Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1090 Dragon Blood Town

Chapter 1090 Dragon Blood Town

Berbera's detainment of passing ships was like waves in the sea, without causing any waves.

The Japanese government has indeed expressed serious protests to the British government, but apart from protesting, the Japanese government can do nothing.

Now the Japanese government still needs the support of the British government to complete the grand cause of "leaving Asia and entering Europe".

As for whether this kind of behavior will lead to the breakdown of the alliance between Japan and the United Kingdom, Roark doesn't care. If it breaks with the British government, Japan will not even be able to use lamp oil. Guess whether the United States will help Britain or Japan?

Don't think about this question, the United States and the United Kingdom also have blood thicker than water.

The British government didn't do nothing. Just after the Japanese government protested to the British government, Winston sent a telegram to Rock, ordering Rock to investigate the matter and give the Japanese government an explanation.

Winston still left behind when sending the telegram, and there was no time limit, which meant that Rock could check it slowly.

Rock is very satisfied with Winston's attitude, that's right, if you don't give money, you have to give some benefits. Not all the goods transported by the Japanese merchant ships are the goods of the British Duke, and some of the cargo owners are Japanese. After the first ship, the next Japanese merchant ships paid their money honestly, and Rock was finally able to carry out the "strangulation tactics" against the Somaliland rebels.

When the Second Cavalry Division began to operate, Rock took the destroyer "Alligator" to Socotra Island, which is located at the mouth of the Red Sea.

The location of Socotra Island is very special. It guards the mouth of the Red Sea, and its strategic value is very important.

Rock planned Socotra Island a long time ago, hoping to buy Socotra Island and build a port as a supply point for southern African merchant ships to and from Southern Africa and Port Elizabeth.

This request was rejected by the British government. The British Royal Navy has a military base on Socotra Island. Socotra Island is surrounded by naval restricted areas, and civilian merchant ships are strictly prohibited from entering.

Rock played a trick at the time. Also in the name of establishing a base, he sent mercenaries from the umbrella company to the island and built a supply station in the northeast of Socotra Island.

It has been ten years now, and the supply station with only 125 people at the beginning has developed into a town of about 3000 people, and all the residents are mercenary families.

The arrival of the "Crocodile" destroyer was warmly welcomed by the residents of the town. Among the welcome crowd on the pier, even the figures of the Royal Navy officers and soldiers, these guys came to watch the fun, unless Rock took the initiative to visit the naval base on the island, Otherwise, the proud Royal Navy would not take the initiative to visit Rock.

Even if Roque is a British field marshal.

The area of ​​Socotra Island is 3635 square kilometers. The island has been isolated from the African continent for 1800 million years. The long-term geographical isolation has allowed Socotra Island to retain many unique animals and plants. The most eye-catching ones are those that look like mushrooms. Socotra dragon blood tree, the sap of this tree is dark red, so it is called dragon blood tree. It is said that dragon blood can improve the effectiveness of spells.

This is no joke, many wizards and alchemists in Europe think so.

In addition to the dragon's blood tree, there is also a plant called the desert rose, which looks like an alien, with pink flowers blooming on the mallet-like branches, which sounds magical.

Rock saw the desert rose and the Socotra dragon's blood tree in front of the office of the base chief Bloom. It was really amazing. The dragon's blood tree was like a huge umbrella, and it was the kind that had been carefully pruned.

"When we first came here, there wasn't even a well here, and drinking water had to be shipped from Port Edward. Now we not only have a well, but also cultivated nearly [-] acres of land. We have our own pasture. All The food can be self-sufficient, and it can also be provided to the naval base. The naval base has trucks coming over every day, milk, eggs, lamb, coffee-after all, our price is cheaper than shipping from the mainland.” Bloom is a German. , has British blood, and is fluent in both German and English. Most of the mercenaries working on Socotra Island are Chinese, so Bloom's Chinese is not bad now, but it's a pity that he can only speak but not write. .

This is already very good. When Bloom and the others opened up wasteland, they didn't have construction machinery. Rock could imagine how difficult it was for them.

"It's really difficult. The soil here can grow crops, but there are a lot of rocks in the soil, and we have to get all the rocks out. We used explosives to blow up some huge rocks, which made the naval base send people over several times a day. They thought We have a battle here—"Bloom is lucky, or the residents of this town are lucky, they have a strong force behind them, the town is not only self-sufficient, but also has hospitals and schools, They were also unaffected by the world war. Compared with the ruins of Europe, this place is like a paradise.

"Now we have a very clear division of labor. Some people are responsible for the operation of the supply station, and some are responsible for running the farm. My wife is also learning how to grow vegetables with my Chinese neighbor. She uprooted the desert roses in the garden and planted cucumbers and tomatoes. , and onions, because I made an opinion, and then she kicked me out with the dog, causing me to sleep on the street with the dog—" Bloom's thinking jumped quickly, and I could hear , Bloom and his wife have a good relationship.

"Very good, you have worked hard——" Rock is really happy for Bloom and the town residents. Although they are isolated from the world, they are happy from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's not hard, I'm grateful that you didn't treat us differently because of us Germans. It was really difficult when we first came to Socotra Island, but the difficult days passed quickly, and now we raise cows and milk cows , raising sheep and shearing sheep, and there are so many chickens, ducks and geese that we can’t finish eating all kinds of eggs. We also have several fishing boats, which often go out to sea to fish, and each time they can catch several thousand catties. The two churches in the town interact with each other Non-interference, some people believe in Catholicism, some people believe in Protestantism, when you go to church on weekends, if there are too many people in the Catholic church, it’s okay to go to the Protestant church, and you will be warmly welcomed by everyone—”Bloom describes this Such a scene, if it were in continental Europe, might cause an uproar.

But in a small town, no one cares about this kind of thing. In a small town with only a few thousand people, you can’t look up. If you lend me two green onions today, I’ll pick a cucumber in your garden tomorrow. thing.

"How many students are there in the school?" Rock is concerned about the next generation, which represents the future of southern Africa.

"The middle school and primary school add up to more than 600. Last year, two of our children were admitted to Nyasaland University, and another child was admitted to Rhodes University. They all promised to return to Socotra Island to work after graduation. , so we collectively paid for their tuition." The data reported by Bloom made Rock very happy. In a small town of more than 3000 people, there are more than 600 people in middle and elementary schools. This population structure is very promising. In a few decades it will be terrible.

It will not take another few decades. According to the current population growth rate, it will not take many years for the population of southern Africa to be comparable to that of the British mainland.

There are now about 4500 million people in the UK mainland, and more than [-] million people in the colonies.

During the World War, the birth rate of the countries participating in the war was appalling. Britain, with a total population of 4500 million, had only 79 births per year in the two years after the World War. Germany, with a population of 6720 million, had about 100 million births; the worst was France, with 3980 births. With a population of less than 50 births, it is no wonder that it was flattened by Germany just after the outbreak of World War II.

In Southern Africa, even during the World War, the population growth rate exceeded 5.00%, so it will not take many years for the population of Southern Africa to exceed that of the British mainland. By then——

Lunch is eaten at Bloom's home. Bloom's home is a two-story red brick building. Bloom and her wife from Germany have five children. The eldest daughter is in middle school and studying The grades were not bad. Before the meal, they used the violin to play "What a Beautiful Jasmine" for Rock.

The girl's performance won warm applause. Rock encouraged the girl to study hard and asked about her ideal.

The girl's ideal is the Johannesburg Medical School, and she hopes to join the Southern African Defense Force after she completes her studies.

Such an ideal should be encouraged. Rock specially gave the girl a gold pen produced by Etno, and gave gifts to other children as well.

After a happy meal, Rock and Bloom inspected the farms in the small town together.

The farm is next to the town, and there is a hill made of stones in the middle. Bloom said that the stones that make up the hill are all picked up from the reclaimed land. At first, these stones were transported far away Discarded, later people threw stones in the middle of the farm as a souvenir, so there was this hill of gravel.

There is a huge dragon's blood tree on the top of the hill, which was also specially transplanted to commemorate the town. The name of the town is called Dragon's Blood Town. It sounds a bit fantasy, but it is a true portrayal of the people in the town.

"We are still continuing to reclaim land. In the future, we plan to reclaim [-] mu, doubling the current size, and then we will be able to export agricultural products. In fact, it is already very good now. We sell milk and eggs to the naval base. I can earn about [-] pounds a month." Bloom's words made Rock feel ashamed, look at how other people make money, and then look at themselves——

Rock suddenly felt that he had played a negative role. Such things as setting up card charges were really harmful, and if he did too much, he would be punished by God.

There are about 500 cows in the farm in Longxue Town, all of which are under centralized management. After visiting the cowshed, Rock suddenly noticed something. The farm in Longxue Town seems to be operated collectively, not privately owned by residents. all.

This was the model that Louis Botha dreamed of, but he never thought that it would not appear in southern Africa, but would instead take root in Dragon Blood Town.

(End of this chapter)

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