperor, wanting to see the emperor's reaction, but when he saw it, he felt cold.

Seeing that the emperor was stunned, he didn't even reprimand Huo Wuyong for his outrageous behavior. Instead, he walked down a few steps, stepped forward, and took the note from Huo Wuyong.

When I took a look, my face changed color.

"You step back first." The emperor looked at Ma Shunde.

What is the content of this note that can make the emperor lose his composure like this?
Moreover, during this period of time, I have been reading memorials for the emperor every day, and I even know the important military affairs at the border. What else is more important for the emperor to keep secret than the affairs in the army?
Even the confidant eunuch beside him can't know?
Ma Shunde was shocked, and took a deep look at Huo Wuyong, feeling unhappy, but had to back down.

But it was the first time for him to encounter such a thing, so it was hard not to be curious, and Huo Wuyong didn't let him read the note just now, which made him even more worried about whether this matter had anything to do with him.

Since it may be related to himself, Ma Shunde naturally wanted to know the details more and more, so when he went out to the door of the imperial study, his speed was normal, but after he went out, his speed slowed down.

He deliberately slowed down his pace, and he really heard a sentence.

"Really, Wanglufang?" The person who asked this question was the emperor's voice. He was used to it for a long time, and immediately recognized that the emperor's voice was very complicated.

Wanglufang?Could it be that the note mentioned Wangwang Lufang, what happened there?
"Yes, it's Wanglufang." Huo Wuyong answered the latter sentence.

Ma Shunde didn't dare to listen to what they said next. He had already walked outside the hall, looking at the environment that was obviously stained with autumn colors outside, he couldn't help thinking: "Looking at Lu Fang, how can it come out?" What's the big deal? Could it be related to acting king?"

But it has something to do with King Dai, why not directly point out that it is the Palace of King Dai, but just Wanglufang?

It should be noted that there are also some honorable and high-ranking officials living there, maybe something else happened?

But what was it that made Huo Wuyong so vigilant that even he, the chief eunuch next to the emperor, couldn't know?
After a long time, Huo Wuyong did not come out, and Ma Shunde felt even more disturbed, and even thought: "Could it be that people in Lufang want to impeach me?"

Although knowing that this possibility is extremely low, people will think wildly.

"Eunuch Ma, Your Majesty let you in." At this moment, a young eunuch came out, saluted Ma Shunde, and then said with a smile on his face.

"Well, our family knows." When Ma Shunde faced the little eunuch, his attitude was very calm, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Looking at the situation, he didn't seem to blame himself, but even if he was prepared, he walked into the imperial study again. He raised his heart again and bowed to the emperor.

The emperor's complexion has improved a lot at this time, but his expression is even more difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger. He didn't speak for a while, stood up and walked slowly in front of the bookshelf.

Ma Shunde stood with his hands down, staring at the emperor intently. He had been by the emperor's side for a long time. He knew everything about the emperor's Yuyu for 20 years. Wandering and thinking about things, it can be seen that my heart is extremely restless.

Ma Shunde was thinking about it, and his heart became even more curious. The emperor had already stood at the door, staring at the clouds for a long time, lost in thought for a long time, and then said lightly: "Go and announce the decree."

"The act of acting on behalf of the king is not prudent, and it is illegal to bring the stolen things into the mansion. You go and reprimand him on my behalf, and let him think about it behind closed doors for a month. The bad things he has done will be handled by King Qi."

Ma Shunde was taken aback, just now the emperor praised the acting king for his proper handling of affairs, but in a blink of an eye he changed his job and reprimanded him, and even thought about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Without pretending to think about it, he kowtowed heavily: "Yes, I will do it right now, servant girl."

(End of this chapter)

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