Chapter 1165

What happened in the British Parliament was soon passed on to southern Africa, so Ade summoned Rock, Henry and Stoudemire to ask whether the report of the "London Evening News" was true.

"Yes—" This was Rock's answer.

"No!" This is Stoudemire's answer.

"—" Henry didn't answer.

Seeing the completely different attitudes of the three people, Ade's expression was wonderful, three points of relief, three points of anger, three points of disappointment, and the last point of helplessness.

Rock, Stoudemire, and Henry looked embarrassed. Rock covered his face subconsciously, Stoudemire raised his head to look at the ceiling, and Henry scratched his head.

"Is it true?" Ade asked.

This time, Stoudemire and Henry didn't speak, waiting for Rock to answer.

"Yes——" Rock is always honest when facing Ade. It is not terrible to make mistakes. What is terrible is that he does not admit that he has made a mistake. Ke tried to cover it up.

Stoudemire and Henry still don't know Ade well enough on this point.

"Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd. is similar to the Madagascar company. They are not located in southern Africa. The actions of these two companies have not violated the relevant regulations of the governments of the Republic of Congo and Madagascar." Rock vaccinated Ade, In the future, similar scandals may also break out in the Madagascar company, so that Ade has a psychological preparation.

"What's going on with the Madagascar company?" Ade really doesn't know the situation of these multinational companies, but Ade should know how much tax these multinational companies pay to the federal government every year, so whether Ade likes these multinational companies or not, now When something happened to these multinational companies, the federal government had to find a way to help solve it.

Comprehend the taxes paid by these cross-companies as protection fees, and you can understand Adelaide's current mood.

"The Madagascar company, like the Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd., is registered in Madagascar. The parent company is Nyasaland Company, South Africa Company, and Fawalt Company. The main business is to develop mineral resources in Madagascar and hire The workers here are all locals from Madagascar, and maybe some Indians." Rock doesn't need to introduce too much detail, he only needs to introduce the company's background, and Ade can understand what's going on.

"Okay, it seems that I have found the right person, so gentlemen, tell me, how should I deal with this matter?" Ade threw the newspaper in his hand on the table, and looked at the faces of Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire Looking back, Rock looked calm, Henry was writing hard, he didn't know what he was writing, Xiao Si was wandering, maybe he was thinking about what to eat at noon.

Rock didn't speak, and kicked Stoudemire lightly under his feet.

Stoudemire finally came to his senses.

Henry pushed the note he had just written towards Stoudemire.

Stoudemire took a glance and suddenly realized.

Ade did not speak, turning a blind eye to the small movements of several people.

"Don't worry about those shit members of Congress, they are useless, I bet they won't be able to discuss the results within ten years." Stoudemire is simple and rude, saying that the efficiency of the British Parliament is indeed similar to what Stoudemire said .

"That's it?" Stoudemire's answer obviously didn't satisfy Adelaide.

"Yes, that's it!" Xiao Sili said confidently.

Ade is absolutely stunned, and he doesn't know how Stoudemire's IQ has grown the South African company. It's a miracle that it didn't close.

"This matter is quite special. I also have some influence in the British media, but this is not a matter of influence. I have read this report and verified it with the editorial department of the "Daily Mail". It is strange. Yes, the "Daily Mail" did not issue press credentials to these people, so these people may be fake reporters—" Rock had to stand up, fake news is the most annoying thing, and everyone who talks nonsense should go to hell.

"Now is not the time to pursue this issue. The problem now is that some people in Congress are using this news to try to strengthen their control over southern Africa. What we have to face now is this issue." Regardless of Rock's business layout, Ade In fact, the "London Evening News" didn't have much influence, and the sales volume of each issue was only about two to three thousand copies. However, since the news was published, the "London Evening News" sales volume increased tenfold in a short period of time.

This is very troublesome. If other newspapers also want to learn from the "London Evening News" and target southern Africa, then southern Africa is really hard to guard against.

"Their attempts are unlikely to succeed. The formation of the Commonwealth is the general trend. I know some people are unwilling to accept this reality, but their feelings are irrelevant. If necessary, the "Orange Journal" can also publish a report advocating the southern Africa is completely independent. At that time, our Congress can also discuss this possibility, and we can also invite Indians to discuss it together.” Roque retaliated against him in his own way. When it comes to public opinion offensive, Roque treats everyone Don't be afraid.

As for the stalk of Indians, Rock purely threw it out to disgust London.

It is very interesting that the overseas colonies and dominions that are more noisy now, southern Africa, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand only demand higher autonomy, and do not demand a complete separation from the British Empire. On the contrary, some people in India are more emotional It is fierce, not only demanding complete independence from the British Empire, but also demanding that the British Empire compensate India for the losses caused to India by colonizing India over the years.

Obviously, this request angered the rulers of the British Empire. After the end of the World War, Britain once considered giving India appropriate freedom. Now this point has been completely abandoned by the British. Most of the final result of India is to serve the British Empire honestly.

Rock's status in Ade's heart is indeed high, Ade actually considered the possibility of Rock's proposal seriously, and then slowly shook his head: "No, we can't do this, we can't intensify the conflict now, a unified hero A federation is better for all of us."

"This is not an intensification of conflict. If you want me to say, let's just kill the person who made this suggestion. This will definitely fix it once and for all." Stoudemire is lawless. He is really not joking. If there is a problem, then solve the person who raised the problem.

Ade didn't pay attention to Stoudemire at all, probably he had already labeled Stoudemire in his heart as not enough for success.

"It's not good to kill directly. It's better to check this congressman to see if there is any stain, and drive him out of Congress—" Henry also tends to solve the person who raised the problem. Compared with Stoudemire, the method is finally improved Some.

Ade also ignored Henry. If it wasn't for Philip and Rock, Henry wouldn't be the Minister of Justice at all. As far as Henry's ability is concerned, being the Chief of Police in Pretoria is considered flattering.

At this time Sidney Milner knocked on the door and came in, walked up to Ade and whispered in his ear.

"Ask him to come in—" Ade didn't shy away.

Then Kitchener was brought in by Sidney Milner.

Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire all stood up to greet them.

Sidney Milner brought Kitchener a chair and put it next to Ad.

Kitchener also came for the report of the "London Evening News", and now the report is continuing to ferment. Not only are some people in Congress taking advantage of the issue, but the Belgians also half-disguisedly took over the Katanga United Mining Company to talk about it.

The Belgians are very contradictory. During the World War, Albert I kept his throne because of the fighting of the British Expeditionary Force. Now that the threat of war has disappeared, the Belgians think of the lost Congo Free State——

Rock can feel the Belgian's entanglement thousands of miles away.

"Now that's the problem, there are people in Congress who don't want to see the Dominions have more autonomy, and the Dominions don't want everything to be controlled by London, and I have a question, if Southern Africa is what it was ten years ago, every year Tens of millions of pounds of local subsidies are needed to ensure the rule of southern Africa, so is London willing to pay this money now?" Rock pointed at the key point, and what he said was completely different from what he said just now when Kitchener was away.

This is really not a threat. Although the federal government of Southern Africa is in a good financial situation, if the United Kingdom is willing to continue to spend money to subsidize Southern Africa, then Southern Africa will burst into a huge fiscal deficit in minutes.

Among other things, after the end of the World War, in order to save money, the Ministry of National Defense cut more than 80.00% of the army, and many of them were excellent officers or technicians. If it was possible, Rock really didn't want to see these People leave the army.

Before the World War, London subsidized Southern Africa with a special military expenditure of 500 pounds per year. For this military expenditure, the Ministry of Defense once fought wits with the federal government. Now 500 million is definitely not enough, and 5000 million is almost the same.

The problem is that the UK does not even want to give 5000, let alone 50 million.

"Locke, you are so embarrassed. Southern Africa is now the biggest creditor of the British Empire. The British Empire has to spend [-]% of its annual income to repay the debt. I don't know how many years it will take to repay. How dare you let the British Empire pay for subsidies? "As soon as Kitchina came up, he was slapped by Rock, and he felt a little confused.

"This has nothing to do with debts, and our money in southern Africa didn't come from the wind!" Rock argues, talking about things, but not paying.

"We have already allowed London to owe debts to a large extent, what else can we do?" Stoudemire is also unforgiving. The British government now owes more than 2000 million pounds to South African companies.

Henry didn't speak, and watched Rock and Stoudemire charge forward. British companies owed Fawalt a lot of money, but the British government didn't owe Fawalt any money.

"Damn capitalists, vampires!" Kitchener had nothing to say. The British government couldn't do such a thing as defaulting on debts. After all, the British Empire still has face.

However, after such a disturbance, Kitchina's original intention of coming to Ade was completely misled. I am afraid that Kitchina himself has already forgotten why he came to Ade.

(End of this chapter)

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