fake prince

Chapter 963 Killing Father and Son

Chapter 963 Killing Father and Son

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!" the eunuch hurriedly thanked her.

The prince's annual income is only [-] to [-] taels, and Princess Xinping is favored by the emperor. She specially rewards one official, rents six shops and rooms, one manor, and rents treasury for the official house to generate interest. The annual income is no more than [-].

Ten taels of silver is very little for a senior eunuch who can go in and out of the palace, but it is not bad for a middle eunuch. Besides, this is a respect given by the empress.

The eunuch took the reward and left, but the queen didn't take it right away. Zhaoxia looked at her face, without saying a word, ordered to pass on the meal, and gave it to the queen: "The princess who is acting as the king, count the days, she is pregnant for more than 8 months. Well, there will be a little son soon, should I ask a high priest to pray?"

After hearing this, the queen sipped the porridge and thoughtfully said, "That's a good idea. I have to make preparations later. It's the full moon, and I still have to recruit a troupe. It's still too late to take over the palace, so I might not be able to recruit a good troupe. You go choose some who can sing and get ready."

The lady in the palace thumped and pinched it, and she said nothing for a while. After waiting for a while, Zhaoxia went down with the plate, and then picked up the scriptures from the wooden box again, and turned to the previous page.

Her fingers trembled slightly due to her eagerness to move, and the paper she was pinching also trembled slightly.

"..." The queen seemed not to believe it, carefully looked at the two characters in the fifth column on this page, and couldn't help but say, "Impossible, these are Tan Liusheng's written characters, and they also have Tan Liusheng's writing style on them." , This is the agreement my son Ah Fu made with me back then, how could he know?"

Tan Liusheng is not a well-known person. This person was a civil servant more than a hundred years ago. Although he was somewhat famous in the small circle, he was not very big. There have been countless such literati and inkmen throughout the ages, and they have been submerged in the tide of time.

The only thing that makes him look a little special is his good handwriting.

But to say that this word is so good that it can be called everyone, passed down to later generations, and widely known by later generations?Not that good either.

But this person's calligraphy, some strokes are a bit special, so the crown prince used this person's calligraphy and calligraphy to make an agreement with the queen. If there is something that needs to be passed on secretly, this person's calligraphy can be mixed in ordinary letters , which is the reminder.

Then according to special rules and special brushwork, pick out and combine from beginning to end, which is the content that is really to be passed on to the other party.

This was the agreement that her son A Fu made with her back then, but it never came to fruition. Why would Dai Wang know about it?

While the queen was suspicious, she also felt ominous.

Can Dai Wang have to use this method to deliver news, is it true that Dai Wang is in big trouble?

Thinking of this, the queen trembled, flipping through the three volumes of scriptures, in the order of the upper, middle, and lower volumes, page by page, and soon found a few words that were obviously "Tan Ti".

There are not many words, just six, read them in order, that is: "Replay the old things of the past".

"Replay the old events?" These six words rolled on the tip of the tongue, but they were not spoken aloud, but they exploded in the queen's mind like a thunderbolt!

The queen stood up suddenly, and her fingers dug deeper into the flesh. She didn't make a sound, but silently looked at the courtyard close at hand, as if enjoying the rain.

It was night, and it was like rain and mist, reflecting the heavens and the earth, the palace, and the maids serving in the corridors. The only bad thing was that the wind blew past, and it seemed a little cold.

I don't know how long it took until Zhaoxia came in silently before the queen let go of her hand, and a few drops of blood flowed down the tightly clenched palm.

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Xia whispered, and was about to step forward to check, but was stopped by the queen.

"Go and call Yu Han over here." The queen ordered coldly.

Yu Han was the eunuch who followed the queen when the queen had not yet entered the palace. He was rescued by the queen who was still a princess. Later, he followed the queen for decades. He is about 50 years old, so he can be entrusted with important things by the queen .

Zhaoxia's heart trembled, and she hurried out, asking Yu Hanyu to come quickly
"Your Majesty." When Han quickly walked into the side hall, what he saw was the Empress Dowager touching the scriptures and meditating. He didn't interrupt for a while, and the hall fell into a strange silence, only the faint candlelight outlined a long shadow on the ground.

After a while, Yu Han's soft call made the queen wake up from the memories of the past. Looking at the old eunuch in front of her, the queen's mood became more and more complicated.

Sometimes when Shi Shi sees Yu Han, the queen can't help but think of herself when she was young, Ah Fu was still young, how happy they were at that time, unlike later, for the sake of the throne, they became human, ghosts and ghosts.

"Yu Han, you have been in charge of the Dai Wang's information, right? Go and get his latest information, and..."

The queen was silent for a while, and said, "Check out the latest events, and let me know as soon as possible."

"Yes, I'll do it now, old slave. You must take care of your health." Yu Han said hurriedly, the queen was tired of hearing such words, and she didn't want to hear them anymore. She waved her hand and let her back.

Yu Han could only sigh inwardly, and backed out slowly.

As soon as he got outside, Yu Han straightened his bent waist and began to direct his godson to do things.

He also hurried out to get information about Dai Wang himself, and also asked his clever sons to investigate what happened today.

"Fortunately, the emperor seems to feel guilty, so the position of the empress has not been lost, and she can still retain some power." Yu Han sighed heavily.

It was late at night, and when the lanterns in the main hall were lit up one by one, a few more candles in the main hall were also lit.

The queen was flipping through the information one by one under the candle, her hands gradually trembling.

"Too much bullying, too much bullying..." The above content made the queen feel angry and sad.

Where she couldn't see it, the emperor had done so much to her grandson, one after another, it might not be a big deal, but when you look at it together, it's a little shocking.

The queen staggered when she got up, but she refused Zhao Xia's support and walked out by herself.

Walking in the corridor outside, lingering in it, looking at the rain falling profusely outside, the empress pressed her hand on her chest, feeling as if it was blocked by a big rock.

"Your Majesty." A godson of Yu Han walked up to her at this moment, pleaded guilty, lowered his voice, and told the news he had just investigated in the queen's ear.

In an instant, the queen's face flushed red, and in the next instant, all of her blood was gone, turning pale.

"You mean alchemy..."

"The exquisite heart with seven apertures..."

"Daiwang Palace..."

Her lips moved slightly, and she silently recited the key words obtained one by one in her heart. When they are connected together, it is easy to draw a shocking conclusion.

"That old man, could it be that he wants to kill his great-grandson to obtain his heart?"

Although the child has not been born from the mother's womb, he does not have much affection for the emperor and empress.But the queen can think of more from this detail.

"Ah Fu has already died in the hands of the old man, and if he kills his great-grandson, it will be equivalent to killing his father and son..."

If the father dies and the son dies, what should my grandson do?No matter how big-hearted the old man is, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent.

After all, it was only the revenge of killing the father, and it could be explained by being deceived by the traitor back then, but adding the revenge of killing the son, it was still for alchemy... Together, who can believe that Dai Wang will not remember it?

With the character of the old man, I am afraid that not only will he not feel that he owes Dai Wang, but every time he sees Dai Wang, he will be reminded of the scandal of killing his great-grandson to save his life?
How could the emperor let go of this person who might hate him deeply, and keep this unstable factor?

(End of this chapter)

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