Chapter 1058 Grenadiers

Now India does not have a population of 14 billion, and it is only a little over 3 million.

More than 3 million people actually starved to death 2000 million at once, which shows the losses caused by hunger and viruses to India.

Rock is not surprised at all. India is such a strange country. No matter what, as long as it is associated with India, it cannot be speculated by common sense. Now India is still clamoring for independence from Britain. After Gandhi returned to India, he called for "Non-violent non-cooperation" is also launched at the same time as the "Exit India Movement". This is the rhythm of splitting India into countless small countries. Rock really doesn't understand why Gandhi thinks this way. If Gandhi is a Dalit, it will be fine. Well, the problem is that Gandhi received modern higher education in England, and is a standard elite class in India, even the elite class thinks so——

How else can Roque see, just sit and watch!

What makes Rock feel even more miraculous is that India has become a mess, but the Indian troops fighting in Europe don't seem to be affected. Those Indians in Europe still need to eat and drink. It may be that there has been a lot of training recently. Because of this, the consumption of alcohol is higher than usual.

Rock has Winston's secret order in his hand. If there is a problem with the Indian army, Rock will ensure the stability of the Indian army at all costs.

Now it seems that there is no need to pay much, just send out more wine.

On the current Western Front, alcohol can be said to be as much as it is needed. The top leaders of the Allied Powers originally needed to rely on alcohol to maintain the morale of the troops. Now Rock has about 20 tons of various liquors and red wines in his hands, enough for each British expeditionary force in France. [-] kg.

Drink it, let go and drink whatever you want!

Just as the transfer of the German army could not be hidden from Britain and France, the actions of the British Expeditionary Force could not be hidden from Ludendorff.

Since the entire German army on the Marne River was wiped out, Ludendorff was no longer able to launch an offensive, and the German army fell into a complete passive situation.

The failure of Michael's plan hit Ludendorff very hard. Now Ludendorff would sit alone in a daze, not eating, not talking, and not giving combat orders. The two fortresses in the city launched an attack, and the German army in some defensive areas was already out of control.

There are serious problems within the German army. Ludendorff's current mental state is actually not suitable for serving as chief of the general staff, but there is no more suitable candidate than Ludendorff in Germany. Wilhelm II wants Hindenburg to replace Ludendorff He became the chief of the German general staff, but Hindenburg wanted to be the prime minister. He believed that the current problems of the German army could not be solved by the chief of the general staff. He had to take the initiative to change from a higher level, so that Germany could end the war in a relatively decent way.

That's right, after the failure of Michael's plan, even the most stubborn Germans had to admit that Germany had no chance of winning.

In mid-May, the German government made a final effort to negotiate with the Allies on the basis of the current front.

This proposal was rejected by the Allied Powers. The conditions of the Allied Powers have not changed. They have always asked Germany to surrender unconditionally and let the Allied Powers slaughter them. This condition is unacceptable to the Germans.

The time came to June 6, and it was time for the British and French allied forces to counterattack in an all-round way.

In the morning, with Arras as the center, Rock mobilized all 110 artillery pieces to attack the German positions on a 14000-mile front.

Large-caliber artillery is the main force of firepower strikes. The large-caliber artillery of the expeditionary force is attached to the second line of defense. In the densest area, there is a heavy artillery with a caliber of 120 mm or more participating in the shelling every ten yards, and it is attached to the front-line mortars. Artillery and field artillery also played a very important role. The first line of defense of the German army was completely destroyed within half an hour. The infantry unit then set out to the first line of defense of the German army under the cover of armored troops. At this time, the artillery The troops didn't stop firing, and the barrage began to extend to the second line of defense of the German army. Just like Roque said, this time the expeditionary force's attack was unlimited, and they could go as far as they could go.

The most outstanding performance is still the ace combination of the First Armored Division and the Second Cavalry Division, and the armored unit commanded by Chen Xie, who cooperated with the Muscat Pirates to attack.

Now Hank and Chen Xie are very familiar with each other, Hank finally returned to his armored command vehicle, and together with Chen Xie commanded the troops to attack.

"Gentlemen, let's slow down a little bit. After the flamethrowers drive the Germans out of the rat hole, can the tanks first attack the second line of defense of the German army? It seems better to use armored vehicles—— "Chen Xie left the small cockpit of the tank and was very curious about the armored command vehicle.

The armored command vehicle equipped by the expeditionary force can be equipped with a large-caliber machine gun or a grenade launcher.

It has been proved in actual combat that the role of large-caliber machine guns is far inferior to that of grenade launchers, so now more and more armored vehicles have removed large-caliber machine guns and replaced them with more powerful grenade launchers.

Compared with tank guns, grenade launchers fire faster, and their power is actually not that small. Today's tanks have not used armor-piercing projectiles. In the case of high-explosive projectiles, the speed of grenade launchers is enough to make up for it. The disadvantage caused by insufficient caliber.

"No, no, it's better for the tank to go ahead. The weak armor on the armored vehicle can't even withstand the direct fire of a heavy machine gun. What's the use of running fast." Hank knows the weakness of the armored vehicle. In fact, the armored vehicle of the expeditionary force was originally designed. It is used to maintain order in low-intensity theaters, and it is not used for frontal battlefield assaults at all.

However, in the absence of effective counter weapons in the German army, armored vehicles can also play a huge role on the Western Front, especially in maneuvering and dealing with German infantry units. Armored vehicles are actually better than tanks.

"Sir, the Second Elizabeth Infantry Regiment has opened a gap, and the headquarters ordered us to expand the gap as much as possible." Hank's staff officer sent the latest order from the headquarters, and Hank was stunned for a while.

The Elizabeth [-]nd Infantry Regiment, like the Muscat Pirates, is under the jurisdiction of the [-]nd Cavalry Division. The two troops are equal in number and have similar combat effectiveness. They both come from the Arabian Peninsula, so the two troops often compete with each other intentionally or unintentionally. The infantry regiment has broken through the German positions, but the Muscat pirates are still standing still, which makes Hank angry.

"Attack, attack, attack with all your strength!" Hank absolutely did not allow the progress of the Muscat Pirates to lag behind the Elizabeth Second Infantry.

"Attack, attack, attack with all your strength!" Opie, the commander of Elizabeth's Second Infantry Regiment, Zhou Li, who was seven kilometers away from Vimy Ridge, also issued the same combat order as Hank.

The reason why they were able to break through the German defense line so quickly was that a shell luckily hit the arsenal on the second German defense line. The smoke from the violent explosion of the arsenal was as high as 100 meters, and a huge explosion appeared directly. Mushroom cloud, the sound of the explosion can be clearly heard several kilometers away. After the violent explosion, the remaining German soldiers staggered out of the trenches. Their ears and eyes were bleeding, and nearly a thousand people had permanent hearing loss. damaged.

Compared with those soldiers who were directly killed by the shock wave, only hearing damage is lucky enough.

About 5 minutes later, the tank unit of the expeditionary army rushed to the German position. Except for a few infantrymen who were killed by the remaining landmines, the expeditionary force had almost no losses. The line of defense attacked directly to the hinterland of the German army, and from here to the territory of Germany was almost flat.

It can be clearly felt that the elite troops of the German army were indeed completely surrounded and wiped out on the banks of the Marne River.

The current German army is almost composed of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Some troops are almost collapsed at the touch of a finger, and they have neither a strong will to fight nor sufficient tactical capabilities.

There are also troops that are still loyal to the Kaiser and continue to fight, but their combat effectiveness is doubtful. At the time of the Battle of the Somme, the German army already had a very strong positional defense capability. Retreating, the performance was obviously not as good as that of the German army during the Battle of the Somme.

Shortly after crossing Opie, the [-]nd Elizabeth's Infantry encountered an oncoming German force.

This German unit seemed unaware that Opie had fallen. Post-war interrogation showed that the task of this unit was to support Opie. They were marching towards Opie when they encountered the [-]nd Elizabeth Infantry Regiment. You will then encounter the [-]nd Elizabethan Infantry.

The unsuspecting German troops were attacked by the tank troops frantically. The German troops carried anti-tank guns and anti-tank rifles, but they were ridden by the tanks before they could be used. The tanks drove madly away from the infantry units accompanying the attack. The full horsepower ran directly towards the panicked German troops. I don’t know how many German soldiers were crushed into mud. After the battle, there were about 1200 German soldiers. After only 10 minutes of fighting, there were only less than 400 prisoners left. .

After the battle, almost all the captives broke down emotionally. Some shouted, some were stunned, and some cried. Today's scene may remain in their memory forever, and they will never forget it.

After handing over the captives to the follow-up troops, the Elizabeth [-]nd Infantry Regiment did not stop and continued to advance along the road. At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the Elizabeth [-]nd Infantry Regiment hit Douai in one go. The troops defending Douai were the first The First Grenadier Regiment belongs to the German Fifth Army. The commander of the Fifth Army is Crown Prince William, and the First Grenadier Regiment is also the guard force of Crown Prince William.

Grenadiers are a kind of arms that appeared in the 18th century. They first referred to the infantry in the army who specially carried grenades. Because the grenades at that time were relatively large in size and weight, they were also relatively large, almost similar to small artillery shells, so it was necessary to choose arm strength among the infantry. Only outstanding soldiers are eligible to use them, and these soldiers who use grenades are called grenadiers.

Now the title "Grenadier" is mostly used as an honorary title to commend soldiers for their heroic combat performance, and only elite troops can use this title.

(End of this chapter)

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