Chapter 114 New Beginning

The meal was satisfying, and Li De's family was not good at cooking, so they invited Marvin who had moved to Oak Town to be the chef. Several home-cooked dishes were cooked with full flavor, and Gao De sent game over, which was very popular after the barbecue. Welcome, Alsdee wine is a specialty of Oak Bar. Li De asked Rock to bring a barrel of the oldest wine from the underground wine cellar of the winery. Although the alcohol content is not as violent as the common liquor in the Qing Dynasty, it is worse than the softness of the mouth. , with a long aftertaste and a unique taste when drinking.

On the willows of the moon, Feng Fu was half drunk, and he and Martin said goodbye at the door of the house. When they walked into the living room, they found that the coffee table in the living room was full of gifts of all kinds, wine was the most, and there were all kinds of preserved fruits and pastries. , bacon and seafood, the Four Treasures of the Study, and even a piece of brocade.

"These were sent by the police officers—" Kate seemed to have made a huge mistake, she lowered her head and dared not look at Feng Fu.

Kate was selected by Jeffrey from the refugee camp. She has a natural fear of the police officers. When the police officers wanted to keep things, Kate did not dare to stop her. Clear.

The only thing Feng Fu can do is to educate the children of those police officers well.

Lying on the bed, Feng Fu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Thinking about what happened that day, Feng Fu was filled with emotion. When the policemen under the window sill passed by for the third time, Feng Fu finally made up his mind to send a telegram to Qing Dynasty tomorrow to urge his wife and children. Come here as soon as possible, there are so many Chinese in Oak Town, even if you immigrate to Cape Town, it doesn't matter. Although it is a bit far away from home, compared with the turbulent hometown, Oak Town can really be regarded as a paradise.

I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times.

In fact, there are quite a few people who have this idea. Almost every week, family members of Chinese police officers disembark from Cape Town, regardless of whether those Chinese police officers work in Cape Town or in Oak Town. Will send their families to Oaktown.

Rock takes everything, and prepares a house for all Chinese policemen who plan to make their homes in Oak Town, as well as a vineyard with an area of ​​at least 20 acres. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, you can owe it first, but opportunities wait for no one, Oak The area of ​​vineyards around the town is limited, it is late, there must be houses, but the vineyards may not be enough.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the area is not enough. Oak Town is only [-] kilometers away from the coast, and it can barely be regarded as a port city. It is only because it is too close to Cape Town, so Oak Town has not built a port. In case there are too many people in the future, Oak Town cannot be settled. , You can also send it to the seaside, where there is a lot of wasteland, as long as you work hard, you can start a family business in a few years.


Back in Oak Town, Rock began to prepare for Pretoria.

Pretoria is located in the northern part of Cape Town, about 1300 kilometers away from Cape Town. Rock is going to Pretoria, but the situation that has finally been opened in Cape Town cannot be lost. Rock has already asked Henry. It may be possible to get Anton a position as a trainee inspector. Of course, it would be better if he can directly win the inspector, so that even if Rock goes to Pretoria, Anton can still maintain the current situation.

At the very least, Oak Town cannot be lost.

Of course, if possible, Rock hopes that the pier can always be controlled by the commandos. After all, the pier is rich in oil and water. Now, through Luo Yi, Rock can get at least 500 pounds of extra income every month. With constant "filial piety", Rock is also unable to provide benefits to Chinese policemen.

This can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people——

This is too big a word, it should be said that the wool comes from the sheep.

Knowing that Rock was going to Pretoria, Li De looked for Rock overnight and wanted to go with him.

Rock actually didn't want to take Li De to Pretoria. After all, Li De's family had just been reunited, and they hadn't had a good few days. If they went to Pretoria, they would definitely not be able to return in a short time. Ke couldn't bear to watch Li De and his family live apart.

But Li De didn't care. According to Li De, it was because of Roque that Li De's family was able to reunite in Cape Town. Seeing that his family was happy and healthy in Oak Town, Li De had decided to sell his whole life to Roque. Well, what is the separation between the two places? If Roque needs to take Li De's life away, Li De will not blink.

Like Li De, there are two brothers Gao De and Gordon, as well as Martin and Tang En who have brought their families to Oak Town. Their hearts are full of flesh and blood. Rock spared no effort for the brothers, and the brothers did the same for Rock. He would go through fire and water, and if it wasn't for Roque's insistence and the entrustment of his brothers, Anton would rather not be promoted, and would go to Pretoria with Roque.

For Rock, the biggest problem is Ada.

Ada has now lived in Oak Town, and her relationship with Roque is well known. Although Ada is a widow, being with Roque like this is regardless of her status.

Therefore, as long as Ida is willing, Roque is also willing to take Ada to Pretoria, and even at the right time, Roque is willing to give Ada a title, and does not mind the fact that Ada was married.

Roque knew what Ida had done to be with him. Although Roque has now served as an inspector, the discrimination against Chinese is still deeply rooted in the hearts of white people. Ada now lives in Oak Town and avoids those in Cape Town. Gossip, this is not easy for a woman of aristocratic origin, and to say the least, maintaining this kind of relationship with a Chinese will shame Ada's entire family.

But to Roque's surprise, Ada was unwilling to go to Pretoria with Roque. Rock gave up everything, and Ada was an independent woman with her own rules of doing things, and would not give up her bottom line because of Rock.

Roque could understand that a woman whose husband died didn't return to England or France, but stayed in Cape Town and chose her own life. It was because of Ada's strength and independence that attracted Roque. appreciate.

If you don't go, don't go, Roque has a feeling that Roque will not stay in Pretoria for too long, two or three years, or four or five years, when the "Peace Agreement" is finally signed, Roque will still return When it comes to Cape Town, after all, Cape Town is the center of Cape Town. Whether it is politics, economy, or culture, Cape Town is the undisputed center of Cape Town.

On August [-]st, the transfer order finally arrived in Oak Town. Rock was transferred to the Pretoria Police Station as a senior inspector, and Henry was the police chief.

Not bad, although Rock is not yet the deputy director, but he is the only senior inspector in Pretoria.

(End of this chapter)

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