Chapter 1119

In Abu's income, the patent fees of penicillin and Baiyao account for a large part, and it is impossible for ordinary professors to be so high.

Unlike German universities, where there is only one professor in a field, there are many professors in the same field in southern Africa. At this time, a professor becomes a title like "lecturer" and "department head", although the status is still very high. But no longer unique.

"Department Head" is definitely unique, but this position is given too much administrative color, and it is also a pity that he cannot devote himself to research.

This is also normal, you can’t have both, and no career is perfect. The conditions given by Abu are enough to prove the sincerity of Nyasaland University.

The house Abu prepared for Professor Heslin is on the shore of Xuanji Lake. The upstairs and downstairs add up to nearly [-] square meters of marble villas, and the lawn and garden cover an area of ​​more than one acre.

This kind of villa is not for sale, and you can’t buy it if you have money. Abramovich himself also lives here. Rudolf Diesel, Douglas, and Gabriel Lippe, who was the president of the French Academy of Sciences, also live in this area. Mann, and Alexis Carrel, who fought in World War I.

Mrs. Hesling asked Abu on the way to Xuanji Lake, hoping that Abu could introduce an excellent doctor to Emma and systematically examine Emma's body.

Abu will take care of everything and ask Emma to go to the Affiliated Hospital of Nyasaland University for an examination tomorrow. Hospitals in southern Africa are different from hospitals in Germany. German hospitals are mainly clinics, and doctors may have made achievements in a certain field. It is not possible to cover all fields.

Abu himself is an excellent doctor, the kind of doctor who has won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but Abu is not as good as those attending physicians who work in the hospital when Abu is asked to see patients.

Professor Heslin talked very little along the way, and he remained taciturn all the way to Xuanji Lake.

After arriving at the residence that Abu prepared for Professor Heslin's family, Abu asked the housekeeper to show Mrs. Heslin and Emma around, and invited Professor Heslin to take a walk on the lawn.

"Please forgive my old friend, after I know the tragedy of Melk, I really dare not leave you in Munich, I am afraid that the tragedy of Melk will happen to you, we old guys are getting less and less now , here, you can still continue your research, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to be the head of the department, don’t bring students, just continue your research, we old guys don’t have many years to live, I hope you don’t blame Me." Abu apologized to Professor Heslin, but Professor Heslin remained silent and walked forward silently with his head down.

The environment is still very good. On the green grass lawn, the path paved with cobblestones winds and turns. There are crickets chirping in the grass and fireflies flying around. The famous big bird flies by, the temperature is moderate, neither hot nor cold, nothing to be picky about.

"Actually, I'm not lying to you. Look here—" Abu unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a long and shocking scar.

"What's the matter?" Professor Hesling was surprised.

"I had a serious heart problem last year. I almost died on the operating table. I returned to work a week after the operation. Governor Anton wanted me to rest for a while, but you know—" Abu didn't finish, He is also extremely responsible for his work.

"Yeah, we're all old." Professor Heslin's expression was sad. In the past two years, Professor Heslin's life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and only Professor Heslin's determination can survive.

Those who couldn't survive burned charcoal and committed suicide.

"Nyasaland University has the most superior environment, the most open atmosphere, and the most tolerant thinking. Believe me, my old friend, you will shine here." Abu earnestly said that if Professor Heslin still If you don't agree, then Abu can't do anything about it.

"Is there any other choice for me?" Professor Heslin complained, he was in Abu's boat.

Back in the house, the young people were chatting excitedly in the living room, and even Emma, ​​who was drowsy just now, was refreshed.

Mrs. Hesling was in the kitchen preparing to make something for everyone to eat. Abu thought of all the problems, and the only thing he didn't prepare was the ingredients.

But this is not a problem for Abu. There are more than a dozen restaurants in Nyasaland University. Abu directly called the chef to bring the ingredients to make it on the spot.

While waiting for the chef, Mrs. Hesling introduced Otto's situation to Abu, hoping that Abu could provide some help for Otto.

"God, you are Otto, Melk's son, I can't believe it, you are so old, I heard about you, don't worry, this matter is on me." , with his current status, it shouldn't be too easy to find a job for Otto.

"Uncle Kossel, I still have some money here. If possible, I want to buy a farm. I don't want to go back to Munich." Otto hoped for a new start, Munich has too many painful memories.

"Okay, leave this matter to me, and I will find you a good place as much as possible." Just for this uncle, Abu is also willing to help.

In the evening, Professor Heslin didn’t feel sleepy. Abu prepared a spacious study room on the second floor of the house for Professor Heslin. The study room is surrounded by bookshelves. There are many books that Professor Heslin sent to Xuanji City in advance. It is new, there is a typewriter on the table, the windows are spacious and bright, there is not only wine but also coffee in the wine cabinet, this time you can drink as much as you want.

"How about it, isn't it much better than your little attic?" Mrs. Hesling really didn't mean to ridicule Professor Hesling, but was happy for Professor Hesling.

"Of course it's great. The principal's office isn't that big, but it doesn't seem like a place for research. Those bookshelves seem to be there for guests to see." Professor Heslin shook his head and smiled wryly. Professor Heslin once imagined In the past, there was such a spacious and bright study room, although now he got it, but Professor Heslin didn't feel much joy.

"Hahahaha, old man, don't think about it—I warn you, don't make any extravagances. Even if you want to go to Munich, you have to wait until Emma gives birth to the child." Mrs. Hesling has a serious expression. She has no children of her own. Treat Emma as her own daughter.

"How come--" Professor Heslin muttered in a low voice. He suddenly found that staying in Xuanji City is also good. Nyasaland University should prepare an office for him on campus. In that case, Professor Heslin would not have to endure Heslin anymore Madam's east lion roared.

Sitting behind the desk, he pressed the keys of the typewriter twice casually to feel the feel, then leaned on the back of the chair to feel whether the angle was appropriate, and patted the armrest covered with cowhide. Professor Hesling finally confirmed that all this was true.


No no, there is no deception, only real fragrance.

The next day, Abu asked his secretary to take Otto to pick the farm, and Erwin followed.

Although Professor Hesling's salary is very high, Erwin won't be hungry even if he doesn't do anything, but Erwin doesn't want to live with Professor Hesling, and it would be nice to be a farmer with Otto.

With Abu coming forward, the Xuanji city government cooperated unconditionally. Originally, there were no farms around Xuanji city to supply, but Abu had to have it if he didn’t ask. The city government has four pieces of land for Otto to choose from, all of which are on the shore of Xuanji Lake, and the terrain is superior. , the transportation is convenient, the key is that it is not far from Xuanji City, and it takes only ten minutes to get to Professor Heslin's home by motorcycle.

"Don't rush to make a decision, you can choose slowly, and you don't have to worry about financial issues. You can get a loan from the Rand Bank with Mr. Kessel's guarantee." Abramovich's secretary Wadsworth is reliable, and his official The position is assistant to the president of Nyasaland University. In Xuanji City, this position is similar to that of the mayor's secretary.

"Then I want the biggest one, 350 acres, priced at 1800 rand, 50 kilometers away from Xuanji City, not too far and not too close, when the time comes to leave a house for Hu Ge and Emma, ​​and let them come on weekends Vacation." Erwin was thoughtful, Hugo would definitely stay and work with Professor Heslin, he was Professor Heslin's best student in the first place.

"Will it be a bit expensive—" Otto hesitated. The condition of this farm is indeed good, but the price is indeed expensive. 1800 rand is not a small number, and Professor Hesling's annual salary is only 1500 rand.

"Mr. Wadsworth, what's your suggestion?" Erwin didn't have any money either. Since Wadsworth just said that he could take out a loan, Erwin was not polite.

"It's a nice farm—" Wadsworth had just said a word when there was a sudden quarrel outside the door.

"Don't dream, the land around Xuanji Lake is not for sale, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, the park around the lake and the road around the lake have been opened, ten rand per acre, are you trying to steal money?" Work The voice of the staff was a bit harsh, ten rand per acre was much more expensive than the price offered to Otto.

"Sir, I didn't buy it to make a farm, I want to build a villa area and sell it to the outside world. If the price is not enough, how much do you want, and I can pay as much as you want?" A rude voice yelled loudly, some Rich people are always like this, thinking that if they are rich, they should have everything. In fact, among many symbols of strength, economic strength is the cheapest one.

"Of course not, maybe you have money and can do whatever you want in other places, but not in Xuanji City-I warn you, don't try to bribe me, I haven't paid attention to your little money, if you do this again, I will kill you." I’ll call the police station.” The staff speaks righteously, it’s amazing to be rich, the civil servants in southern Africa are all wealthy landowners with hundreds of acres of fertile land at home, and people with one or two hundred rands really don’t look down on them.

Southern Africa has extremely strict requirements in this regard. Giving and accepting bribes is a serious crime in Southern Africa, an unforgivable crime.

ps: I fell asleep in the afternoon, and woke up at 05:30, hurry up and get it done now, please forgive me, brothers——

(End of this chapter)

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