Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1062 Reality Is Often So Cruel

Chapter 1062 Reality Is Often So Cruel

According to the regulations of the prisoner-of-war camp, the prisoners who have just arrived at the prisoner-of-war camp must go through a series of procedures such as bathing, haircut, shaving, nail clipping, and physical examination before they can enter the prisoner-of-war camp smoothly.

This is not intended to embarrass these prisoners of war, the necessary sanitary procedures are essential, the environment on the western front is extremely harsh, various trench diseases are very common, many people have severe festering on their feet and legs, and almost all soldiers have lice , The US pandemic is another serious threat. The Allies can mobilize medical supplies, which reduces the threat of the US pandemic to a certain extent. Germany is seriously short of medical supplies, and many military officers do not have masks.

Lei Jiao is a military doctor in the Ninth Prisoner of War Battalion and a third-year student at Nyasaland University School of Medicine. He has been working in France for three consecutive years and now enjoys the treatment of a captain as an officer.

Because of his outstanding performance on the western front, Lei Jiao was invited by many hospitals in southern Africa and the UK. Lei Jiao didn't consider the hospitals in the UK at all. After the end of the World War, Lei Jiao would go to Nyasaland State Hospital Work.

The prisoners who had just arrived at the prisoner-of-war camp were in very poor health. Some of them had been infected with the American flu, some had severe tuberculosis, and some had wounds and festered limbs that required amputation as soon as possible.

There were too many patients who needed treatment, and Lei Jiao was busy from morning to night. Fortunately, these prisoners were very cooperative, even those soldiers who were about to be amputated would thank the doctors for their help.

After sawing off the left calf of a second lieutenant of the German army, Lei Jiao took the time to eat, and there were four surgeries waiting for him, and Lei Jiao only had 10 minutes to rest.

"The calf we sawed off just now doesn't really need to be sawed off—" Lei Jiao's assistant is He Biao, a first-year medical student at Nyasaland University School of Medicine.

He Biao came to France last year, and in two months, He Biao will be in the second grade. If the World War ends, He Biao will return to Nyasaland to go to school step by step, so He Biao cherishes the present Opportunity, work harder than Lei Jiao.

"If the medicine is sufficient, there is a well-equipped operating room, and two doctors who can deal with it slowly, then perhaps there is no need for amputation—" Lei Jiao seized the time to stuff the last sausage into his mouth, his voice slightly Ambiguous: "—but the most important point is that he is a Chinese from southern Africa."

Seeing that Lei Jiao had finished eating the sausage, the blond-haired and blue-eyed little nurse immediately brought Lei Jiao coffee with just the right temperature. Because of the high workload, Lei Jiao and other doctors are very dependent on coffee.

These nurses are all hired from France. Regardless of their professional skills, they are almost impeccable in appearance. It costs a lot of money to hire such girls in peacetime. During wartime, they only need to meet their basic living needs. , is enough to make them grateful.

The nurse who brought Lei Jiao coffee was called Clement, and he had a good impression of Lei Jiao. In the French field hospital, many doctors from southern Africa became lovers with French native girls, and some of them were even in French churches. The wedding was held. Lei Jiao didn't hate Clement, but he didn't like him either. Lei Jiao's family was very traditional, and he could only choose a Chinese girl as his life partner.

"Can't white people do it?" He Biao didn't understand Lei Jiao's meaning.

Lei Jiao didn't speak, and concentrated on drinking coffee.

Some things can be done, but not said.

There are unwritten unspoken rules in the field hospitals of the Allied countries. Under normal circumstances, the field hospitals will admit all soldiers of the Allied countries.

However, if the field hospital is full due to the surge of wounded during the battle, only officers can receive assistance.

If the situation deteriorates further and medicines start to run out, the Chinese officers will be the ones who take it the most.

The "level of importance" here is of course the kind that makes people unable to find faults. The same leg injury is also rescued in the operating room. The doctors and nurses are also the same group of people, but the operation time is 10 minutes, which is three times the operation time. The results for hours are completely different.

So He Biao really needs to learn.

"Clement, can you get me a cup of coffee too?" He Biao wanted to drink coffee after dinner. Although Clement was equally enthusiastic with a smile, he offered it on his own initiative and gave it only after he asked for it. He treated them differently. Still obvious.

He Biao is heartbroken, it's really falling flowers and flowing water are ruthless, I originally set my heart on the moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch!

"Like Clement?" Lei Jiao also gossips when he is resting. It is getting more and more difficult for men in southern Africa to find a wife. If you can bring one back to France, it will be very good.

Especially a big beauty like Clement, although Clement is not strong in business, although Clement is not very good at cooking, although Clement can't speak Chinese - but Clement is beautiful , and you can learn if you don’t know how to cook, and you can learn even if you don’t speak Chinese. As for business ability——

If there is no accident, after the end of the World War, field doctors like Lei Jiao and He Biao will be very popular, and now there are signs of it, not only Lei Jiao, but even He Biao has received a job offer from the Paris Hospital. Although He Biao is just a student who has not graduated.

What is certain is that once Lei Jiao and He Biao work, their salary will definitely be the highest. It is no problem to raise a family, so it does not matter whether Clement works or not. Clement takes good care of the family. most important work.

"I like it. In our hospital, who doesn't like it except you and senior Shao?"

Senior Shao’s name is Shao Yi, and he is also a doctor in the Ninth Prisoner of War Camp. He has graduated from the Johannesburg Medical School and received a job offer from the Southern African Ministry of Health. However, Shao Yi’s ideal is to be a surgeon. Shao Yi met a French doctor last year. The girl got married, and now the French girl went to Nyasaland because she was pregnant, and she was waiting to give birth at Shao Yi's home in Los Angeles.

These doctors in France have a very high income level, and their annual salary is enough to buy a house in a big city in southern Africa, or go to the countryside to buy a farm.

It should be noted that housing prices in major cities in southern Africa, such as Los Angeles and Johannesburg, are now higher than those in star cities such as Paris and London.

Except Cape Town.

As one of the three capitals in southern Africa, Cape Town actually has the potential to catch fire in house prices, but it is a pity that Cape Town's public security situation, health status, education level, and infrastructure are not as good as those of Los Angeles, Johannesburg, or even Victoria and St. George's is not as good, so Cape Town's house prices have been tepid.

What needs to be emphasized here is that among all the big cities in southern Africa, although Cape Town was the first city where the Chinese set foot in, Cape Town is now the city with the least Chinese.

"If you like it, go after it. Solve your personal problems early, and then you can focus more on your career. Clement is very good." Lei Jiao encouraged He Biao to act instead of heart. Clement is more than good , should be described as "very popular", but unfortunately, everyone can see that Clement has his own heart. On this issue, the Chinese are actually very gentlemen.

"You still have the face to say such things. You are just occupying the latrine. If you are not interested, let Clement give up on you earlier, so that I will have a chance." He Biao was indignant, the person I love Don't love me, it's a tragedy on earth. Biao.

Lei Jiao didn't talk nonsense, put down the coffee cup he drank, put on the mask and gloves again, and prepared for the next operation.

When Lei Jiao put down the cup, Clement immediately came over to help Lei Jiao put on the mask and gloves. After Lei Jiao turned around and went to the operating room, Clement was busy packing the tableware again. He was really diligent.

He Biao, who was not paying attention, put on his mask and gloves, and silently followed Lei Jiao into the operating room to help.

A German captain was lying on the operating table. His arm was injured, and the wound was also seriously infected. It was very troublesome to deal with. Although there is penicillin in southern Africa, it is impossible to use penicillin on German soldiers.

"Doctor, is my injury serious?" The captain of the German army can speak English. He is very conscious now, and the operating room is not equipped to anesthetize the patient. After the operation begins, the nurse will put a towel in the patient's mouth. Can you It depends on the patient's will to survive.

"It's really serious, I guess amputation is needed—" Lei Jiao was stunned for a moment, usually Lei Jiao didn't speak in the operating room to avoid emotional fluctuations in patients.

Don’t forget that the Expeditionary Army and the German Army were still enemies not long ago, and they would fight to the death when they met, so many German soldiers were very hostile to the Expeditionary Army. If the patient behaves inappropriately, he can be shot and killed directly.

"Doctor—" the German captain's eyes were full of pleading, but in the end he only said one sentence: "—Please!"

Probably in the opinion of the German captain, even if he begged, Lei Jiao and He Biao would not deal with it in other ways.

Lei Jiao nodded and signaled He Biao to bring the saw over and prepare to do it.

The little nurse next to him stuffed a towel into the mouth of the German captain, and the expeditionary soldier on the opposite side of the operating table had his hand on the holster around his waist.

"Senior, why don't you let me give it a try—" He Biao was eager to move. When he returned to southern Africa, he couldn't just saw his arms and legs. Doctors are not butchers.

"There is no time. There are still three operations waiting for us. If we waste too much time, someone may die because of the delay in processing time. By the time of the last operation, if you still have strength, then when the time comes You just do it slowly." Lei Jiao is absolutely calm, it's not like his heart is like a stone, it's because the objective conditions don't allow it.

"Come on doctor, I am very grateful no matter what!" The German captain on the operating table accepted the reality, which is often so cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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