Chapter 1074 Heart Disease

It's really not that Roque deliberately mocked Nobuaki Makino. Nobuaki Makino is also the baron of the Great Japanese Empire after all. He was the second ambassador representing Japan to participate in the Paris Peace Conference. No matter how much Roque hated the Japanese, he would not Show it directly.

How did Roque behave?

There is not a single Japanese in southern Africa now—

Or to be more precise, there is not a single Japanese man, but there are some Japanese women in special industries in Cape Town. This is not deliberately done by southern Africa to insult the Japanese, but a state behavior supported by the Great Japanese Empire.

The reason for this situation is not that the Japanese did not immigrate overseas. In fact, a large number of Japanese immigrated overseas during this period. There were many Japanese immigrants in Hawaii, Southeast Asia, and even South America. Southern Africa is now In this case, it's not that the Japanese don't want to come, but the immigration company doesn't want it.

In Southern Africa, Indians are the least popular, followed by Japanese.

As for the Africans—

Sorry, there are no Africans in Southern Africa.

After attending the dinner at Poengale, Roque left Paris early the next morning without notifying anyone.

Without a word all the way, Rock took the train to Calais, then transferred to a passenger ferry and crossed the English Channel directly to London.

There was still a banquet waiting for Roque. This time it was held by Kitchener to welcome Roque. All the participants were members of the military, but the two former commander-in-chiefs of the British Expeditionary Force, Frenzi and Haig, were not included.

That's fine, I guess Ferenzi and Haig would be embarrassed when they saw Rock.

Not sure though.

When Kitchener saw Roque, there was another burst of flattery without bottom line, and Roque also reciprocated, repeating what he said at the Pongale banquet.

It is estimated that it will be repeated in Congress tomorrow.

The communication after the banquet is the meat of the show. Kitchener received Rock in his manor on the outskirts of London. The weather in September was not bad, the smog had not yet formed, the air was still fresh, the manor was not big, the garden The care is very delicate, and Rock and Kitchener are walking and talking on the grass.

"Rocke, what do you think of the future of Europe?" Kitchener took a high-level view as soon as he came up. This argument is a bit high. If Rocke didn't know the direction of history, Rocke really couldn't follow it.

"The world war is not over. The Germans will not be willing to lose. They were forced to surrender because they could not persist. Give the Germans another 20 years to accumulate strength. When the next generation of Germany grows up, the Germans will definitely make a comeback." Luo As a frontline commander, Ke has a clear understanding of the situation in Germany.

When the Allied Powers began to fight back, Germany was already at the end of its battle. At that time, the German army didn't even have enough food. Many soldiers could only get a little poor food to satisfy their hunger when they were fighting on the front line.

In addition to food, the German army also lacked ammunition. When Ludendorff launched Michael’s offensive, the German army’s ammunition seemed to be sufficient, but that was only a short-lived. In the later stage of Michael’s offensive, Germany could not continue.

Not only food and ammunition, the German army also lacks medicines, soldiers with combat experience, lack of fighting will, and lack of reserve forces——

In short, everything is lacking. If the German army can still have sufficient logistics, then the coalition army cannot make progress so fast.

When the Germans surrendered, there were 230 million German troops on the Western Front.

Although many of these German soldiers are children and old people, as long as Germany is still capable, Rock has no doubts about the fighting spirit of the Germans.

"So what do you think should be done?" Kitchener also knows Germany very well, and understands the current situation in Britain and France even better.

"We can't do anything. From the interests of the British Empire, we should support the Germans to stand up from the ruins as soon as possible and form a check and balance against France; but from the perspective of long-term interests, we should completely drain Germany and cut off Germany's future. The opportunity to rise will turn Germany into several weak countries like the Austro-Hungarian Empire-but this will lead to France becoming the only one in continental Europe. How to choose depends on Winston and France What are people talking about--" Rock has nothing to do. The current international situation is a mortal situation for the British Empire. There are strong enemies outside and hidden dangers inside. On the surface, the British Empire is still strong. Only senior officials like Rock and Kitchener know.

"Yeah, how to choose—" Kitchener's footsteps were heavy. Before the World War, no one thought that even after winning the World War, Britain would still be in such an embarrassing situation.

"The only thing we can do now is to ensure the integrity of the British Empire as much as possible, but London's influence on overseas territories and colonies is getting weaker and weaker. During the World War, in order to win the support of overseas territories, London made many promises. Now It's time to fulfill these promises." Roque reminded Kitchener that if this issue is not handled well, then when the next world war breaks out, there will not be so many colonies and overseas territories working hard for Britain.

Even if you work hard, whether it will be sold to the level of the First World War is also a question worth measuring.

Kitchener is also difficult to answer this question, and it is meaningless to say it. Kitchener is now in a semi-retired state, and Kitchener will retire completely as soon as he is resigned from the position of Secretary of War.

"I talked to Gianni about this a few days ago, and Gianni made a suggestion at the time. Since the current model cannot continue, can we change the way to make the influence of the British Empire continue to exist— —" Rock still chooses himself first, whether it succeeds or not, it is not Rock's responsibility.

Janney is Jan Smoltz.

"Go on—" Kitchener couldn't wait.

"Jianni means the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations. Members of the Commonwealth join voluntarily or withdraw at any time. All members of the Commonwealth have equal rights and do not belong to each other. The king is still the object of allegiance to all members." Rock didn't go too deep, just A brief mention made Kitchener frown.

Sure enough, it was almost impossible for an old-school soldier like Kitchener to accept something new like the Commonwealth.

However, Roque still has to clearly express his attitude. Obviously, the questions that Kitchener asked Roque are almost on behalf of the British government. So Roque, as the Minister of Defense and War Minister of Southern Africa, also represents Southern Africa. Reply.

Even with Rock's current prestige in the UK, it can be said that Rock is answering on behalf of all overseas territories and colonies such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India.

"This is a blatant betrayal of the empire!" Kitchener was furious, his beard trembling, and his eyes were burning.

"No, no one has betrayed anyone, and no one has conspired against others. This is an inevitable choice for the development of the country. Times have changed, my lord—" Rock still couldn't help being mischievous, but it's a pity that Kitchener didn't know the trick .

It is estimated that it was the last inconspicuous sentence that touched Kitchener.

After Rock finished speaking, Kitchener stopped and looked at the floating clouds in the sky in silence for a long time.

Just when Rock could hardly bear it anymore, Kitchener lowered his head and sighed: "Yeah, times have changed—"

Then suddenly staggered.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Rock stretched out his hand to support Kitchener, and called for someone when he turned around.

The whole of London was agitated by Kitchener's stagger. As the British military god, Kitchener has supreme prestige in the UK, almost comparable to the British King George V.

Especially now that the World War has just ended, although in fact Kitchener played an extremely limited role in the World War, and even had some side effects at the beginning of the war, but as the Minister of War, the United Kingdom was under the leadership of Kitchener. won the final victory.

Now that the horn of victory has sounded, a group of veterans persisted until the end of the war before they fell. It can be said that all the British were moved by Kitchener's spirit and were praying for Kitchener's physical condition.

Kitchener was immediately sent to the hospital. King George V of England rushed to the hospital to visit Kitchener that day. After Winston heard the news, he put aside the Paris Peace Conference and left the leaders of the countries alone. Return to London to visit Kitchener.

"Lock, you don't have to blame yourself too much, it has nothing to do with you—" Winston, who hurried to the hospital, comforted Rock.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Roque really didn't blame himself——

Now Kitchener is almost 70 years old, which is an absolute longevity according to the average life expectancy of this era. If it weren't for Rock's reminder, Kitchener should have died in the sea two years ago and could live until now. It's already a blessing.

As for whether it has anything to do with Rock, this question is really hard to say.

Think about a 70-year-old man, who should have lived in seclusion to raise his children and grandchildren to enjoy family happiness, but because of the outbreak of the world war, he was the Minister of War and worked hard all day long. Let alone a 70-year-old man, even a young man I can't stand it, Winston is only in his 40s now, his hair is falling out in handfuls, and the nasolabial folds on his face are getting deeper and deeper, he looks like a 60-year-old man.

Rock looks very young, but that's because Rock knows that the Allied Powers will definitely win the World War, so Rock has no psychological pressure, so he has a good mentality and a good spirit.

If it were Roque who knew nothing about history, he didn't know that the line of defense would collapse that day. Let's see if Roque can sleep so well every night.

Of course, in front of Winston, Rock still had to show depression and respect for Kitchener: "Oh—it's my fault, I shouldn't talk to the marshal about those things that are too heavy, those things That should be our problem to solve.”

"What did you talk to the Marshal?" Winston was curious.

Rock looked at Winston coldly with malicious intentions and said lightly: "British-Union-Bon-"

Winston's eyes widened and he covered his chest, feeling as if he was about to have a heart attack the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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