Chapter 1133

Tuesday, January 1918, 1.

When O'Connor walked out the door of the apartment, there was a drizzle in the sky.

Looking at the short-haired beauty smiling goodbye in the taxi, O'Connor suddenly felt that she should buy a car, so that she could directly send the short-haired beauty to her work unit.

But if you buy a car, it's not suitable to live in a single apartment. Shouldn't you also buy a house?

If you buy a house, you must clean it up, so there is still a lack of a hostess——

Thinking of this, O'Connor's idea of ​​buying a car immediately disappeared without a trace.

Although it was the first day of the new year, Brad's headquarters on Victory Avenue was still full of people. For the agents, there were no holidays, and because the activities of the agents were more rampant during the holidays, Brad's staff would be busier.

As soon as O'Connor arrived at headquarters, Julian rushed over.

"Boss, you must not know that the woman you caught was actually Japanese. She was trying to steal information about Nyasaran Airlines and seduce Randall. She climbed onto Randall's bed, but you See through and waste all your previous efforts." Julian was already a little wretched, but now he looks even more unbearable.

"Wouldn't it be better to buy an airplane for the information and go back and dismantle it. Now that I've paid for it, I've found someone else. Why bother—" O'Connor thought of the woman who was knocked unconscious by his punch, and his heart didn't fluctuate at all.

During the World War, the aircraft of southern Africa shined, controlling the skies of the entire Western Front.

The Japanese probably wanted to make a difference in the aviation industry, so southern Africa naturally became the best imitation object.

However, even if the Japanese get the aircraft in southern Africa, it is estimated that it will be difficult to imitate. Among other things, Japan and southern Africa are far behind in terms of resources. It is said that Japan is also researching tanks now, and the resulting tanks are even more powerful. The armored vehicles in southern Africa are not as good as the armored vehicles. The main reason is that the defense is too poor. Japan lacks steel, so it can only cut corners everywhere. The final result is thin skin and heavy stuffing. This kind of tank is fine in the Far East. If it goes to Europe, it will become useless in minutes. iron.

"The Japanese want our latest technology, and they are not afraid to die—" Julian looked contemptuous, and trotted to catch up with O'Connor: "—last night, I finally pried open the Japanese woman's mouth, and the Japanese confessed After seeing her online, we dispatched overnight, but the building was empty, and the boss asked our team to follow up to see if we could find anything of value."

"Everyone is running away and looking for a fart!" O'Connor was in a bad mood. This kind of case is the most difficult to handle, and he might not be able to get any money after working for several months.

"Then what to do, you brought him back." Julian was also helpless. Brad's office had 16 action teams, which seemed to be quite a lot, but in fact they were stretched and severely understaffed.

Just as the two were saying this, they ran into Ferdinand, the leader of the fourth group, head-on.

Ferdinand walked with a file bag in his hand, with a proud expression on his face.

"Yo, O'Connor, I heard that you went to a bar to drink and ended up in a pool, but you really belonged to—" Ferdinand teased. Inside Brad's office, the competition among the groups was fierce. O'Connor led The group with Ferdinand and the group with Ferdinand are the two groups with the best performance.

"Are you envious? You can go if you are envious, but first you have to clean your ass." O'Connor was not polite, Ferdinand's model body star face, and O'Connor's bear man body were two completely different types.

"Asshole, I hope you get the French disease—" Ferdinand said viciously as he passed by.

The French disease refers to syphilis, and Ferdinand is British.

"Stupid british guy, white rabbit little sissy—" O'Connor's voice was also low, and it would be terrible if this word got out.

O'Connor didn't go into the office, but went upstairs to find Fox.

There are guests in Fox's office, and Chris is still working hard to take Gray Fox away.

"—Fox, when will you release William?" Chris stopped going around in circles, and went directly to Fox's important person.

As peers, Chris and Fox understood each other, and it was pointless and a waste of time to continue going in circles, because William and Wolfe, Rooke and the British Secretary of War, John Jericho, had telegraphed each other, and Roque was willing to release William, John Jericho is also willing to release Wolfe, and Rock and John Jericho also agreed that they will stop their mutual testing behavior in the future, and "technical exchanges" can be carried out through normal channels.

This is the normal attitude to solve problems. One is the suzerain country and the other is the overseas dominion. If you have anything to say, you can sit down and talk about it. You still have to give face. Ade and Winston must know these things, but Ade and Wen Stone did not engage in any communication.

Ad and Winston are the last guarantee.

Rock and John Jericho only reached a consensus, and to implement it, Chris and Fox need to talk slowly.

"Whenever you release Wolfe, I will release Gray Fox." Fox didn't go around in circles, and directly broke William's code name.

Chris frowned. The problem now is that Wolfe did not speak up in London. The London Military Intelligence Bureau does not know how much Wolfe knows about Parsons steam turbine technology. In case Wolfe masters Parsons If the comprehensive technology of steam turbines is not available, then the future "technical exchanges" between London and Nyasaland will be completely passive.

At present, Britain does not have many advantages over southern Africa from a technical perspective, and steam turbines are one of the few advantages.

Compared with the previous reciprocating steam engine, the power of the Parsons steam turbine is greatly improved. The power of the reciprocating steam power unit of the "Sir Nelson" class is only 16750 horsepower, and the maximum speed is only 18 knots. The Sens steam turbine power reaches 24700 horsepower, and the maximum speed can reach 22 knots.

Especially in terms of high-speed endurance, the Parsons steam turbine can ensure that the "Dreadnought" class can continue to travel at a speed of more than 20 knots for 13 hours and maintain good reliability, which is especially important in combat conditions.

After the end of the World War, southern Africa tried to make greater progress in naval ships. Before the World War, Edward Shipyard could only build light cruisers, and now it has begun to try heavy cruisers.

At this time, ship power becomes more and more important. In terms of ship power, Britain has obvious advantages. During the World War, Edward Dockyard cooperated with Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Set up obstacles, now that the world war is over, the contradictions are becoming more and more prominent, and the technology still needs to be in your own hands to be at ease.

The Royal Small Arms Company also thinks the same way, so the gray fox covets the technology related to medium tanks.

"We will send Wolfe to Egypt, and you will also send William to Egypt. Let's make a substitution in Egypt." Chris struggled, and the substitution was only one aspect. In the agreement reached by Rock and John Jericho, The London Military Intelligence Bureau will stop its activities in southern Africa, which means that the London Military Intelligence Bureau will surrender its base on Likoma Island and completely withdraw from Nyasaland.

To be honest, after staying in Nyasaland for so many years, Chris really didn't want to leave Nyasaland.

Compared with London, Nyasaland has obvious advantages in all aspects, especially the air. Nyasaland has never been filled with fog all day long in winter——

No, there is no winter in Nyasaland at all. The coldest time of the year is still over 20 degrees during the day. This temperature cannot be described as "cold" at all.

Not only is it not cold, but the summer in Nyasaland is also not hot, and the hottest time rarely exceeds 30 degrees.

Over the years, the development of Nyasaland has been getting better and better. When Chris first came to Nyasaland, Nyasaland was still full of virgin forests. Now Nyasaland has beautiful mountains and clear waters, criss-crossed rice fields, and convenient transportation. With a developed economy, Chris's family now also lives in Los Angeles, and his children go to the affiliated elementary school in Los Angeles, which is the same school as the Little Marquis.

Thinking of the high tuition fees of British private schools, Chris felt a toothache.

Although there are public schools in the UK, the public schools in the UK are different from the public schools in southern Africa, not only the level of education, the hardware and software facilities of the school, the importance of governments at all levels, and the overall quality of students, etc. The gap is all-round.

"Okay, then you can let Wolfe aboard now." Fox also knew that Rock's decision could not be changed, and it was worthwhile to exchange the technology of medium tanks for the technology of Parsons steam turbines.

"So when will you let William aboard?" Chris insisted on the principle of reciprocity.

"We don't need to put William on board, I will fly William to Egypt, [-] kilometers, in one day!" Fox laughed, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by technology is really good.

Chris really wanted to punch Fox's arrogant fat face, but finally held back the breath, but he didn't even say hello when he left.

When O'Connor walked into Fox's office, he saw Fox lying half-lying on a chair and whistling leisurely, with his feet on the table arrogantly.

If this kind of behavior were placed on O'Connor, Ferdinand and the others, they would definitely be scolded by Fox.

No one dared to speak on Fox, and O'Connor cleared his throat before speaking, reminding Fox to pay attention to his image.

"You put the Japanese case first, and send the gray fox to Egypt to exchange Wolfe back. Remember, Wolff's safety must be guaranteed no matter what, and there must be no problems." Fox could tell the difference. Prioritize.

"Then what about that Japanese woman?" O'Connor couldn't help it. This kind of thing is also normal, and the work should be done slowly.

"Give that Japanese woman to Ferdinand." As soon as Fox finished speaking, O'Connor smiled.

Don't be proud of Ferdinand, I will give you a big gift right away.

(End of this chapter)

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