fake prince

Chapter 958 Plan No. 1

Chapter 958 Plan No. [-]

Although Ma Shunde was literate, his literary talent was limited, even if he went in and looked carefully, he might not be able to see anything. On the contrary, he just annoyed the Dai Wang, and he simply showed an appearance of following the Dai Wang, and he looked much more polite than usual.

He didn't rush, just waited quietly.

Su Ziji didn't keep him waiting, and when he saw the door opened, an old Taoist walked out, so he told the Taoist: "My lord, this Eunuch Ma is sent by the emperor, and there is no book left in the library. Come out and give it to the person he brought."

The old Taoist who came out to greet him was none other than Daoist Hui.

When Hui Dao came out to see the situation, he was slightly startled. When he heard Dai Wang's order, he immediately answered "Yes", and led the eunuchs in front of him to sort out the books, so that he could register and go away pretending to be lucky.

Su Ziji ordered Huidao to cooperate with the eunuch, and even went in by himself. He took down a stack of books from a bookshelf in a small cubicle, and when he took them outside, they were stacked on the table. Flip through the book casually and put it on.

In fact, each book has learned some experience.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +713, Level 14 (3842/15000)"

"【Waidanshu】+381, promoted to level 15 (1148/16000)!"

These few books are the last ones that Su Ziji has not learned from experience. Now that he has learned, the books in the entire library are useless to him. Ma Shunde is willing to take it away, just take it away.

Dai Wang put down the book, smiled and said to Ma Shunde who was looking at him: "All the books are here, please."

Ma Shunde also laughed, and said: "The prince is really polite."

Seeing that others were moving the books onto the table one after another, he waved his hand: "Come here, take all these books away without any damage."

"Otherwise, I can't spare you."

"Yes!" The eunuchs responded in unison, they were all from the palace, and they moved all the books out of the house very quickly.

With a glance, he saw that there were indeed no books inside or outside the library, and Ma Shunde did not ask Dai Wang whether he had hidden books elsewhere. Before he was in charge of handling the shrine, he had the habit of loving books and collecting paintings. Is it okay to let Dai Wangfu not have a single book?

Therefore, if all the books Dai Wang put in the library can be quickly transported away, for Ma Shunde, the task has been completed.

"The servant is on an errand, so I'll go back to meet the errand, and please stay for a while." Ma Shunde didn't stay in Daiwang's residence for long, and immediately took his leave and left.

Seeing Ma Shunde leading the people out, Su Ziji stood in the courtyard with a slight sneer.

"My lord!" A figure came over at this moment and called out, it was the wild Taoist.

"Is there any change outside?" Su Ziji knew that Ye Taoist had just returned from outside, so he asked this question.

The wild Taoist was already thinking about the matter of Lufang, and when he heard the question from the king, he was shocked. Could it be that the change in Wanglufang has something to do with this mansion?

He replied sharply: "Yes, Wanglu Fang has set up cards everywhere, and there are more people just now. Even when I came back, I was stopped and checked. It seems a bit weird."

"Cards are set up everywhere? What can you say?" Su Ziji was startled.

There are high-ranking officials and dignitaries living in this place. If there is no explanation, this incident may cause shocks in the government and the public. Since then, some unnecessary speculations have been made. With the emperor as a person, he will either just do it all right. Something, or will find a reason, people can not find fault.

Sure enough, the wild Taoist replied: "It is said to arrest a robber who dared to steal the imperial property, and asked to check the number of people, whether there is any collusion..."

Speaking of this, thinking of the scene when Ma Shunde came to the door just now, Ye Taoist was also in a state of panic, and was suddenly terrified: "My lord, could it be... Could it be that the emperor wants to attack the Dai Palace?"

Looked at this way, it all makes sense.

First superficially appease Dai Wangfu, only give a small punishment, and then surround Wanglu Fang, waiting for the last ruthless blow?
It's no wonder the wild Taoists think so, it's true that the emperor did this before, why didn't the former crown prince disappear?Isn't this a lesson from the past?

Su Ziji shook his head: "Not really."

Seeing King Dai's attitude, Ye Daoist seemed to have guessed something, and was curious. Before he could ask, he heard King Dai continue to say casually: "However, since the emperor wants me to close the door, I will simply practice alchemy behind closed doors. , You get the items together."

With that said, he brought the wild Taoist a list.

Ye Daoist looked down and replied, "Yes."

Su Ziji turned to Huidao again with a smile on his face and said, "My real man, you are good at observing the secrets of the heavens. Before I cut down mountains and destroyed temples, it must have been a disaster, right?"

Huidao didn't speak all the time, and his mind was full of thoughts. At this time, he seemed to wake up, and replied: "Your Majesty, what you have done is to obey the sky and respond to the people. There will indeed be minor blame, but there will be no major disaster. Blame it, it has nothing to do with the prince."

But it will hinder Ye Buhui...

Su Ziji couldn't understand it anymore, with a gloomy expression, he immediately said: "Even so, I can bear it, but the people in the mansion may not be able to bear it. Daoist, I want you, Liu Zhan, and Bianxuan to purify the people in the mansion." Hostility, okay?"

Hui Dao was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly, "My lord, I'm afraid this matter will be...difficult."

"How?" Su Ziji asked.

Hui Dao sighed: "Because this matter is very important and involves millions of believers, as long as the root cause is not eliminated, the hostility will continue to flow. Even if the three of us work together, there is nothing we can do."

Su Ziji said, "It only takes three months."

Huidao immediately realized, and understood at once, three months, the purpose of acting as the king was to protect the unborn son.

The concubine has had a bad pregnancy for a long time, and within three months, a son will be born!

Just maintaining it for three months is not impossible.

Although there will still be some troubles, for people in the world, there is a saying that is very considerate: Wealth and wealth are sought in danger!

Hui Dao does not seek wealth and honor, but what it seeks also needs to be found in danger. How can it be easy to get it for nothing?
Being able to help Dai Wang in this matter made him feel at ease.

Only with credit can he get the help of Dai Wang. Besides, I didn't know why, but suddenly I was deeply involved a few days ago, and it was difficult to get out. There was only one way to go to the dark.

Thinking of this, Huidao immediately agreed, saying, "My lord, if you only ask for three months, then of course you can!"

"No matter how powerful the hostility is, it can't be suppressed in such a short period of time. Why do you need the magical method?"

"That's good." Su Ziji nodded, finally satisfied.

However, looking up at the surrounding world above his head, Su Ziji said again: "Also, the formation to ban evil spirits in Huaiqiaofang must also be set up."

"Yes! Pindao will do it now."

Waiting for Huidao to leave, the surroundings fell silent, and Ye Taoist approached at this moment, waiting for orders.

Sure enough, Su Ziji looked very serious: "I just said, it is not possible, it may not be a lie, but God's grace is difficult to measure, so Pepsi must be prepared. Just in case, start the No. [-] plan, do you understand?"

As soon as the words fell, the wild Taoist was stunned. He didn't expect that the matter would be so urgent and serious. He knelt down and said, "Yes, I understand that if something happens, the first thing is to transfer the princess and the little prince. We must not let them have any trouble." Any mistakes."

(End of this chapter)

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