Chapter 1172

The biggest difference between MI[-] and MI[-] is that one is responsible for foreign intelligence and the other is responsible for domestic intelligence.

MI[-], which is in charge of domestic intelligence, has suffered successive defeats in the hands of Brad's office. Now it is afraid to act presumptuously on the territory of southern Africa, so it was replaced by MI[-].

However, this situation is unreasonable. The Aldan Islands are Rock's private property, and strictly speaking, they are also the territory of the British Empire. It should be more appropriate for MI[-] to be responsible instead of MI[-] to intervene.

However, this is not what Zhu Jun is worried about. After knowing the real identities of the two agents, a difficult question is placed before Zhu Jun.

What to do with these two agents?

Killing them directly is definitely not enough. The mercenaries took away the two agents who were inquiring for news on the pier. There were many people at the scene at the time. Maybe MI[-] will come directly to ask for them tomorrow.

It would not work to release them directly. The two agents were just looking for information and did not engage in destructive behavior. They were directly arrested by mercenaries. Without a suitable excuse, MI[-] probably would not let it go.

"Are you all right?" Zhu Jun didn't know the current situation of the two agents.

"It's okay. It's okay. Both guys are newbies. They just joined MI[-] not long ago. They haven't even received the most basic anti-interrogation training. I just cheated a few words and put them all away." Old Chen Duo It's a pity that I finally ran into two MI[-] agents. I thought it was amazing, but it turned out to be nothing.

"That's good, find a way to get them away, and don't let them die here." Zhu Jun decided to hand over this task to Lao Chen, and leave professional issues to experts.

"How?" Old Chen was surprised. He was confident about other things, but in fact, he didn't know what to do.

"You brought the person back, you have to find a way to solve it yourself." Zhu Jun pushed the blame completely.

While Zhu Jun and Lao Chen were staring at each other, Scott and Jackson were also staring at each other in the interrogation room.

Both Scott and Jackson had just joined MI[-]. They thought they could walk sideways in the British Overseas Dominions under the banner of MI[-]. They didn't expect to be arrested by mercenaries just after arriving in the Aldan Islands.

Lao Chen interrogated Scott and Jackson separately. Now that the interrogation has ended, Scott and Jackson have been sent to a conference room on the first floor of the office building to be imprisoned.

It is not appropriate to describe it as a prison. After the interrogation, the handcuffs on Scott and Jackson's hands have been removed, and there are no mercenaries in the room to monitor. A female staff member also brought some snacks and snacks to Scott and Jackson. Coffee, which gave Scott and Jackson great confidence.

"It looks like they don't want to kill us—" Scott looked like a mole eating snacks, and his ghostly two front teeth were extremely eye-catching.

"Eat first, let's talk about it, and I will be a dead ghost if I die—" Jackson rolled his eyes choked by the snacks. If Scott hadn't handed over the coffee in time, he might really be on his way.

"There is only one guard at the gate." Scott observed very carefully, and he was still a guard without a gun. If Scott and Jackson were caught by surprise, they might be able to subdue the guard.

"Don't even think about it, look at what it is." Jackson pouted out the window. There was a long row of more than a dozen armored vehicles parked in the parking lot next to him. It was impossible to escape by force.

Don’t forget that Zhenghe Island is an isolated island. Although there are many islands in the Adan Islands, many islands cannot survive without fresh water. The Adan Islands are 3500 kilometers away from the nearest mainland, so even if they escaped from the military camp, Scott and Jackson Nor can escape the Ardan Islands.

Looking at the one-meter-long Browning heavy machine gun on the roof of the armored vehicle, Scott shrank his neck and gasped. With these dozen or so armored vehicles, even if the enemy came to a regiment, he would not be afraid.

"Our chief actually sold such an island to Adan Company with ease. I really don't know if their minds are all muddled." Scott is also heartbroken. Only when he comes to the Indian Ocean in person can he deeply feel The value of the Adan Islands, even a person like Scott who doesn't have much strategic vision, can see the importance of the Adan Islands.

"You think, Lord Nyasaland is not in vain." Jackson chatted and ate, and had to say that the coconut pancakes on Zhenghe Island tasted really good, and Jackson couldn't stop eating one after another.

"Based on Lord Nyasaland's contribution in the world war, I think Lord Nyasaland should be the prime minister. He must be better than our current prime minister." Scott prefers cocoa powder cake, which This kind of cake uses eggs, sugar, and milk. It not only has a strong cocoa powder fragrance, but also is very good for the body. It is suitable for people with high blood pressure, high blood fat, and people who want to lose weight.

Scott's body is a bit fat, so he needs something nutritious to replenish.

"You must be crazy, let a Chinese be the prime minister of our British Empire, isn't there anyone suitable to be a prime minister in our British Empire?" Jackson acknowledged Rock's contribution in the World War, but at the same time he still had strong national pride.

Jackson's mentality is actually the mentality of ordinary Britons towards Roque, with strong regret mixed with respect.

"What happened to the Chinese? Look at Zheng He Island. This is a world created by the Chinese. We have been to many islands. Can there be one that can be compared with Zheng He Island?" Scott is a standard Stockholm syndrome, Even if Rock is Chinese, it does not hinder Scott's admiration for Chinese.

"This is Diego Garcia, not some damned Zheng He Island!" Jackson threw the last piece of coconut cake back on the plate, and instantly felt that it was not fragrant at all.

However, Scott prefers to understand that Jackson is full. The whole plate of coconut cakes is eaten by Jackson, and only one is left. You must know that Scott just took a symbolic piece at the beginning to taste it. .

Take a closer look, oh, it turns out that the coconut cake that Jackson threw back on the plate was the one that Scott had bitten.

Hey, it's really unhygienic, and the coconut cakes that have been bitten are actually put back.

"Jack—" Scott pouted towards the window.

"What?" Jackson hadn't recovered yet.

Scott threw a disgusted look to let Jackson experience it himself.

Only then did Jackson realize that the window was open, and there was no anti-theft window outside the window.

Just kidding, who dares to steal things in the barracks, is it impatient to live?

Immediately, Jackson was ready to move. He tiptoed to the window, stuck his head out and looked around, and then grabbed the window and tried to climb onto the window sill.

Scott was speechless, and casually moved a stool to Jackson's legs.

"Thank you very much!" Jackson thanked solemnly, and then stepped on the stool and tried to climb up.

But Jackson's body was too fat, and the stool obviously couldn't support the weight of Jackson's body, and he was crushed directly.

Jackson lay on the ground with his mouth open and wailed silently, and Scott's forehead was instantly glistening with drops of sweat.

Fortunately, God bless, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are really careless. Although Jackson made such a big commotion, no mercenaries came out to take a look, and the guards outside the door did not move at all, as if they were just asleep. .

Scott thought for a while, and simply opened the door directly under Jackson's horrified eyes.

Sure enough, there was no one outside the door, and there was no sound in the corridor, as if everyone had disappeared.

Scott shook his head and smiled wryly. He came to the window and helped Jackson up and walked out. When passing by the next room, Scott had already passed by the door, and then turned back.

On the desk in the room were the wallets and pistols of Scott and Jackson.

Scott opened the wallet, and there was money in the wallet, one hundred rand.

"I feel this is a trap—" Jackson Holmes possessed.

"There is no trap, they let us go on purpose." Scott knew it well, but it was a bit hurtful to say it directly.

"Hmph, I knew they didn't dare to do anything to us." Jackson's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have found a reasonable explanation.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are an agent of MI[-], you are awesome." Scott responded casually.

Walking out of the office building, there was no one in the yard. The sentry in the sentry box at the gate was taking a nap on the table. The weather was neither cold nor hot, and the afternoon sun shone warmly on the body, which was really suitable for taking a nap.

But it is obviously not a coincidence that so many coincidences come together.

At this moment, Jackson and Scott didn't bother to think too much, they supported each other and rushed towards the pier, hoping to find a ship leaving Zheng He Island.

Seeing the figures of Jackson and Scott going away, Zhu Jun, Zhang Liao, and Lao Chen who were hiding behind the windows in the office building next to them were finally relieved.

"Do you want me to catch up to—" Zhang Liao was cruel, as long as Jackson and Scott didn't die on Zheng He Island, then even if MI[-] pursued responsibility, Zheng He Island would have nothing to do with it.

"No, I hope our opponents are all this kind of guy. Kill this guy and let MI[-] send some smarter guys over?" Zhu Jun's subordinates never kill unknown people. Since they let go, they should simply Put it crispy.

"I really don't get it, did MI[-] send these two guys here as a joke?" Old Chen also couldn't figure it out, bullying such an opponent was really unfulfilling.

"Hehe—" Zhu Jun sneered.

Scott, who ran all the way to the pier, also sneered. At this moment, Jackson also obviously felt that something was wrong. Just now, Jackson and Scott clearly bumped into two patrolling mercenaries. As a result, the two mercenaries seemed to have seen a ghost. Turn around and leave.

This is too deliberate, who do you look down on!

"How do you know they let us go on purpose?" Jackson didn't give up.

"Open your wallet, is there a hundred rand in it?" Scott's heart was dead.


"When did we use Rand?" Scott had already made up his mind the moment he saw Rand.

Not too stupid after all.

(End of this chapter)

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