Chapter 1069

Americans used to be the most unpopular people in Europe. This happened after the GDP of the United States surpassed that of the United Kingdom and became the number one in the world. Americans before the number one in the world have no qualifications to be unpopular at all, just like India Dalits, or Africans in southern Africa.

Are Africans unwelcome in Southern Africa?

No, there are no Africans in Southern Africa at all.

The Europeans are extremely stubborn on this point. First they do not welcome the Americans, then they do not welcome the Japanese, and then——

Did you find out, Europeans don’t welcome people from any country that has money.

This is very interesting. When other countries have no money, European countries scold others for not working hard and not making progress; when other countries have money, European countries begin to scold others for being impolite and immoral.

As a result, even Europeans have forgotten that their buttocks are not clean after a long time, and have become angels with the highest morals.

This is probably the origin of Our Lady.

Aside from these face-rolling keyboards, the Americans are indeed annoying now. Rock used to think that the Americans started to make loud noises, slovenly, inconsiderate of others' feelings, and arrogant after they became the global hegemony. People are like this now, so Americans deserve to be despised by Europeans.

The Japanese deserve it too.

Before the World War, Japan was also a debtor country. As a result, after the World War ended, Japan turned into a debtor country, and got on the bus in time after the outbreak of the World War. Taking advantage of the emptiness of Germany’s colonies in the Far East, it considered Japan has defeated the Russian Empire through the Russo-Japanese War before, so the Japanese are now very inflated. They are trying their best to leave Asia and enter Europe, get rid of their Asian identity, and desperately hope to be recognized by the world.

Personally, although Americans are arrogant and arrogant, they still have to show face in front of their own folks, and they will restrain themselves if they accept more or less.

The Japanese are very arrogant. According to the Japanese theory, Japan defeated Germany during the World War, and Germany defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War, so Japan is also stronger than France.

There is nothing wrong with this reasoning logic.

Broken legs, but in front of the booth of soldiers who have won the Legion of Honor, the Japanese with a height of up to 1.4 meters can't wait to write the words "I am strong" all over their bodies. , In fact, the more you lack something.

This scene looks rather funny, after all, the soldier with broken legs is sitting on a low bed, and then it seems that the standing Japanese is not as tall as the sitting veteran——

"Hurry up and make a decision, 100 or 200? I'll give you 300. Take the money to eat and buy clothes. You look really down and out now." The Japanese got carried away, as if they forgot that this is Paris.

"Get out of my sight and disappear from my sight immediately, you bastard, don't force me to kill you!" The eyes of the French soldiers began to become bloodshot, and they waved the crutches in their hands, trying to hit the vicious Japanese people.

"Hahahaha, how did you kill me? Just with your crutches? Can you still stand up?" The Japanese became more and more presumptuous, unaware that there were more and more people around them, and they became more and more angry.

The reason why no one has stepped forward to stop it is obvious. The French people around them don’t know that the Japanese who are carried away are Japanese. After all, the Japanese are also black-haired and yellow-skinned. Became a Chinese.

In Paris now, the status of the Chinese is still very high. After all, the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force is all Chinese.

Rock would definitely not show up in person, so he gave Angie a look, and Angie, who couldn't bear it any longer, came out more and more.

"Shut up, you impolite bastard, and apologize to the gentleman in front of you right away—aren't you rich? Buy everything on this gentleman's stall at full price, and don't make me tell you The second time!" An Qi's words won warm applause from the surroundings, what the people want!

Unlike the Japanese who are 1.4 meters tall, short and thick, and speak English in a barbaric accent, An Qi is 1.8 meters tall, sunny and cheerful, with a well-proportioned figure, which makes people feel good at first glance.

If the behavior and language of the two people are added, then the Japanese are really blasted to the brim.

When seeing An Qi, it was obvious that the Japanese was stunned for a moment, with an uncertain expression.

Angie's Asian features are still obvious in appearance.

But An Qi was still wearing the uniform of a British Expeditionary Force officer and the rank of lieutenant colonel, which made the Japanese dare not act rashly.

It is with the support of the United Kingdom that Japan can achieve today's status. It is precisely because the United Kingdom and Japan signed the "Anglo-Japanese Alliance Agreement" that Japan dared to provoke the Russo-Japanese War.

"Koreans? Annan people? Indians? East Indians?" An Qi almost counted the East Asian species, but did not mention the Japanese.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I'm Japanese—" It was obvious that the Japanese had endured and endured, so they replied respectfully.

"Oh, the Japanese——" Angela realized suddenly with a long voice, and her tone was full of contempt: "—you shouldn't treat a hero who has experienced war like this. He wears the Legion of Honor medal on his chest, and he deserves With all respect, now, apologize to this gentleman and buy these items as compensation to this gentleman."

"Yeah, you're too much—"

"You do have to apologize to this gentleman!"

"Where is Japan?"

The French people around were talking about it, and the topic went off the rails as expected. Not to mention the current French, even in France in the 21st century, there are many people who don't know where Japan is.

The Japanese are standard when they are strong, they are weak, and when they are weak, they are strong. Facing the French veterans who lost their legs, the Japanese are not ordinary arrogant, they are simply making fun of the veterans, without any mercy.

Now facing An Qi, although An Qi's words are ugly, although An Qi does not hide her contempt for the Japanese, the Japanese is more respectful to An Qi: "Yes, it is my fault, please leave your Name, I will come to the door some other day to apologize—"

"Why do you apologize to me? Apologize to this gentleman, right away! Otherwise, you will wait for the military police to deal with it. What is your name?" An Qi became more and more impatient, and the Japanese didn't understand the situation at all.

"My name is Kuroda Jiro, and I work at the Japanese embassy. I'm sorry to cause you trouble—" Kuroda Jiro still apologized to An Qi, and bowed ninety degrees.

This "don't trouble others" is really deep-rooted in Japan.

However, it is obvious that the Japanese are not always so conscious. At least Kuroda Jiro's behavior just now caused trouble for the retired French veteran.

And Kuroda Jiro doesn't seem to mean to apologize to the French veterans.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? You need to apologize to this gentleman, not to me!" Angie's blood vessels around her temples were throbbing.

"Yes!" Kuroda Jiro was very obedient this time, and turned to face the angry French veteran and bowed deeply: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for my behavior, please make a price, I will give all these things Buy it—"

"I won't sell you anything, just disappear from my sight right now." Veterans have backbone. In fact, the Japanese just turned around during the World War. The French have been rich for hundreds of years. Who cares?

"Yes, ok, I'll disappear right away—" Kuroda Jiro backed away while bowing, and the surrounding crowd looked at Kuroda Jiro with disgust, lest they avoid him.

Watching Kuroda Jiro walk away in desperation, people around suddenly applauded, and then more and more people applauded, and their voices became louder and louder.

"Thank you, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel." The retired soldier with broken legs wanted to stand up, but failed. He sat on the low bed in a awkward position with an embarrassed expression.

"You're welcome, wow, you actually have a Luger here, my brother has always wanted it, can you transfer it to me?" Angie just remembered that Kuroda Jiro hadn't bought anything yet.

But it doesn't matter, An Qi is not short of money.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, if you like it, take it away and give it to you—" The retired soldier cheerfully didn't care, his life should not be rich, and the French government is now facing a serious financial crisis. The care is not attentive.

"How about that, you are a businessman now, you will lose money if you do this—" Angie picked up Ruger with a smile, thought for a while, picked up a white porcelain doll from the bed sheet, and took it out of her wallet. Out of a wad of pounds, the number is directly stuffed into the veterans.

According to a rough estimate, there are at least a hundred pounds in this stack.

"No, no, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, this is too much, this is not appropriate—" The retired soldier froze for a moment, and then hastily refused, wanting to return the money to An Qi.

"Appropriate, put it away, as my tribute to a recipient of the Legion of Honor, thank you for your contribution to defeating the Allies—" Angie resolutely handed the money to the retired soldier, and saluted casually when she stood up military salute.

"How can this be done—how can this be done—" the retired soldier muttered to himself, looking at An Qi with gratitude.

"Sir, you are wonderful!"

"Salute to you!"

"You are a thousand times better than that dwarf just now, you are the real gentleman!"

The applause around was more enthusiastic than before, and this time it was obviously more heartfelt.

"Thank you—thank you—" An Qi blushed in embarrassment, nodding her head while trying to get out of the crowd.

This time people just stepped out of the way.

Suddenly a girl rushed out, hugged An Qi, and kissed An Qi hard on the face.

Now the surrounding atmosphere is more enthusiastic, there are whistles along with applause, and even more joyful laughter.

An Qi didn't even know where to put her hands, it was inappropriate to hug her, and it was even more inappropriate to push her away. The point was that An Qi had never had such close contact with a girl——

Losing big!

(End of this chapter)

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