Chapter 1081 Nanshan Town

The current Adan Company is not only an oil supplier to the Allies, but its business ranges from the Mediterranean Sea to Southeast Asia, and then to Australia. In addition to oil fields, it is also involved in plantations, mines, shipping, etc., with an annual profit of hundreds of millions of pounds.

Because of Rock's trust, Li De's position as the general manager of Adan Company is as stable as Mount Tai. Even if Rock doesn't mention it, it's time for Li De to leave this position voluntarily.

Rock also knows why Li De applied to be transferred back to Southern Africa. In fact, the job problem is only one aspect. No matter how good Port Elizabeth is, it is still not as good as Southern Africa. Li De's children are now grown up. He wanted to send the child back to Nyasaland to go to school, but his wife couldn't bear to be separated from the child. Rock couldn't watch Li De and his family live apart.

Rock agreed to transfer Li De back to southern Africa, but asked Li De to continue to persist in Port Elizabeth for a period of time, waiting for Rock to find a suitable successor.

Like Li De, Tang En also has similar needs, and Rock can't favor one over another, so in the future, the management of Adan Company and Umbrella Company may have a big change.

After learning that Roque had come to Port Elizabeth, Ali Rashid rushed to Port Elizabeth to meet Roque, hoping that southern Africa could send consultants to Najd Sultanate to help Ali Rashid set the framework of Najd Sultanate Build it first.

There is a fact that must be stated that a group succeeds within a mature social mechanism and building a mature social mechanism is two different things, and the Persians are faced with this problem.

In other words, if it is in Britain, it is normal for individual Persians to achieve general success, but it is really impossible for the Persians to independently build a country similar to Britain.

The current Najd Sultanate is mainly supported by the Adan Company and the Umbrella Company. Li De sent some government officials to the Najd Sultanate, and Tang En established the Najd with the military personnel of the Umbrella Company as the skeleton. The Sudanese Defense Forces and the troops sent by the Najd Sultanate to participate in the world war basically have this background.

Of course, if Ali Rashid did so, it would definitely lead to the transfer of power and make the Najd Sultanate a vassal state in southern Africa.

But Ali Rashid had no other better choice. Without the help of Adan Company and Umbrella Company, the Najd Sultanate would be a huge tribe like a mess of sand, and there would be no change in the country at all.

Because there is no oil income, Ali Rashid doesn't even have the money to buy weapons and ammunition, so Ali Rashid really can't stand up.

Roque agreed to Ali Rashid's request, and the Paris Peace Conference decided to establish a new country in the Mesopotamia Basin, as a Class A mandated territory, entrusted to southern Africa for management, and then it is enough to form two teams at once, directly It is not too difficult to send people from southern Africa to manage and rotate every few years.

While Rock remained in Port Elizabeth, immigration to the Mesopotamia was underway.

In most people's minds, the Middle East is full of deserts, all barren.

In fact, this is not the case at all. There are about 5000 million acres of arable land in the Mesopotamia. If each household is allocated 50 acres, it can accommodate about 100 million households.

The residents at this time were not families of three, and each family generally had more than five children. Therefore, it is roughly estimated that the Mesopotamia can accommodate tens of millions of people.

During the World War, there were about 30 Chinese workers in Europe. After the end of the World War, some Chinese workers chose to return to the Far East, and some Chinese workers chose to stay in France. In addition, some Chinese workers chose to immigrate to Cyprus, and finally immigrated to Lianghe There are less than half of the Chinese laborers in the basin, and most of their family members have not yet come to Port Elizabeth, but the land distribution has already begun.

According to the principle of first-come, first-served, the immigrants who came to Port Elizabeth first were assigned to the mature land around the city, and the immigrants who came later had to go to remote areas to start from scratch. Although the conditions were a bit difficult, Rand Bank loans and government subsidies, as long as you work hard, you can stabilize your foothold in a year or two.

Although Rock tried every means to ensure that new immigrants could settle down in Mesopotamia, problems would inevitably arise when the best policy was implemented, so Rock wanted to see the implementation of the immigration policy in person and drove with Li De Go to a small town called Nanshan.

The name determined by Adan Company in Nanshan Township, the previous name is no longer available, and now there are less than 20 households in the town.

"Every new immigrant here in the early days can get 50 acres of land. The land around Nanshan Town is mature arable land. The owners of the land fled because of the war, or died in the war. Anyway, these lands have no owners. 50 acres is almost 300 acres. If you work hard, you can make ends meet within a year or two. These new immigrants are very motivated. They have already applied for a joint loan from the Rand Bank to buy seeds and cattle, but this decision does not matter. Unwise, tractors are more efficient than cattle, but they don’t know how to use tractors.” Ma Zhuang, the mayor of Nanshan Town, is a retired mercenary from the Umbrella Company. During the World War, there were more than 4000 mercenaries in the Umbrella Company Joined the army to fight, about 500 people died during the World War.

After the end of the World War, some mercenaries took off their military uniforms and returned to the umbrella to continue working as mercenaries. Some people who were tired of the war left the army. Many of them served as mayors, Magistrates, tax collectors, etc.

"I won't just find someone to teach them how to use it. The oil here is so cheap, it is obviously more cost-effective to use a tractor." Rock is not in a hurry. The popularization of new things requires a process. Farmers in southern Africa accept tractors instead of cattle. , It also took a full three or four years.

Taking a step back, if you don’t use tractors but cattle, it is almost impossible to use all 300 mu of land. The federal government of southern Africa has sent agricultural experts to give agricultural guidance to new immigrants. The intensive farming method is not suitable for large For large-scale farms, agricultural experts in southern Africa are also conducting in-depth research on how to develop and utilize land more efficiently.

"My lord, it's not a question of cost-effectiveness. A tractor costs 150 pounds, and the same amount of money can buy five cows. Although a tractor is definitely more efficient than five cows, it will take time for them to accept this." " Li De followed hehehe, ever since Rock agreed to transfer Li De back to southern Africa, Li De has been in a good mood.

The armored command vehicle walked along the road that had not been paved with asphalt. After bypassing a forest, Nanshan Town was in sight.

"Further north is the Persian Empire, right?" Rock asked casually. The environment of Nanshan Town is still very good. The land is flat and the transportation is convenient. A small river runs through the town, which can provide enough water for the land on both sides of the river.

Now there are people working in the fields beside the road. When they noticed the convoy approaching, the working people stopped their work one after another and looked at the strange convoy with suspicious eyes.

They have only recently acquired these lands, and they have no real sense of belonging to these lands.

"Yes, further north is the Persian Empire. Last month, horse bandits from the Persian Empire crossed the border and came to our side to make trouble, but they were driven away by our mercenaries. I have notified Lisa Khan and asked him to restrain the Persian Empire. Residents." Li De's expression was stern, and such things on the border were actually normal. Although the Persian Empire did not participate in the world war, the domestic situation was not good. Lisa Khan's ambitions were getting bigger and bigger, and the country's dynasty was in jeopardy.

"Warning Lisa Khan, if he can't do it, then we can help him do it." Rock didn't talk nonsense, and his words were obviously harsher than Li De.

The world war not only improved the self-confidence of ordinary people in southern Africa, but also greatly boosted the self-confidence of Rock, the Marquis of Nyasaland.

In the past, maybe Roque would have adopted a more secure way to communicate with Lisa Khan. Now, forget it. Under the command of Roque, the British Expeditionary Force wiped out millions of German troops, a mere Persian Empire, if Roque is willing , It can be determined by a war at any time.

The reason why the Persian Empire was retained in the past was because the British and Russian Empires checked and balanced each other, and neither allowed the other party to completely annex the Persian Empire, which is why we have today's situation.

Now the Russians are too busy to take care of themselves and compete with the British government for the Persian Empire, so as long as Rock is willing, the Persian Empire will come to an end.

"Yes, my lord. Tang En is negotiating with Lisa Khan. Lisa Khan hopes to get more weapons. Once Lisa Khan succeeds, Lisa Khan promises to hand over all the coasts of the Persian Gulf to us for management." Li De had planned for a long time. The current Persian Empire is also at the mercy of others, and there is no room for resistance at all.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of Nanshan Town. When Roque got off the car, Zhou Fan, the sheriff and tax officer, greeted him at the entrance of the town.

When seeing Rock, Zhou Fan directly gave Rock a big gift.

Rock signaled that An Qi went to help Zhou Fan up. Zhou Fan lost a leg in the World War, and then got a hundred acres when the land was distributed.

The other fifty acres are a special benefit for the military.

Then Zhou Fan bought 150 acres of land in Nanshan Town with his own money, so that Zhou Fan had 1500 acres of land under his name.

"Lord, welcome to Nanshan Town—" Zhou Fan was so excited that he was incoherent and at a loss for what to do. Rock was the most senior official that Zhou Fan had come into contact with in half his life.

"It should be us thanking you. You lost a leg in the World War and are still working hard. All of us should learn from you." Rock's words made Zhou Fan feel like a spring breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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