Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1141 The First Family

Chapter 1141 The First Family

In fact, when An Qi bravely stood in front of the gun, several hotel security guards with weapons surrounded her.

Most of the guests at the Rhodesia Hotel are either rich or expensive, and they have seen a lot of big scenes. When the fight first broke out, few people panicked and ran away. Most of them took the initiative to stand far away and make room for the two Helping people fight in a stance, and a few people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal even helped move things to clear the place.

Even after the gunshots rang out, the order in the bar was not too chaotic, and the crowd eating melons was a little farther away, and it was a little bit reluctant to squat down because they squatted too low to see the situation in the field.

So the two groups of people who are confronting each other are particularly prominent.

As a commander with a deep background, An Qi, no one dared to expose An Qi to danger. Just when the guy with the gun turned his gun and pointed it at An Qi, several officers rushed to stop An Qi at the same time. Go up to the top, scrambling to be the first, as if scrambling for meat buns, not caring that the gun is still smoking, and the person holding the gun is still emotionally unstable.

From the perspective of a bystander, this is really a very united group. For the sake of their comrades-in-arms, the officers dared to stand up and their subordinates did not hesitate to die. Many people who did not understand the southern African army immediately understood why the southern African army could Beat the Germans to pieces.

Before the officers had time to speak, there were sporadic applause from around.

It's certainly not sarcasm.

"Put down your guns and don't fight back!"

"Put the gun down, or we'll shoot you on the spot—"

The few security guards who surrounded them were all carrying guns, and they were shotguns that were very powerful at close range. In such an indoor environment with a distance of less than ten meters, the bullets fired were shot out like a sieve and hit the body It will directly become honeycomb coal.

There is no need to rescue him, and he cannot be saved.

"Don't force me—get out—don't come near me—" The guy holding the gun was visibly flustered, the hand holding the gun was shaking violently, the muzzle of the gun was dangling on several security guards, and he was about to collapse at any moment possible.

In the fight just now, the guy with the gun suffered a lot, and he pulled out his gun because he was beaten urgently.

Now, as time passed, blood finally flowed down his forehead, as if it had affected his eyes.

The guy with the gun yelled and wiped his eyes with his hand.

Then, an officer under An Qi directly grabbed the hand holding the gun, the kind of two hands tightly wrapped around one hand.

The guy with the gun panicked and struggled hard to find that the opponent's hands were as stable as iron clamps, and he couldn't break free at all.

Then the guy with the gun pulled the trigger subconsciously. The trigger was indeed pulled, but when the revolver was fired, the hammer had to go backwards and then forwards, but the officer under An Qi A thumb firmly pressed the hammer, and the guy with the gun dunked hard twice but failed to pull it. If he tried to push harder, he was punched hard on the back of the head.

These guys are indeed ruthless. The local garrison officers who just got up from the ground are unbelievable. How can we say that everyone is also a robe, so it is necessary to be so ruthless?

The guy holding the gun was knocked unconscious with a punch, and the officer who grabbed the gun carefully took the gun away, then closed the safety, ejected all the bullets, and then handed the gun over to the bar security guard who was on the verge of an enemy.

"Keep it well, when this gentleman wakes up, he might ask you for—" The officer said in a frivolous tone when he handed over the gun, but no one dared to laugh at him at this time.

An Qi came forward to finish it off. During the fight just now, she didn't break much. On the contrary, An Qi's consumption was relatively high. Five or six people actually spent 15 rand. The Rhodesia Hotel's high consumption really lived up to its reputation.

Early the next morning, Colonel McMahon, the high commissioner of the British government stationed in Cairo, sent a telegram to Rock, accusing officers of the Second Division of the Southern African Cavalry for injuring several officers of the local garrison in Cairo, one of whom was seriously injured. , is not out of the crisis period yet.

After Roque learned about the situation, he realized that Angie, who was always sunny and cheerful, had learned to fight with others, but the good news was that she did not lose, which made Roque and Anton very relieved.

Anton, who has served as the governor of Nyasaland since its establishment, is 46 years old and in his prime.

Having been in a high position all the year round, the current Anton appears in front of the public, and he is also a poker face that has never changed before the collapse of Mount Tai.

Here in Rock, Anton is quite casual. Knowing that An Qi was fighting with someone in Cairo, Anton still couldn't help complaining.

"An Qi's marriage was actually decided a long time ago, but An Qi is not very satisfied with my arrangement. I still remember that when An Qi just graduated, she wanted to participate in the Russian-Turkish War. At that time, there were factors to avoid marriage. In the past two years In fact, I am also thinking about whether it is because of too high demands on An Qi, which caused us to have a bad relationship." An Dong's eyes were sad, and other people in their 40s had grandchildren, but An Qi was still there. Serving in British Somalia, holding grandchildren is nowhere in sight.

British military officers can bring their family members with them when they are serving abroad, so Anton hopes that An Qi will find time to come back and get married, and then take his wife to serve in British Somalia, so that work and life can be balanced, and Anton can settle his worries .

"It's good for young people to have ideas. We old guys can't give them too many restrictions. Their current conditions are much better than ours. Of course, the environment is more dangerous. Our previous enemies were the Boers, but now they are Germans. If there is no agreement, just call them. The situation they will face in the future will be more complicated. What we can do is to give them as much space as possible, and see if they can create a miracle that belongs to southern Africa like us.” When Rock was in Europe, he promised that if Anton put too much pressure on Angie in this regard, Rock would speak for Angie.

In this regard, Roque actually prefers to let nature take its course. The marriageable age in southern Africa used to be 20 years old, but now it has been quietly revised to 18 years old. Angie is already 28 years old this year. Even according to the standards of southern Africa, it is definitely a late marriage. Although Rock does not put pressure on Angie, he also hopes that the generation of Angie and Barton can stabilize as soon as possible.

By the way, in another month, Patton will hold a wedding with his wife. Patton's fiancée is Douglas' daughter Hannah. After waiting for Barton for five full years, Barton had to give him an explanation both emotionally and rationally.

"No matter how great a miracle is, someone must inherit it. We can't all dedicate our lives to endless work like the prime minister." Anton was actually not in a hurry. Although An Qi was not married yet, Angie's The younger brother and younger sister are already married, and it will be a matter of time before they have grandchildren.

An Qi's younger brother married the daughter of Nyasaland State Assembly Speaker Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu was Tie Hook, the veteran hero of the umbrella. When the umbrella was established, Xia Jiu was the first general manager of the umbrella.

Later, the umbrella became larger and larger, and Xia Jiu gradually broke away from the umbrella and came to Nyasaland to serve as the speaker of the state assembly.

This speaker was not appointed by Roque, but was produced through normal election procedures, and no one could fault it.

Angie's younger sister is married to the son of Sam, the head of the Nyasaland Company. Sam holds a very important position under Roque, and the marriage with Anton is also a strong alliance.

This is also unavoidable. As the strength of southern Africa becomes stronger and stronger, the marriage between the upper class is inevitable. This is how the network of relationships is slowly formed. After a few generations, the powerful class in southern Africa will form an unbreakable If anyone wants to survive in southern Africa, he must follow the rules jointly formulated by this community.

Of course, this community is still centered on Roque, or the Matilda family. Roque's children are slowly growing up. The oldest Arthur is 15 years old this year, and the young Marquis Gavin They are also 13 years old. Thanks to the strict discipline of Ada and Phyllis, Arthur and Gavin's academic performance is very good. Ada found Arthur a set of exams for the Nyasaland University entrance examination last year through special channels. Exam papers, found Arthur grades, fully eligible to enter Nyasaland University for study.

Arthur went to school with Gavin to take care of Gavin, but Ada never let up on Arthur’s education, Arthur has had more than five tutors since he was a child, although now Arthur has entered Nyasaland University's strength in studying, but Arthur still has to wait for Gavin to grow up before entering Nyasaland University to study together.

The relationship between the two brothers is also very good. Although Ada and Phyllis try not to meet each other as much as possible, they do not restrict the children’s contact. Phyllis will even take the initiative to take the Arthur brothers and sisters to reunite with Roque. This aspect is indeed very good. No one could find fault with Mrs. Nyasaland's demeanor.

It is conceivable that when Arthur and Gavin grow up, people who want to marry Rock can line up from Cape Town to London. At present, it seems that Stoudemire has a better chance. Stoudemire has five daughters, and he made it public a long time ago It is claimed that Arthur and Gavin can choose.

However, this "arbitrary choice" was unanimously opposed by Rock, Phyllis, and Ada. Rock did not object to marrying Stoudemire, but it must be on the premise that the children were in love with each other. Stoudemire was sometimes too utilitarian. Strong, in order to maintain the family status by all means, in this regard, Stoudemire is really similar to his father Cecil Rhodes old.

Now Rock is not in a hurry. If there is no accident, Gavin will definitely inherit Rock's title in the future and become the second generation Marquess of Nyasaland. Alvin has been canonized as Baron of the North Sea by George V, and Arthur has been canonized as Baron of Cyprus, these titles are all inheritable, so it won't take many years for the "Locke" family to become the first family in southern Africa.

ps: I don’t dare to pick things up, so let’s take a moment to see what the title of the last chapter is——

(End of this chapter)

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