Chapter 1071

Sitting in Winston's position, we must strike a balance both internally and externally.

Leaving aside the outside world, the inside refers to the interior of the British Empire. In fact, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are very satisfied with this aspect. These three all require greater autonomy and do not have too many territorial requirements. After all, their own lands are all It can't be used up, and there are millions of square kilometers and millions of people at every turn. The standard land is sparsely populated. Even if you build an enclave in Africa or the Middle East, you can't take care of it.

Relatively speaking, it was Southern Africa and India that bothered Winston the most.

During the World War, Southern Africa’s contribution was indeed great, but Southern Africa also benefited the most. After the annexation of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the total area of ​​Southern Africa has reached 550 million square kilometers, almost The entire southern part of Africa is in the pocket. If the Mesopotamia is added, the size of southern Africa will expand to a point where even the United Kingdom is afraid. This is not in the interests of the British Empire.

In other words, Southern Africa is already too big to lose.

During the World War, Southern Africa earned more than 120 billion pounds through trade with Europe, and Britain, France, and Italy in the Treaty owed Southern Africa approximately 25 billion pounds. Related companies in Southern Africa developed rapidly during the World War Before the outbreak of World War II, southern Africa only sold some products such as food, clothing, and automobiles to Europe. Now, on the export list of southern Africa, aircraft, tanks, and armored vehicles are the mainstream, and even aircraft carriers are already on the list.

If southern Africa is as sparsely populated as Canada and Australia, then the British government will feel more at ease. Although Canada and Australia are large territories, they are sparsely populated and their potential is limited after all.

Southern Africa is different. During the World Wars, more and more Europeans chose Southern Africa as their first choice for emigrating overseas. Millions of people immigrate to Southern Africa every year.

At the same time, southern Africa is quietly increasing immigration from the Far East. It is said that during the World War, more than 10 people immigrated to southern Africa through Port Edward every month.

The 10 people per month are just Port Edward. What if you add St. George (Tanganyika Dar es Salaam) a little further north, and Port Elizabeth, whose immigration scale is no less than Port Edward?

In March of this year, the population of Southern Africa was finally updated. According to the data reported by 11 states in Southern Africa and the statistics of the federal government, the total population of Southern Africa has finally exceeded 1500 million.

For this data, not only London, but even Pretoria don’t believe it, let’s not talk about other states. The population of Nyasaland state government reported more than 200 million two years ago. Now that three years have passed, the population has only increased. 40, reaching 240 million, so where do the 10 people who enter Port Edward every month go?

There is a more reliable data. According to the statistics of the Southern African Ministry of Health, in Nyasaland, the major hospitals in Nyasaland count up to 20 newborn babies every year. Perhaps the increase of 40 people in two years is due to this. .

However, the data of the hospital does not represent the real data of Nyasaland. In addition to state hospitals and municipal hospitals at all levels in Nyasaland, there are also small hospitals and clinics all over the country. The data of these hospitals and clinics are not in the in statistics.

Not to mention, in southern Africa, Africans are still no longer within the scope of statistics, and the federal government does not know how many Africans there are in southern Africa. This data can be referred to the Congo Free State, which has a total area of ​​200 million square kilometers. The Free State, when Leopold II began its colonial rule, had a population of about 2500 million.

By the time the Congo Free State is overthrown, it is optimistically estimated that the combined population of the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo will be less than 1000 million.

Referring to the performance of African-American soldiers in the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World War, even if the London MPs were dull, they knew that the rise of Southern Africa was unstoppable.

So after the end of the World War, Winston's position has quietly changed.

During the World War, the British Empire needed the full cooperation of southern Africa to withstand the crazy German attack on the western front.

Now that the world war is over, the future structure of the world, and even the internal balance of the British Empire, have become the main issues Winston has to face.

"It's easy to satisfy the French. The Asia Minor peninsula is huge. As long as the French government doesn't dislike it, give the Asia Minor peninsula to France—" Rock generously expressed the generosity of others. Basin, the British government required the Black Sea to go out to the sea, France was eyeing it, and even Italy hoped to have two bites on the corpse of the Ottoman Empire.

Japan has no requirements for the Ottoman Empire. After all, Japan is too far away from the Ottoman Empire, but Japan has a lot of opinions on the German islands in the Pacific that East India seized during the World War.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Asia Minor peninsula must not be allowed to get French hands." Winston is like a vulture protecting food. The Asia Minor peninsula also has 80 million square kilometers, so give it to the French?

Think beautiful!

According to the results of discussions between Britain and France, Germany's colonies in North Africa and West Africa belonged to France, while Southwest Africa and Tanganyika belonged to Britain.

Of course, Southwest Africa and Tanganyika have not yet been annexed by Southern Africa in name, and the British government entrusted Southern Africa to manage them, but this is no different from annexation, the difference is only a form.

Among the "Fourteen Points" put forward by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, one of them is about colonies. The specific statement is: to deal with colonial issues fairly, and when deciding on all issues related to sovereignty, the interests of local residents and the interests of the colonial government should be taken into consideration. Right request.

In this way, it will be easy to handle. In Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the current main residents are southern Africans, and the Southern African Federal Government is in charge of management. Then regarding the sovereignty of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika— —

Oh, there is no need to discuss this issue.

"Then what should we do, as Woodrow Wilson said, to protect the autonomy of the residents of the Asia Minor peninsula? Woodrow Wilson also hopes that the Dardanelles will become a free passage that will always be open." Rock told Woodrow Wilson The "Fourteen Points" proposed by Woodrow Wilson have mixed feelings, and southern Africa is also a British colony in name, so the "Fourteen Points" proposed by Woodrow Wilson are also quite beneficial for Southern Africa to get rid of the constraints of the British government.

But generally speaking, the "fourteen points" still proceed from the interests of the United States, and the overall consideration is for the interests of the United States, which is the most explicit in the third point.

The third point of the "fourteen points": remove all economic barriers and establish equal conditions for trade.

In other words, everyone should open up the market and let's do business together.

The background here is that the GDP of the United States has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, ranking first in the world.

Most of the world's markets are monopolized by Britain and France, and the United States has strong industrial strength, but lacks overseas sales markets.

"Hmph, Woodrow Wilson is dreaming, just wait and see, 'Fourteen O'Clock' will be thrown into the trash soon." I don't like it, and the contribution of the United States in the world war in this time and space is far less than that of another time and space, so Woodrow Wilson actually doesn't have much say.

This is definitely bad news for Germany. The German government agreed to negotiate on the basis of the "fourteen points". Woodrow Wilson previously advocated a peace that does not pursue victory or defeat. Now Woodrow Wilson himself has given up. this claim.

Not practical at all.

I have to say that from a political point of view, compared with mature politicians like Winston and Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson's performance is a bit naive. As the president of the United States, the "fourteen points" he put forward Finally abandoned by himself, Woodrow Wilson also participated in the Paris Peace Conference and formed the final resolution, but the US Congress refused to recognize it.

The League of Nations was also proposed by Woodrow Wilson, but the United States did not join the League of Nations.

It's amazing, the United States is such a strange country with contradictions.

Rock doesn't care about Woodrow Wilson, he only cares about how to get Mesopotamia into his pocket, but Rock doesn't have time to deal with this issue. On August [-]th, Louis Botha came from Southern Africa as a representative of the Southern African Federal Government Went to Paris to represent Southern Africa at the Paris Peace Conference.

Rock is not dissatisfied with this arrangement. After participating in the Paris Peace Conference, Louis Botha will remain in Europe as the representative of Southern Africa in the League of Nations, and his influence on Southern Africa will be further weakened.

In southern Africa today, the strength of the Boers has been weakening day by day.

During the World War, enterprises in southern Africa were stimulated by massive orders from Europe, and the economy developed rapidly.

However, this benefit does not seem to have much to do with Orange State. Orange State did not have any industrial enterprises. During the World War, the demand for raw materials in other states really stimulated the progress of Orange State’s mining industry. , but compared with other states, this progress is basically not worth mentioning.

The first time Louis Botha arrived in Paris, Roque held a dinner for Louis Botha in his castle to welcome Louis Botha's arrival, except for the generals of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who were still in France , including Southern African businessmen in France, and Jan Smolts, who hurried over from London.

The world is really wonderful. The three people who had faced each other after the establishment of the federal government actually met again in Paris in their current identities.

Compared with ten years ago, the state of mind of the three people is completely different. Ten years ago, the three people represented their respective ethnic groups, but now they have only one common identity.

ps: Originally there were some plots in this part, but I can’t write any more, because brothers all know the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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