Chapter 1064

When the British Expeditionary Force stopped attacking temporarily, the French troops did not stop attacking, but the efficiency of the French troops was not high, and they suffered heavy casualties. When the British Expeditionary Force stopped attacking until July, the French casualties increased by another 13.5 , and then did not make many breakthroughs. The Germans knew that the French hated them, so they would rather lay down their arms to the British Expeditionary Force than surrender to the French.

After the negotiations began, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson seemed to have played an increasingly important role, and had frequent contacts with the German government. The German government agreed to withdraw from the war on the basis of Woodrow Wilson's "fourteen points." It was also opposed by Britain and France. The reason for Britain's opposition was the part about the colonies in the "Fourteen Points", and the reason for France's opposition to the "Fourteen Points" was that the punishment for Germany was too light.

According to Georges Clemenceau's vision, even if Germany is not split into a dozen small countries, its military capabilities should be completely restricted, so as to reduce the threat of Germany to France.

On June 25th, Woodrow Wilson stated in a telegram to the German government: If it is still the German war manipulator and imperial dictator who talks to the U.S. government in the future, then the U.S. will stop contacting Germany. No more peace negotiations with Germany, but a direct surrender of Germany.

The German government seriously considered this threat. Before the German government could make a decision, on June 27, Munich declared the establishment of a republic and then unilaterally withdrew from the war. homeless.

On July [-], the German government asked Wilhelm II to abdicate.

Wilhelm II rejected the request of the German government. Not only did he not want to abdicate, but he also wanted to transfer troops from the Western Front to return to Berlin to maintain his rule.

Ludendorff was succeeded by General Groner as Chief of Staff. After receiving a secret telegram from William II, General Groner asked the opinions of the German generals. A total of 39 generals gave answers, of which 15 were The ambiguous attitude of the 23 generals made it clear that it was impossible, and only one general agreed to lead the troops back to Berlin and continue to maintain the rule of William II.

General Groner reported the situation clearly to William II. William II decided to abdicate and then went to the Netherlands. The Queen of the Netherlands agreed to take him in.

Looking at it this way, the Netherlands did not get involved in the World War, which seems to be a back road prepared by William II for himself.

Roque came to the Compiègne forest on July [-] to study the terms of peace for the Germans.

Roque's request was the simplest. He only asked the German army to withdraw from France and Belgium, and withdraw from Alsace and Lorraine, and return Alsace and Lorraine to France.

Pétain's requirements are more stringent. In addition to Alsace and Lorraine, Pétain also requires the area east of the Rhine River. This is the rhythm for Germany to cede land and pay compensation now.

Pershing asked the most. The U.S. military finally captured the fortress of Liege, but before they could set foot on German soil, Germany was forced to seek peace.

The U.S. ultimately lost 70 men at the fortress of Liege, including 15.6 dead.

Among the Allied countries, only Japan had fewer deaths than the United States, but Japan gained a lot.

The Kingdoms of Romania and Serbia had approximately 30 deaths during the world wars, double that of the United States.

Russia lost 180 million, France 160 million, and Britain 150 million, with Southern Africa paying the price of nearly 100 million.

In addition, about 57.8 people died in the Kingdom of Italy, 200 million people died in Germany, and 100 million people died in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The world war broke out from August 1913 to July 1917, which lasted for 48 months. .

On July 12th, a delegation led by Matthias Erzberger of the Catholic Center Party arrived at the headquarters of the Allied Powers in Compiègne Forest. At this time, Berlin was in great danger, and Wilhelm II abdicated The interim government that was just formed after that would be overthrown at any time. The interim government's order to Erzberg was: In order to withdraw from the war, any conditions proposed by the Allied Powers could be accepted.

Foch clearly pointed out that the current German government is not qualified to participate in the negotiations. In order to allow time for the Allies to negotiate, Foch agreed to a temporary truce for 30 days, but demanded that Germany must withdraw from the land occupied after the outbreak of the World War within 14 days. Withdrew to the east bank of the Rhine River, and canceled the "Brest-Litovsk Peace Agreement", retreated to the border on August 1913, 5000 on the Eastern Front, and asked Germany to hand over 3000 artillery pieces and [-] artillery pieces. artillery, [-] machine guns, and all aircraft, and abandon the colonies in Africa.

This is just a condition set by Foch for the armistice, not to withdraw from the war. This means that if Germany wants to end the war, it will have to pay a higher price.

Although Foch's conditions were extremely harsh, Erzberg signed the temporary armistice agreement, but Erzberg was assassinated shortly after returning to Germany. The assassin believed that Erzberg had betrayed Germany.

In any case, the fighting on the Western Front has temporarily ceased, and it looks like peace is on the way.

In the next week, both Winston and Woodrow Wilson came to Paris to participate in the Paris Peace Conference held in Paris. France sent invitations to all participating countries, but the real decision-making power must be in the hands of a few people. inside.

After meeting Winston, Rock made it clear to Winston that the Southern African Expeditionary Force should be withdrawn to Southern Africa in batches.

"Are you in such a hurry? I thought you wanted to feel what it was like to be an occupying army in Germany." Winston didn't care. It is southern Africa, and the Anzac and Canadian Corps will also return in batches. The Indian Corps was the first to go, and has received orders to leave the UK and return to India.

Winston's patience with the Indian Legion has reached its limit. There are now 120 million Indian troops in France. The role played by the Indian troops is not as good as that of the Anzac Army with a population of only 21. However, the consumption of materials by the Indian troops is But it is about ten times that of the Anzacs.

This is still the result of Rock's strict control. If it weren't for Rock's strict control, the Indian army's demand for supplies would soar. In the words of Sidney Milner, who is in charge of logistics: Every Indian has an unfathomable They can always eat the most food at the fastest speed in the shortest time, and then digest the food in the shortest time.

It is simply a bottomless pit!

"Yes, I plan to withdraw the professional army and conscripts first, and the African division can stay in Germany to continue its mission." Rock is still determined to reduce the African population, especially those Africans who participated in the World War in Europe , if they are allowed to return to southern Africa, then maybe some uncontrollable accidents will happen.

In any case, these African troops were also part of the British Expeditionary Force. These Africans enjoyed the treatment that normal people should enjoy in Europe. They defeated all white troops and saw the weakest and most unbearable side of white people. , so after these African troops return to southern Africa, it will be difficult for them to accept the status of Africans in southern Africa.

Roque means to keep these African troops in Europe to harm the Europeans. If not, then Roque will throw these Africans to the Kingdom of Congo or the Congo Free State. Anyway, Roque will definitely not let them return to southern Africa.

This was originally part of Rock's plan.

"You seem to be very prejudiced against Africans!" Winston looked at Rock with a mocking look.

Rock was simply surprised, you, a racist colonial leader, actually had the face to laugh at Rock for being prejudiced against Africans!

See you a long time!

"If you like, you can keep those Africans in the UK. They are all elite troops who have experienced wars. Believe me, they are definitely better than Indians." Rock secretly gave Winston Digging.

"Hmph, although I don't know why, but I know there must be a reason for you to do this, so don't even think about it, you can go to President Pongale, President Pongale must like those Africans very much "Winston is not stupid, although those Africans seem to be honest and willing to work hard now, but Rock doesn't like it, so there must be a reason for Rock.

Although Winston doesn't like India, the confidence of the British Empire in terms of human resources still comes from India, so Winston has the confidence to reject Africans.

Compared with Britain, France has no choice in this regard.

The world war caused France 2000 billion francs in losses, about 1 businesses were damaged and lost, and 90 houses were turned into rubble or unusable. France originally hoped to recover the losses through Germany's compensation, but now Germany has also been Ruins everywhere, there must be no money to pay the French, so the problems facing France are far more serious than Britain.

Before the outbreak of the World War, France had a population of 4160 million. During the entire World War, millions of people were injured in France, 160 million were killed, and millions of people were left homeless.

The world war caused France to lose a whole generation. In another time and space, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II in 1936, France had a population of only 4190 million, which was only 1913 more than in 30.

For a country with a population of 4000 million, the population increased by only 23 in 30 years. What happened to France during this period?

Poengale has now begun to immigrate from Africa to supplement the population loss caused by the World War in France. Don't forget that the 160 million people who died in France are all adult males with fertility.

So if Rock went to Pongale, then Pongale might really be willing to accept it.

Although Poengale is not stupid, but France has no choice.

This is the special historical environment in a special period.

(End of this chapter)

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