Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1092 Accurate Shooter

Chapter 1092 Accurate Shooter

It is not easy to go from a village of more than 1000 people to a settlement fifty kilometers away. The family is worth a fortune. Even if these Somalis are not rich, there are too many things to take away, pots and pans, pots, cattle and sheep Needless to say, they must be taken away, and the family's dogs and cats cannot be abandoned either. Yang Mei walked around the village, and her expression was not relaxed when she came back.

"We may have to stay here overnight, and we can start tomorrow morning." It is almost impossible for these Somalis to start overnight. The terrain around Lujaya is complex, with high mountains and deep valleys, and rugged roads. It is inevitable to set off at night. There will be accidents.

"Then we'll camp here tonight, and we'll set off tomorrow morning." An Qi is kind, Lu Jiaya's night is not too cold, wrapping a blanket in the wild can make a living overnight, Gurkha mercenaries are not so delicate .

Then camp in place. For safety reasons, the soldiers cannot enter the village. They camped on a higher hill near the village. Two armored vehicles one behind the other serve as defensive fulcrums to guard against possible accidents. Patrol posts were deployed to prevent these villagers from escaping overnight.

Let these villagers go to the settlement, they drag their families and move slowly, if they are allowed to escape, their speed is very fast, and they can disappear without a trace overnight.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, the soldiers went door to door to urge the villagers to leave. At this time, another accident happened. Several old people in the village were unwilling to leave their homes. They would rather live and die with their homes.

The mercenaries didn't talk nonsense. After dragging people out of the house, they started to set fire to the entire village. This was also the command's request, and the rebels were not given any chance.

After some procrastination, it was already ten o'clock in the morning when the team set off. The villagers left the village almost step by step. The elder walked in the front of the team and sang a sad song. in the atmosphere.

"Order the troops to keep a distance from these villagers. Their current state is very dangerous." An Qi reminded Yang Mei that this is a war between two ethnic groups. There is no tenderness, only cruelty.

Yang Mei nodded and remained silent. He had just graduated from Nyasaland Army Academy, and it would take time to accept this kind of Hongguoguo colonialism.

An Qi was used to it. Although An Qi did not participate in the Second Boer War, she had seen such scenes countless times on the Western Front.

Thinking that even the French were forced to leave their homes during the World War, these Somalis have nothing to complain about. The end of being weak is that they are slaughtered like this, without the slightest ability to resist.

Looking at the time, An Qi asked the team to speed up, and it was best to arrive at the settlement before sunset.

But it's not easy. Even if the troops march forcibly, it is unlikely to run 50 kilometers in a day, let alone these ordinary people who have no organization and discipline. It is full of all kinds of so-called property that is almost like garbage. Sheep are their main property. Only a few families have large livestock such as cattle and horses. There are not many women and children. Most of the villagers are young and old. In the prime of life, this is probably related to their poor medical conditions. In Somaliland, many women die every year while giving birth. No one knows the exact number. The colonial government has no statistics and has no ability to change the status quo.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, four hours after the team set off, they were less than five kilometers away from Lujiaya. This was already the result of repeated urging by the soldiers. Two ox carts broke down and were forced to push into a deep ditch beside the mountain road , and several sheep slipped down the hillside, and another person was killed in order to save those sheep.

"Let's take a break, and move on in half an hour—" An Qi chose to rest by a small river. She didn't want to rush to the settlement today, and she must camp in the wild.

It was only now that An Qi discovered that the team of more than 1000 people, including the ox carts and sheep, could stretch about two kilometers. At this speed, let alone the next day, the day after tomorrow may not be able to reach the settlement.

And the key point is that the longer you stay in the wild, the more dangerous the troops will be. No one knows where Hassan is hiding, maybe an ambush circle has been set up on a hill not far away. besieged by rebels.

An Qi also noticed this problem, and sent two mercenaries during the break, mounted their horses and returned to Berbera ahead of time to ask for support. Although the troops had made sufficient preparations when they set off, they still underestimated the difficulties.

What An Qi didn't expect was that shortly after the two mercenaries set off, An Qi heard faint gunshots coming from the front.

"Our soldiers may have been attacked—" Yang Mei's face turned pale, and she didn't expect to encounter such a bad situation on her first mission.

An Qi was decisive, and ordered Yang Mei to lead the mercenaries to watch over the villagers, and lead two armored vehicles to chase after the gunshots.

Just after going around a forest, An Qi found the dead horse on the side of the road.

At this time, someone in the woods on the side of the road suddenly shot at the armored vehicle.

An Qi did not like to fight, and commanded the armored vehicle to retreat, out of the attack range of the rebels in the woods. The rebels had no artillery, and the power of their rifles was not enough. As long as the distance was widened, the rebels had no chance of defeating the armored vehicle, even if the armored vehicle ran out of ammunition, Armored vehicles can also rely on speed to evacuate.

When the gunshots sounded, Yang Mei also encountered trouble.

After An Qi left, Yang Mei ordered the soldiers to assemble. Just as a soldier passed by a group of villagers, a villager suddenly grabbed the soldier's rifle.

The soldier reacted quickly, directly smashed the butt of his gun, and pulled out the scimitar with his backhand to slash at it.

There was more than one villager who rushed forward, they really hated the mercenaries, they shouted and rushed forward while greeting more Somalis.

The soldiers also realized that rifles were inconvenient to use at this time, and scimitars and pistols were the sharp weapons for melee combat.

In about two to three minutes, 3 villagers died, and 135 Gurkha mercenaries were injured. Most of the mercenaries were bitten or bruised. Only two mercenaries were seriously injured. They were hidden by the villagers. Stabbed by a dagger, a mercenary bled to death before waiting for the help of his companions.

Regardless of the villagers, Yang Mei commanded the soldiers to set up a defensive position by the river. The troops were quite well prepared when they set out, and they carried four heavy machine guns with sufficient bullets. However, Yang Mei did not forget to tell the machine gunners to use bullets sparingly. Now, Yang Mei doesn't know how many rebels are there, so it's definitely right to use bullets sparingly.

Like Yang Mei, An Qi was equally cautious. When the armored vehicle was attacked, it only fired two bursts of fire into the woods for deterrent shooting, and then retreated to the small river to join the large army.

"They are indeed rebels, but I don't know how many they are. They are hiding in the woods." An Qi informed Yang Mei of the situation. Bella gets in touch.

"You rush out with the armored vehicle to ask for help, and I will lead the troops to defend on the spot. The number of rebels cannot be too many, and their combat effectiveness is limited. We have heavy machine guns, which can completely withstand the attack of the rebels." Yang Mei was decisive. At this time Don't even think about destroying the rebels, how to preserve yourself is what a qualified commander should do.

"No, I'll stay with you." An Qi calmed down and ordered the soldiers to remove the large-caliber heavy machine guns on the armored vehicle to strengthen the defense. The armored vehicle was lighter and could run faster.

"It's useless for you to stay. It's more important to bring reinforcements to destroy those rebels." Yang Mei hoped that An Qi would escape the danger. Among other things, if Governor Nyasaland's son died in battle in Somalia——

Whether to retaliate or not, we will talk about it later. Isn't it shameful to spread it?

"I am the supreme commander, and I will never leave early when the troops are in danger, do you understand!" An Qi roared. Although she was born in an honorable family, An Qi did not lack courage.

Just when An Qi and Yang Mei were arguing, the rebels had already surrounded them from all directions, now it's all right, no one can leave now.

"Prepare for battle, pay attention to saving bullets, the enemy is allowed to shoot after entering the 200-meter area, stop shooting after entering 50 meters, and prepare to counter-charge, prepare your grenades-" An Qi and Yang Mei stopped arguing. It is not a big problem to send armored vehicles. Berbera has reconnaissance planes, which will scout the sky every day. As long as they fly over, they will find the battles taking place here.

After the troops set off, if they did not return to Berbera within the normal time, Berbera would also send troops to look for it, so it would not take too long, at most a day and a night, before Berbera would discover what was happening here.

Of course, the most convenient thing is wireless telegraphy. After returning to Berbera this time, An Qi will suggest that Rock equip more armored vehicles with wireless telegraphy. Technically, this is no longer a problem. The only limiting factor is the output of wireless telegraphy. .

The rebels also knew that time was running out, so they didn't give An Qi and the others too much time to prepare. Before the large-caliber heavy machine guns on the armored vehicle were unloaded, the rebels couldn't wait to launch an attack.

When sporadic figures of rebels appeared on the hills in the distance, An Qi didn't realize that the rebels had already started to attack. You must know that on the Western Front, troops usually had to carry out artillery strikes for hours or even a week before attacking. Now that the battle started so silently, An Qi was not used to it.

The machine gunner strictly followed An Qi and Yang Mei's orders to save bullets. If the rebels did not enter within 200 meters, the machine gunner would never shoot.

The first to shoot was the precision shooter. The two car crews brought by An Qi actually had four precision shooters. Now the opportunity for the precision shooter came.

(End of this chapter)

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