Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1048 Accurate Shooter

Chapter 1048 Accurate Shooter

The counterattack launched by the British and French allied forces pushed the German troops to a dead end. If the encirclement is closed, nearly 35 German troops will be surrounded, which means that one out of every ten German troops on the Western Front will be surrounded by the encirclement. A loss that the Germans could not afford.

Therefore, after the British and French allied forces launched a counterattack, Ludendorff mobilized the reserve team to defend Reims, and at the same time ordered the troops that were about to be surrounded to approach Reims.

The Anzac and Canadian Corps, which were ordered to contain the German army in the encirclement, did not give the German Third Army and the Fifth Army a chance to retreat. The Third Army and the Fifth Army had just reduced their attack intensity. John Monash, who commanded the Anzac Army to fight The general and General Max Lloyd, who commanded the Canadian Corps, realized that the German army wanted to run, so they launched a counterattack against the German army, firmly attracting the German army in the encirclement to the Marne River.

In order to get rid of the entanglement of the Anzac and Canadian Corps as soon as possible, Ludendorff authorized Hutier and Otto von Bülow to give up part of the troops when necessary. This order made Hutier and Otto von Bülow They are in a dilemma, they don't know which army to keep for defense, which means that the remaining troops will be wiped out.

In the ever-changing battlefield, opportunities are fleeting, and the time Rock left for Houtier and Otto von Bülow was very short. After only one night, Houtier and Otto von Bülow discovered that they What we are facing is not the question of which unit to leave behind, but the question of whether we can lead the third and fifth armies out of the encirclement smoothly.

After resting for the night, the [-]st Armored Division and the [-]nd Cavalry Division continued to advance.

The German army was full of remnants and defeated soldiers along the way. The German army did not expect the speed of the British Expeditionary Force to be so fast. Sometimes a marching German army had just received an order to defend on the spot, and the tank troops of the British Expeditionary Force had rushed over.

Facing the crazy attack of the armored forces, the light infantry could not organize effective defense at all. Near a small town, the second cavalry division encountered a German army. Those German soldiers did not look like soldiers at all. A team of cows, some with chickens under their armpits, some with boxes of letter paper, some drinking while walking, and some tearing off the silk curtains embroidered with patterns and wrapping them around themselves as trophies, colorful and colorful Satisfied, some people even wore comedian costumes and tall hats and wobbled almost impossible to walk.

The officers and soldiers of the Second Cavalry Division entered the town, and what they saw surprised them even more. The streets were full of German soldiers who were looting, and some people got themselves drunk in the wine cellar. The officers and soldiers had to drag people out of the wine cellar by their feet.

Such an army, even if they defeat them, there is no glory at all.

In a resident's home, two soldiers of the Second Cavalry Division couldn't bear it and opened fire. Four German soldiers committed indescribable bad behavior to the hostess of this resident. I didn't even have time to lift my pants.

These German soldiers were all regarded as stubborn resistance and were shot dead on the spot.

In this town, the Second Cavalry Division captured a total of 800 German officers and soldiers. According to statistics after the war, the town lost property equivalent to 1500 million francs.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the expeditionary force finally joined the French army and surrounded about 35 German regiments.

Rock and Petain continued to invest in the reserve team, ready to encircle and annihilate the German troops in the encirclement.

Ludendorff is also mobilizing troops to attack Reims, hoping to rescue the besieged German troops.

Lance was still in the hands of the German army at this time.

The German units responsible for clearing Reims were the 11th and 12th Divisions of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

The fighting was not intense. Both the 11th and 12th Divisions of the Southern African Expeditionary Force participated in the siege of Constantinople and had very rich experience in street fighting.

The Germans resisted with the fortifications and houses in Reims, but they could not stop the advance of the 11th and 12th Divisions. By the afternoon of the 15th, the 11th and 12th Divisions had occupied 80.00% of the urban area of ​​Reims. There were less than 2000 German officers and soldiers.

In the past few days when the 11th and 12th Divisions wiped out the remnants of the enemy, the German troops outside the encirclement and the German troops in the encirclement were launching crazy attacks on Reims, trying to save the German troops in the encirclement.

The [-]st Armored Division and the [-]nd Cavalry Division are in charge of defending the periphery of Reims. Tanks and armored vehicles have become the fulcrum of the defensive position. There is air force assistance in the sky, artillery units provide fire support, and the weather is also helping. It is still snowing in April. This created further difficulties for the attacking German units.

In a house on the outskirts of Reims, about two squads of soldiers from the Second Cavalry Division were responsible for the defense. The soldiers smashed the walls of the house to set up machine gun positions, and the precision shooters climbed into the attic to clear the key targets of the enemy. , but also responsible for enemy observation.

Riflemen watched the street from behind curtains, and two doctors and four nurses were in the basement, where nearby wounded were being brought in for temporary treatment.

"Craigie, did you find anything?" Sergeant Sergeant George, the squad leader, climbed up to the attic and brought freshly fried eggs and hot coffee to the precision shooter Craigie.

"Thank you, everything is normal, except that the damn snow is getting bigger and bigger, why is it still snowing now, I'm afraid I have to wear short sleeves in Port Elizabeth—" Corregie quietly crawled away from the window, the attic window was a little open Low, only one foot high from the floor, Corregie spread some straw on the floor, and then spread a blanket, a simple and warm nest.

"Because this is France, you eat first, and I'll help you watch for a while." George threw a pack of cigarettes and half a bottle of wine to Corregie. Cigarettes are what Corregie needs, but wine doesn't.

"Come on, I don't want to be punished for drinking." Corregie unscrewed the cap and smelled it, and reluctantly returned the bottle to George.

The British Expeditionary Force can't help drinking, and sometimes even needs alcohol to inspire the courage of the officers and soldiers. However, during combat, combatants in key positions are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol, such as observers, precision shooters, tank drivers, and front-line force commanders.

The two tankers who drove the tank into the river when the French counterattacked, it was because they drank too much wine before they set off that led to the tragedy.

Alcohol-related accidents abounded during the World Wars, and this past winter hundreds of soldiers froze to death in the snow after drinking too much.

"Low-alcohol wine, it's okay to drink a little bit, it can make your body warmer—" George unscrewed the lid and took a sip, then moved his eyes to the eyepiece of the telescope, and then held his breath.

"What's the matter?" Ke Leiji put down the unfinished coffee and grabbed the sniper rifle next to him.

The scope on the sniper rifle can also be used as a telescope under certain circumstances.

On the edge of the forest 200 meters away, through the scope of a sniper rifle, I can vaguely see someone passing by a big tree.

"Come on brothers, get ready to fight—" George put down the binoculars and ran to the stairs without any nonsense.

The whole building was busy in an instant, the soldiers who were resting jumped up, the soldiers at the dining table drank the last sip of coffee and picked up their rifles, the soldiers in the kitchen hurriedly put out the fire, and the soldiers who were warming up in front of the fireplace looked for themselves all over the place. boots—

If the German army launches an attack at this time, they will definitely be able to wipe out the soldiers in the house. It doesn't take much clever tactics, just throw a few grenades through the window, and then set them on fire.

The first one to shoot was Corregie in the attic. Correggi carefully tightened the lid of the coffee pot and placed it on the floor beside him. Then he calmed down and put the cross in the scope on the head of a German officer. Then the trigger was pulled.


The German officer fell in response, the bullet hit the head of the German officer, and a fan-shaped pattern of blood stains suddenly appeared on the big tree next to the German officer.

Corregie didn't have time to appreciate it, so he put the cross on the head of another German officer, and continued to pull the trigger with a blank expression.


The German officer was already prepared for this shot and missed.

The number of German officers who escaped the catastrophe went behind a tree, and Ke Leiji lost his second chance to attack, but it didn't matter, Ke Lei Ji had many targets, and the next target was a man holding a Model 15 Maxim Machine gun shooter with machine gun barrel.

The machine gun shooter is busy assembling the heavy machine gun, and has to fill the barrel with cooling water to complete all preparations before shooting.

This time Ke Leiji did not choose the head, but chose to do less damage, but to grasp the larger chest and abdomen.

Injure a German army, the German army must send at least two people to take care of the wounded, which is actually more effective.


The German machine gunner who was being targeted fell down immediately, and the deputy shooter dragged the shooter's body back with horror on his face, and was also knocked down by a single shot just after moving two steps.

Thanks to Lee Enfield, who shoots incredibly fast.

On a quiet snowy night, even though they were separated by more than 200 meters, Ke Leiji seemed to hear the howling of the wounded German soldiers.

A German soldier stretched out his hand behind a big tree, presumably begging for help from other soldiers.

A backpack strap used to tie a backpack was thrown out from behind a tree, probably trying to pull people away. People behind the tree dared not show their heads. This kind of thing has happened countless times. Those precision shooters of the expeditionary force are best at taking advantage of wounded soldiers Attract more German troops to jump into the trap.

Ke Leiji did not hit the rope, and the probability of breaking the rope was actually very low. Ke Leiji aimed at the arm of the injured German soldier.

Just when the wounded German soldier just grabbed the rope, like a drowning man just grabbing a life-saving straw, hope and joy burst out of his eyes.

Corregie fired again, hitting the arm that had just grabbed the rope.

The power of military weapons is huge. Even if it is a Lee Enfield with a caliber of 7.7mm, the huge kinetic energy released by the bullet when it hits the arm is enough to break the hit arm into a comminuted fracture.

Looking at the German soldiers struggling on the verge of death in the scope, Ke Leiji was neither sad nor happy, this is war!

(End of this chapter)

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