Chapter 1079 Swan

If you want to get rid of the bad environment in France, it is a better choice for the Stewart family to immigrate to North Africa. At least North Africa is a French colony and there will be no language problems.

Although there are many French people who can speak English, the Stewart family is just the part that cannot speak English. This will cause some troubles in southern Africa, but it is not impossible to solve it. Many cities in southern Africa also have French-speaking communities, although French is not a part of southern Africa. It is a common language in Africa, but many government departments will also be equipped with French interpreters. The Federal Government of Southern Africa is still very complete in this regard.

Sarah and Bonnie were ingenious. Lunch was mainly chicken stewed with mushrooms. The chicken was brought back by Brian from the company, and the mushrooms were picked by Sarah and Bonnie took the children to the wild forest yesterday. With fresh fruit and chocolate brought by Tom, it was a rare treat for the developing kids.

After the meal, the whole family chatted in the living room, and the topic of course was still inseparable from southern Africa.

"Southern Africa is different from North Africa, which is full of deserts. Only in Southwest Africa, there are some deserts, and more forests and grasslands. Southern Africa is rich in products. The local Africans hardly need farming, and there will be no shortage all year round. Food, so the local Africans have no sense of crisis, because they have never been hungry, and when they are hungry, they go to the woods to pick fruit. There are mangoes, bananas, pineapples, and baobabs everywhere. Many white farmers are lazy enough But they are still diligent compared with Africans—of course, now we know that it is really more diligent, and all of us together are inferior to Chinese—” Tom’s words touched the Stewart family a lot.

Southern Africa is indeed a treasure land of geomantic omen. The entire south of the Sahara Desert covers an area of ​​nearly 2000 million square kilometers and has nearly [-] million Africans. It can also be described as sparsely populated.

Corresponding to the sparse population, Africa is rich in land and abundant supplies.

As Tom said, Africans don’t need to work, and they have endless food, so if there is no white colonization, Africans will live happily even though their lifestyle is relatively primitive.

It is precisely because of this lack of worry about food and clothing that African society has made little progress for thousands of years.

Now Africa is undergoing unprecedented changes. After the world war, the structure of Africa is basically stable. Southern Africa has no rivals in southern Africa. If you immigrate to southern Africa now, you can still catch the last train of African development. In another 20 years, The present opportunities also no longer exist.

"If I go to southern Africa, what can I do?" Stewart is old, it doesn't matter whether he goes to southern Africa or not, Brian has a job and is not in a hurry, so Jeremy is the one who is excited.

During the World War, tens of thousands of French companies went bankrupt, and the French economy has yet to recover.

After the World War ended, millions of French soldiers took off their uniforms and returned home, where they needed work to support their families.

At the same time, many arsenals that were working at full capacity during the World War began to lay off workers due to insufficient orders, which further increased the difficulty of finding a job. Jeremy's requirements are not high, and he only hopes to have a job to support his family. In France, it is difficult to achieve what one wishes. In order to alleviate the employment pressure, the French government announced the establishment of the Relief and Rehabilitation Agency to revive the economy. As a result, thousands of people competed for one position at the same time, and the intensity was almost desperate.

"Jeremy, don't worry about this problem. When you arrive in southern Africa, you will find that it's not what you can do, but what you want to do—" Tom doesn't have this kind of anxiety, or even southern Africans don't have this kind of anxiety Anxiety, factories in southern Africa have never had enough workers, and factory owners are most worried about the loss of skilled workers.

"What do you mean?" Jeremy's mind froze, unable to understand what Tom meant.

"I mean, if you go to southern Africa, then you will find that there are many jobs that you can choose slowly. Of course, I suggest you not to be a taxi driver. That job is fine for a short time, but for a long time. There is no future for development, why don’t you think of a way to build a farm and run it well? We used to think that the farm has no future. If you have the opportunity, you must go to the farm run by the Chinese to take a look. Believe me, the farm run by the Chinese will subvert you. What I have learned about farms since then.” As a farmer, Tom is really envious of those farmers with full agricultural skills.

Jeremy seemed to understand what Tom meant, but he was not sure, and his expression was very confused.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know how to run a farm. You can apply for technical guidance from experts in agricultural cooperatives. Just do what they say. If you don't want to do it, then you can hire a few Africans to work for you. It only takes one or two months a month." It’s just a rand, all you have to do is to supervise those African workers not to be lazy every day, Jeremy, don’t you like horses, you can feed as much as you want, and you can also join hunting teams to hunt those large wild animals If you are lucky, a crocodile can be sold for tens of hundreds of rands. I know a guy named Moore who earns twelve hundred rands a year by killing crocodiles, which is equivalent to [-] francs—” Tom described Life in southern Africa is very desirable, [-] francs is true, but it is not universal. Now there are fewer and fewer wild crocodiles in southern Africa, and they are all killed by those hunters.

"Thirty thousand francs? Are you sure?"

"My God, that's too much!"

"Go Jeremy, go to Southern Africa, I'll go with you!"

Tom's words caused bursts of exclamation. Thirty thousand francs is a huge sum of money for an ordinary family. In France before the outbreak of the World War, the annual salary of the director of the Ministry of Finance was only [-] francs.

"That's such a good thing, if it really costs [-] francs, it won't make people crazy—" Only Stuart was still stubborn.

Before Tom could speak, Claire picked up an apple and handed it to Stuart.

Stuart took it subconsciously, and wanted to put it back into the fruit bowl, but Claire stuffed it into his mouth.

Well done!

"Thirty thousand francs is the income of top hunters. Ordinary people certainly don't have that much, but [-] to [-] francs is still possible. I know many farmers whose annual income is easily above [-] francs. It’s really nothing.” Tom is not bragging, every time he comes to Claire’s house, he spends tens of hundreds of francs on gifts, which is very extravagant among the French.

"Tom, your family seems to have a farm in Johannesburg. How much does your family's farm earn every year—err, sorry, I shouldn't ask this question." Sarah seemed to be gossip, but in fact, everyone cared about the question, even Stewart. Both eyes shine.

This does not mean that Stuart is greedy for money, but that Stuart is concerned about Claire's future life. Maybe Stuart himself has not noticed that he has no objection to Claire and Tom going to southern Africa together.

"There must be two or three hundred pounds, maybe more. My father bought a tractor the year before last, and my brother bought a motorcycle last year. This year, my father bought a house for my sister in Los Angeles. My sister bought a house in Nigeria. Go to Yasaran University and graduate next year." Tom doesn't know the specific income of his farm, but it sounds like a lot.

When Tom mentioned motorcycles, Claire's older brother Brian's eyes lit up. France also had motorcycles produced in southern Africa for sale. One was about [-] francs, which Brian couldn't afford with his income from the railway company.

"Tom, don't you also have a farm?" Bonnie also cared about her unmarried sister. Tom's farm is in Tanganyika, which is owned by Tom.

If Tom and Claire get married, the farm will become the joint property of Tom and Claire, which makes Bonnie very envious.

Mrs. Farmer - sounds like a good title.

"My farm is in Tanganyika. I bought it through a military service agency last year. I haven't been there yet. Now the military service agency is helping to manage it. I heard that the farm is planted with rubber. It should be profitable now. Yes, the profits are temporarily kept by my father, and when I return to southern Africa, I will take back the management rights of the farm.” Tom is lucky, the rubber plantation can now generate profits, considering that the price of the farm is very low, then It may be possible to recover the cost in two or three years.

"Four hundred acres of rubber plantations?" Others hadn't noticed this question yet, and Brian was puzzled. The train driver was also well-informed, and Brian knew what four hundred acres of rubber plantations meant.

"If I remember correctly, it should be, in fact, I want to use half of the farm to raise cattle. My childhood dream was to be a cowboy and ride a horse to herd cattle every day. Unfortunately, I am now an appraiser. , I have to deal with jewelry every day." At this point, Tom moved his hand to touch his pocket, but he held back soon.

Except for Stuart's occasional mischief, the atmosphere on the whole was very pleasant.

When Tom was leaving, Stuart did not stop Claire from sending Tom out.

Tom kept his hands in his trouser pockets when he went out.

"What's in your pocket? Take it out!" Claire held her hands behind her back and held her neck high, like a proud swan.

Tom smiled and took out his hand. It was the necklace he had bought from Mrs. Tamara.

As a member of the military service club, Tom has special benefits. The military service club bought Mrs. Tamara's necklace for 30 pounds, and Tom bought the necklace for 35 pounds-everyone was satisfied.

"Come and help me put it on!" Claire did not refuse, anyway, no matter what Stuart said, Claire decided to go to southern Africa with Tom.

Of course, it would be best if the whole family can go to southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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