Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1121 Old Friend, New Problem

Chapter 1121 Old Friend, New Problem

Another time and space After the Second World War, the United States brought more than 700 German scientists to the United States through the Paperclip Project, which greatly promoted the development of American science and technology.

In this time and space, Americans have not had time to act, and no other countries compete with southern Africa. Before the end of the world war, southern Africa formulated relevant policies to attract high-quality talents from German universities and scientific research institutions to immigrate to southern Africa. Enrich the scientific research capacity in Southern Africa.

Professor Hesling is unquestionably a top scientist, topping a list drawn up by the federal government.

Second Lieutenant Duke, who visited Professor Hessling before, is one of the executors of this immigration plan. There are nearly 500 relevant personnel in Germany implementing this plan. Ways to come to Southern Africa and contribute to the construction of Southern Africa.

Education Minister Douglas is in charge of the program and reports directly to Prime Minister Adelaide.

While the federal government of Southern Africa was frantically robbing people, in Paris, representatives of various countries were still discussing how to deal with the defeated Germany.

Just when representatives of various countries were fighting for their own interests, Foch, the special representative of the French government, came to southern Africa to discuss how to repay the French government's loans and related payables during the World War.

After the end of the world war, France did not stop lending money from southern Africa, because France needed relief and reconstruction. The related payments owed by the French government to the federal government of southern Africa had soared to nearly one billion rand. When the world war just ended, France still fancied Using Madagascar to pay off the debt, and now Foch never mentions it. No matter how you look at it, Madagascar is not worth a billion rand.

"Whether it's worth it or not, we don't want it. The French government has colonized Madagascar for more than 50 years, and it hasn't completely conquered the Malagasy people until now. The French government wants to sell Madagascar for a good price, and it depends on whether the Madagascars agree." Rock. They do not agree to use Madagascar to repay the debt, and the French offer is too high. Foch’s latest offer is 59 million rand, which is equivalent to 1000 square kilometers of Madagascar, more than [-] square kilometers. The senior officials in southern Africa will only agree if they are crazy this price.

"What else should I do? The French government has no money, and Madagascar is France's greatest sincerity." Philip was also worried, and he really complied with that sentence. You are greedy for interest, and others are greedy for your principal.

"Use government revenue to repay the debt, let the French government take out [-]% of its annual revenue to repay the debt, when it is repaid—" It cannot be said that Roque is ruthless, the British government is also like this, after Roque and Winston reached an agreement In the agreement, the British government also has to spend [-]% of its annual income to repay the debt, and it will be counted when it is repaid.

Before Philip and Ade could react, Ada wrote and drew on the paper with a pencil, and immediately calculated the result.

"According to the current interest calculation, referring to the income of the French government before the outbreak of the World War, the French government will probably need to repay it—uh, 90 years!" Ada's expression is broken, if it is 90 years——

"It's going to be paid back in 2007? God, we old men will all be dead by then—" Philip's expression is also broken. How high is the interest, and it will only take 90 years to pay it off.

"Otherwise, the French government has no money now, unless we accept the blackmail of the French government and take over the mess in Madagascar, but I have to remind you that the colonial rule of the French government in the south of Madagascar has completely collapsed, and the colonial rule in the north depends on the umbrella The company's mercenaries can barely maintain, if we take over Madagascar, then we will not be able to quell the rebellion in southern Madagascar in a short time." Rock is not afraid of a long time.

In other words, the French government is not afraid of a long time. It is precisely because the entire repayment process lasts for 90 years that the French will definitely accept this plan.

There are some unspoken reasons, as is the case with democratic governments. As long as there are no serious problems during the term of office, those in power will not care about whether there will be floods after leaving office.

Even if there is a torrential flood, it is a matter for the successor leader, and has nothing to do with the establishment.

"90 years is too long. What if the French government refuses to admit it in the future?" Philip has a dark belly. He probably pushes others by himself.

Don't think that this kind of thing can't be done, look at the current British government, it does not hesitate to start a war and asks the Russian government to recognize the debts left by the Russian Empire.

"If you don't admit it, it's easy to handle. Democracy must of course be resolved in a democratic way. If the French government doesn't admit it, can't we find someone who is willing to take over the debt as the French president?" Roque really has no bottom line in this regard, let alone If the French government, even the British government, does not recognize these debts, Roque has a lot of ways.

Take a step back and say that it is easy to not admit it. Judging from the current situation, Europe is likely to fall into another world war in 20 years. At that time, does the French government still want loans from southern Africa?

"Then reply to Marshal Foch in this way, business is not charity, and our money is not blown by strong winds." Ade finally made a decision.

Ada smiled wryly, she was French, but on this issue, Ada couldn't help much.

In the evening Roque and Foch had dinner together at the Rhodesia Hotel where Foch lived.

Roque was very enthusiastic when he saw Foch. After all, Roque and Foch fought side by side during the World War, and they both left a good impression on each other.

"I'm sorry, I've been too busy with work these days. As you know, only about [-] troops can be retained in the current disarmament in southern Africa. All the others have to be discharged. They are all excellent soldiers. I am really a I can’t bear it.” Rock apologized as soon as he entered the door. Since returning to southern Africa, Rock has been busy with disarmament and really can’t care about Foch.

During the World War, Southern Africa conscripted more than 200 million people into the army, of which nearly 50 were white or Chinese. After the World War, only 3.8 of these people could be retained. Rock was really in a dilemma.

"Only keep 3.8? Will it be too few?" Foch was surprised. The total area of ​​southern Africa is about 550 million square kilometers, and 3.8 troops are indeed too few.

"A lot. The situation in southern Africa is different from that of France. The surrounding countries cannot pose any threat to southern Africa. In the eyes of the Prime Minister and Philip, 3.8 is too much. According to their intentions, it is best for all soldiers to retire. Only relying on the National Guard can guarantee the safety of southern Africa." Roque's words stimulated Foch a bit, and Foch's face turned pale and red, obviously on the verge of eruption.

This is also helpless. Although the world war is over, the threat of Germany to France has not been lifted. The French government wants to completely eliminate the Germans, but it is a pity that it cannot.

During the ongoing negotiations in Paris, Winston caused a lot of trouble for Clemenceau, trying to give Germany a chance to make a comeback as much as possible. This made Clemenceau extremely angry, but he was helpless.

The current situation is that France still faces the threat of Germany, so it has to maintain a large standing army.

Compared with southern Africa, which left only 3.8 standing troops, France is indeed a bit miserable.

"It's definitely not enough to rely on the National Guard alone. Now the navy and air force combined have more than 2 people. The army needs to keep two or three divisions. 5 people are the best choice." Rock said. Satisfied with an army size of 3.8, although there is no threat in southern Africa, the threats facing Port Elizabeth and Mesopotamia are huge, and even East India has to face the increasingly ambitious Japan, so Rock's goal is to The reserved troops, so that they will not be stretched when needed in the future.

"Hmph, it feels like someone is deliberately laughing at me—" Foch realized later.

"If it caused you such an illusion, then I'm really sorry, I really don't—" Rock denied it flatly.

It's really embarrassing. France is also known as the "No. [-] army country". Its colonies once spread all over the world, but now it has fallen to such a point. It's really——

Deserving it!

"Well then, I'll pretend you didn't, and you know the purpose of my coming to southern Africa?" Foch forgave Rock very generously, trying to bring the topic back on track.

"I know, but I can't help you much. You know, I'm a soldier, and I'm only in charge of the military. I'm not good at other aspects." Better than Rock.

"You actually have the nerve to say that you are not good at it?" Foch was amazed, probably never seen such a brazen person.

"I'm really not good at—" Rock tried to make himself look more sincere, and he was crazily complaining about women as trouble.

At this time, Ada's graceful figure finally appeared at the door, Foch frowned suddenly, looked at Rock and then at Ada with suspicious expression.

Rock's face was calm. Although Ada was apologizing, she couldn't hear much apology.

"We only talk about feelings today, not about those unpleasant topics—" Ada set the tone when she came up.

"Come on, one of you is an old friend of mine and the other is French, can't you stand in my position and think for me?" hot.

"Ferdinand, it's because we are old friends that I don't want you to go into this muddy water." Roque really didn't want to see Foch get involved, he was already in his decades and went home to take care of himself how nice.

"Locke, I have served France all my life. As long as France still needs me, I will not refuse." Foch has his own insistence, no matter what the result is, Foch is a respectable person.

(End of this chapter)

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