Chapter 1131 Bonuses

Brad's office in Los Angeles is located in a four-story office building on the north section of Victory Avenue in Los Angeles.

This office building is a typical Edwardian Baroque style building. It was built four years ago and just put into use last year. A total of about 2500 million red bricks were used to build this office building. There are more than 600 rooms in the building. Including the underground section, the total length of the corridor is more than 2.5 miles.

The buildings on both sides of Shengli Avenue are basically built with red bricks. Pragmatism is vividly reflected in the buildings on both sides of Shengli Avenue. Basically, the exterior walls of all buildings are not painted. Deep red, including pavement tiles and manhole covers.

Victory Avenue is also called "National Defense Avenue" by Los Angeles people. Not only Brad, but also the Los Angeles Police Department headquarters, the Los Angeles Rifle Association headquarters, the Los Angeles Military Service Agency headquarters, and the Los Angeles National Guard headquarters are all located here. There is no need to worry about safety on Victory Avenue. Almost anyone on this street has a relevant background, and the cleaners who clean up may be extra-staff agents of Brad's office.

After O'Connor was kicked out of the office by Fox, he did not go home to rest, but went to a small bar next to Brad's office. This small bar was run by a family member of a director of Brad's office. Afterwards, often return to the bar for a drink.

"Congratulations, you got another week of paid leave. We still have to look hard at the road. It will be great when we can have paid leave—" O'Connor's subordinate Julian said in a strange tone, Paid leave is indeed enviable. On the surface, Fox is punishing O'Connor, but in fact it is not a reward.

"Looking at the road" is the self-mockery of the agents about their work. The intelligence work is actually very boring, far less exciting and exciting than the description in the novel. Sometimes, for a suspect, the intelligence personnel have to do it for several months. The control and follow-up of the police, a slight negligence will be in vain.

"There is nothing to congratulate. You should work harder. It is best to pry the gray fox's mouth open as soon as possible, otherwise Fox will not be able to withstand the pressure from Chris, and sooner or later he will be released." O'Connor did not shy away from openly saying Discussing work, only O'Connor and a few of his subordinates were in the bar at this time, and there were no other guests.

Don't worry about the bartender. Don't forget that this is the headquarters of Brad's office, and the bartender is also a member of Brad's office. Hearing what O'Connor said, the bartender continued to wipe his glass as if he hadn't heard it.

The intelligence work in Los Angeles is really difficult. Just the two parties in southern Africa and the British mainland are unclear, plus the French, Germans, and Italians—the whole is a hodgepodge.

This is also a reality that immigrant countries will inevitably have to face, but the Nyasaland government has long been prepared. In name, the research and development departments of Nyasaland Heavy Industry and Nyasaland Military Industry are both in Los Angeles, but in fact they are not at all. Now The research and development departments of Nyasaland Heavy Industry and Nyasaland Military Industry are both located in Milna City, and Los Angeles City is just an empty shell. The real research and development is carried out in Milna City.

Milna City is a military city located in Rhodesia. It was originally the resident of the Rhodesian Northern Division. Later, as a large number of factories moved in, the scale of Milna City continued to expand.

There are now more than 20 people living in Milna City, and almost all residents have military personnel or military personnel in their homes, so safety is still guaranteed.

In order to ensure the safety of Milna, the Southern African Federal Government and the Rhodesian State Government never took the initiative to arrange for new immigrants to go to Milna when they immigrated. Only the staff of background checks and loyalty tests can settle in Milna.

In order to ensure the livelihood of Milna residents, the federal government, the Rhodesian state government, and the Nyasaland state government have jointly built a first-class public education system and medical system for Milna.

This approach has achieved initial results. In the enrollment of Nyasaland University in the past few years, more and more freshmen from Milna City have been recruited. The loyalty of Milna people to the federal government is second to none in the entire southern Africa.

"If I had known this, it would be better to kill the gray fox when I started to arrest people." Another member of O'Connor's team, Bayer, was brutal, and he really lived up to his name.

This is also a normal behavior in the intelligence community. Some people are very suspicious, but the evidence is insufficient, and the Military Intelligence Department does not have enough time and funds to investigate the target. At this time, it is not uncommon to kill people directly.

Therefore, the 007 in the movie is impossible to appear in the intelligence community. There is no such thing as catching thieves and filth in the intelligence community. People can be arrested if there is evidence, and they can be arrested without evidence. This is the main reason why intelligence agencies are not accepted. The intelligence agencies have too much power in this regard.

"Kill the gray fox, you might as well just create a car accident and kill Chris." O'Connor's nose is not a nose, eyes are not eyes, the gray fox is just a small role, and Chris is the big boss of the British agents in Nyasaland , everyone is very clear about this, but everyone has nothing to do with Chris.

Direct assassination is rarely seen in the intelligence community, because this kind of behavior will be violently retaliated by the other party.

In Nyasaland, everyone knew that Chris was a British intelligence officer, so if Chris had any luck, then Brad's intelligence officers in the UK would be in trouble.

Don't think that the British intelligence agencies don't know that Brad has intelligence personnel in the UK. Even if they don't know, it doesn't matter. The British intelligence agencies have plenty of ways to retaliate against the southern African intelligence agencies.

Therefore, intelligence work is a zero-sum game with each other's cards. Except that the bottom line cannot be broken, everyone has their own skills. If anyone loses, don't turn the table, otherwise the game will not continue.

"Boss, if you think about it, I have a way to make it seamless—" Julian was positive. The intelligence personnel in the UK were wandering around in Los Angeles, but the intelligence personnel in southern Africa were helpless. This was a mockery of Brand's office.

Don't feel embarrassed, MI in London thinks so too.

"Don't talk nonsense, if we can do it, it's our turn?" O'Connor knew the importance, it wasn't really a question of ability, but a question of ability.

After a cup of coffee, O'Connor paid and went straight home.

A happy bachelor, O'Connor lived in a bachelor's apartment on Jennings Road, a street that had not been called that name before. The heroic sacrifice on the Western Front, the residents of the street changed the road to its current name in memory of Jennings.

On the way home, O'Connor felt a little abnormal, as if he was being followed secretly.

Passing by a newsstand, O'Connor stopped to buy a newspaper.

When passing by a fruit shop, O'Connor stopped to buy another watermelon. After only two pauses, O'Connor realized that there was indeed something wrong with the white young man who followed O'Connor along the way.

O'Connor then turned into an alley and waited, leaning against a wall.

Five seconds later, the young man ran over quickly. When O'Connor was leaning against the wall and looking at him, the white youth's face changed drastically, and he turned his head and wanted to run.

How could it be possible to run away at this time, O'Connor didn't even bother to chase, and directly threw the watermelon in his hand, hitting the white youth on the back of the head.

A watermelon weighing five catties was smashed on the back of the head, and the white youth was directly knocked to the ground.

O'Connor rushed over.

The white youth is struggling to get up.

O'Connor kicked over and kicked the white youth down again.

As soon as the white youth reached into his shirt, O'Connor put a gun to the white youth's forehead.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot—now slowly raise your hands above your head—don't resist, let me see your movements—" O'Connor's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what the white youth was doing for To organize a service, to take such a small role to deal with O'Connor, this makes O'Connor feel very insulted.

The Caucasian young man was panting violently, and a sternness flashed in his eyes. Before he could pull his hand out of his shirt, O'Connor hit his temple with the butt of a gun with his backhand.

At this time, someone finally came.

O'Connor took out the Nyasaland State Government ID, and someone immediately helped O'Connor call the police.

The police sent the white youth directly to Brad's office.

When O'Connor went to see Fox, Fox still didn't want to see him: "Did you tell you to go back and rest? Why did you come back?"

"Someone followed me just now—" O'Connor was innocent, working after work hours should be counted as overtime, and O'Connor felt that Fox should give him a bonus.

"Where are people?" Fox looked surprised.

"Interrogating——" O'Connor was expressionless. The word "interrogating" was not used accurately, and it should mean that he was being rescued.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and get out of my sight, you're a troublemaker, and you don't feel safe when you're resting—" The look on Fox's face is disgusting, the bonus must be hairless .

O'Connor was not depressed. Before the police arrived, O'Connor had already searched the white youth.

Thanks to the white youth for having a good habit of carrying a wallet. O'Connor didn't touch the ID or anything in the wallet, so O'Connor accepted the cash unceremoniously.

In fact, not much, more than 20 rand, which is O'Connor's monthly salary.

But the latest model of the Los Angeles Bicycle Works is only twenty rand apiece.

The situation just now was indeed very dangerous. After O'Connor knocked the white youth unconscious, he realized that the white youth had already held the gun in his hand and the bullet was loaded.

Before leaving Brad's office again, O'Connor went to find out about the situation of the white youths.

The white youth has woken up and is being interrogated in the interrogation room on the third basement floor. Julian and Bayer are in charge of the interrogation.

This is reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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