Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 10 Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest

Chapter 10 Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest

Cape Town is a supply port. Passing merchant ships will not stay for a long time, and of course the sailors who go ashore to have fun will not stay for a long time, so if a sailor is caught making trouble, the captain will come forward to rescue people. This is all the port police. usual trick.

The plan is confirmed, and it will only be implemented at night. Before Rock's side turns back, they have already opened as soon as Luo Ke over there.

Are there any rules? It's really simple. It's so simple and outrageous. It's easy to see at a glance. Luo Yi's shameless excuse is to train Li De and the others to the level of trustees. He pulls Li De and the others to practice at the door of the dormitory. Before Germany and the others started their mission, some Indian policemen were attracted by the noise.

According to Luo Yi's level, he can put the gold coins under any bowl without showing his face, but this is the abhorrentness of this scam. When Luo Yi puts the gold coins, his movements are extremely slow. Which bowl, and then Li De and the others began to bet bluffingly, one bet on pence, one on shillings, one directly bet on pounds, buy and leave. Luo Yi and the others had a great time playing, and it seemed to the others that the money was as easy as picking it up, because everyone knew which bowl the gold coin was in.

Still the same sentence, flies don't bite unsewn eggs, as long as you don't have a greedy heart, you can't cheat anyone in any game, but the shining gold coins are so simple tossing around, if you don't want to be tempted It really takes a lot of concentration.

"I'll buy this, the gold coins must be in this bowl." An Indian policeman named Dirang didn't resist the temptation. He threw a pound in front of Luo Yi, and then stepped on a bowl with his foot. Dirang was very sure that Luo Yi Yi just put the gold coin under the bowl at his feet.

"No, it's not in this bowl, it's obviously this one." Li De quickly set out on the road, insisting that the gold coin was under the other bowl, and also bet one pound.

"No, you are wrong, it must be below this, do you still want to bet? If not, I will open it, and I will open it with my own hands." Di Rang refused to give Luo Yi a chance to do anything, and wanted to open the bowl under his feet with his own hands.

"No, you were wrong, listen to me, the gold coin is under the other." Li De was still persuading Dirang hypocritically.

"Buy and leave, willing to bet and admit defeat, Di Rang, are you sure you want to bet? This is half a month's salary for you." Luo Yi's expression was obviously a little nervous, although Luo Ke and Li De knew Luo Yi It's acting, but from Di Rang's point of view, Luo Yi is obviously trying to hold on.

"Of course I'm sure. If I didn't have only one pound on me, I'd make you bankrupt." Dirang had already seen half a month's salary beckoning to him. No matter what other people said at this time, Dirang's decision would not be changed. .

"Okay, as you wish, take your foot away, and I will personally reveal the mystery." Luo Yi continued to play tricks, and Di Rang saw Luo Yi trembling nervously in his eyes, but Rock and Li De It is clear that Luo Yi is trembling with excitement.

How can you not be excited? One pound is more than half a month's salary for Di Rang, but it is almost a month's salary for Chinese policemen like Luo Yi. Although the board and lodging are all in the police station, most Chinese The police save less than one pound a month. Roque used to save enough. Hua Yong, who has been working for more than a year, plus three months as a policeman, has a total of only five pounds plus fifteen pounds. shilling property.

"No, you can't touch this bowl. I know that if I ask you to open this bowl, then I will lose. I won't give you a chance." Chance.

"Okay, you can open it." Luo Yi decided to close the net. It was obvious that Di Rang had no possibility of increasing the bet, and neither did the others.

"Hahahaha, damn Luo, I want to win every penny you have." Di Rang laughed wildly and opened the bowl under his feet. The result was doomed, and the bowl was empty.

"This, how is this possible?" Di Rang was inexplicably surprised, just now he saw very clearly that Luo Yi had indeed put the gold coin in the bowl at his feet.

"I've already told you that the gold coins are in this bowl." Li De sighed and opened another bowl. Indeed, the gold coins were under the other bowl.

"This, how is this possible?" Di Rang hadn't figured out the situation yet. The gold coin was clearly under the bowl that Di Rang had chosen, but Di Rang couldn't figure out why the gold coin went under another bowl.

The key is the technique. When Luo Yi placed the gold coins, his movements were extremely slow. Anyone could clearly see that Luo put a handful of gold coins under the bowl. Taking away the gold coins is impossible for most people to notice this action, and then it is the moment to witness the miracle, and anyone who participates rashly will be deceived.

The abominable thing is that when others are betting, there will be "well-intentioned persuasion" by someone next to them, but at this time, people who are dazzled by greed will not listen to any persuasion.

The point is that the banker hasn't won any money yet, and the money was won by the person who "kindly persuaded" just now. Who can throw a fist at a person who just expressed kindness to him?

Besides, even if it is a fight, it is impossible to fight in a normal sense, because whether it is the banker, the person who just started betting, or even the onlookers, they are all in the same group.

"Buy and leave, willing to bet and admit defeat—" Di Rang is still thinking about why the gold coins under the bowl are missing. Luo Yi has already paid Li De the gold coins that Di Rang just bet. Di Rang, who was aware of the situation, was squeezed out of the crowd by Li De.

"Why did this happen? Why did this happen?" Di Rang's mind is now filled with regret and annoyance. The half-month salary that was still waving to Di Rang just now turned out to be waving goodbye. At this point, Di Rang bowed his head and cleared up again. Chu De saw Luo put a handful of gold coins under a bowl.

"Wait, I'm going to do it again. You can't fool me this time. I can see clearly this time." Dirang decided to enter the arena again, but it was only a pound. Dirang was very sure to win it this time return.

"Forget it, Dirang, you can't win." Rock restrained Dirang's urge, opened the bowl where Dirang bet, and the bottom of the bowl was empty again, and then Rock asked Li De to transfer Dirang's pound To come back and give back to Dirang, which made Dirang unbelievable.

Rock can lie to people, but he can't lie to himself. There are countless kaizi on the pier outside waiting for Rock to harvest. There is no need to target Dirang. After all, Dirang is also a policeman and a colleague. Rabbits don't eat What about the grass beside the nest?

(End of this chapter)

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